@Mojack group
Or perhaps, the chaos never left.
Akorin (Ah-core-in) encompasses the known world. The world of man. It is known that the mainland is surrounded by a great, big ocean, and that no one has explored that far north in comparison the other directions, due to a great constant storm that sits that way. Elsewhere, the mainland surrounds itself with islands of various sizes in differing directions.
The largest of the outer islands is Akashira, just south-east of the mainland. Though most people call it the mainland, most people also happen to be from the mainland as well — not to discredit the amount of people living on Akashira, which is certain to be a great number, though not as much as the mainland. Said mainland’s official name is Nozaru — the mainland.
It is not known how man came to live in the known world, but said to perhaps be the work of a greater power — magic, after all, exists, albeit the ones that humans use are harder for them to train in.
A common story, perhaps greatly exaggerated or completely made up — maybe even inspired from reality — is that humans once lived outside of Akorin, but their nature became so violent that perhaps they angered the gods, or something along those lines who then banished all the humans to Akorin, spreading them across the islands. In some versions of the tale, it is said that the gods also greatly diminished the human ability to use magic, though others think that it is just one of our constant features.
What is known — without magic, despite their resourcefulness, humans may have well have suffered in the known world, to a point where they would not be as successful as they would be today.
In the old days, long, long ago, it was said that numerous foul and powerful beasts roamed the known world. Same species exist today, in lesser numbers although, and are a rarity to encounter, preferring to avoid humans as a whole. Species might include the acid spitting wyvern, or the breathless, flightless, but powerful drake. Lesser dragons exist, said to be smaller versions of their titanic counterparts who are also said to have intelligence to rival a human, though perhaps lesser dragons are simply just “dragons” and a greater dragon does not exist.
Though in the current era, man does no longer face as much trouble from the wildlife and other fauna, man does face trouble from itself. Warring families vie to control the mainland — and by proxy, a bit of Akashira as well.
In regard to that, times of peace in the known world are rare. In some way, you have found yourself involved in this large war of land control, whether you purposely fought or found yourself pulled into it. Whether you fight for money, for food, for safety, or so on.
Though the stars make for good navigation at sea, they do not help if they get covered by clouds, or much worse — a storm, destroying the fleet of boats that you’d been travelling by.
Whether you can swim or not, miraculously, you find yourself alive.
Not so miraculously, you do not know where you are, and though you can see pieces of wood on the beach scattered around, you do not see any people. It may not have been the size of a war fleet, but surely you cannot be the only survivor…
Though it is certainly jarring, you should remember; even the smallest of islands in the known world can be inhabited. And you do not know the size of this island— you pause, for something catches your attention.
There is the familiar smell of smoke, and though you do not see any footprints on the beach, you can likely follow the scent. Perhaps there are people who can help you orient yourself. Language shouldn’t be a problem, given most people speak Tharinee (Th-are-in-knee), the common tongue.
The only problem that might come up is the off chance that this person could be associated with enemies or perhaps even an enemy, but how high of a chance is that happening?
A RP set in a fantasy sort of world. In this rp, the person joining will play as someone who is in some way involved in the mentioned war (which I’ve decided is mostly a war to control the mainland, aka Nozaru. in worldbuilding lore wise, wars have been historically fought over Nozaru centuries before).
Person involved in the war (your character, whoever that might be) is on a small fleet of boats travelling somewhere (you can decide. Were they going to the mainland, to fight? Or elsewhere, perhaps to negotiate with someone or purchase goods, or something a little different. if you can’t tell I’m giving a lot of freedom here in terms of worldbuilding)
However, before it can reach its destination, a storm hits, and the small group is destroyed. Somehow, you survive, but you wake up alone, likely on one of the smaller islands situated around Nozaru and Akashira. After collecting yourself, it does not take long for you to smell smoke from a fire, and from there the journey begins in however you want it to.
Some basic notes to work off of:
- Nozaru: name of the mainland. It has seldom saw a full century of peace throughout the known history.
- Akorin: the known world. All that is encompassed on existing maps.
- The Eternal Storm: North of the known world. What exists beyond it is unknown, but no one has returned from beyond it to tell the tale of what exists beyond it, if anything.
- Akashira: The largest island other than the mainland, to the south-east of it. Sees a lot of trade and commerce.
- The world, attire, architecture, some bits of culture, is inspired off of Asian cultures in general (all parts of Asia included, so go crazy here)
- Time period wise, things like gunpowder exist, so think bombs n whatnot, but nothing like an engine or advanced machinery. Most of what is used to fight wars include blades.
- Magic exists in plants and in nature, as well as humans. Particularly powerful mages can craft golems from raw materials, who will simply follow the orders of their caster, but this type of power is rare. Some focus more on direct, destructive power; willing the earth to fall in under the feet of their opponents and swallow them whole. Not as advanced but still powerful include illusion magics, which require plenty of focus to ensure you’re targeting the right people, and not your allies. e.g. make them see what is not there to distract them, or turn your enemies into their own enemies.
- magic, cont.: Some magics involve the elements at a lesser scale, such as a bit of fire to use as warmth or light, or as a way to burn someone who isn’t expecting it (but you’d need to be standing close to do it). A gust of wind to distract or push someone back, or even just utility wise: cool or dry them off.
- magic, 3: finally, healing magic is one of the most common to learn due to how important it is in the current era. It can be a complex skill as you get into more complicated concepts, such as the removal of poisons and venoms from the body; the attachment of limbs (not many people can do this properly), broken bones, etc. For most users, the healing is not an instant effect, and simply helps speed things along.
- Magic users are not as common as non magic users. Not everyone can use magic, and some people are straight up born lacking it. There is little discrimination against magic users, though some who particularly believe in the stories of humans having their ability to use it diminished say that perhaps it was for a reason, and that humans shouldn’t return to it.
Out of character notes:
- Could be a romance; as always, the way things go, the way they go. Or in simpler words go with the flow. As a note: my character will be a man, not human (half human?), but will possess a human form.
- Feel free to make your character a magic user or not!
- Worldbuild to your own desire here. Feel free to mention family names; that perhaps there’s a specific family your character fights for if any, or perhaps they themselves are apart of one of those “great families”? 🤔
- Ask before joining — if I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue. Please have one at ready! Do not be offended if I deny you; I am most selective with my limited RPs compared to group RPs or character chats (least selective; open for everyone usually).
- Activity is not a must. I am not active myself as I am now a college student (times fly by, huh?) If it appears I have forgotten to respond, I may have thought I did, when in reality I didn’t. It could also be possible that it has been a long time that I feel awkward about replying in case the other person doesn’t have the motivation to continue. Please note this before joining!
- Cussing and violence are expected. Note that as is everything, there is a time and place for it.
- Good grammar and punctuation appreciated, but I know that everyone makes mistakes, as I certainly do.
- Mature RPers preferred as a preference. Any sexual content will be a fade to black sort of deal, though I am willing to push things? If that does happen, it’ll likely go to somewhere private to abide by rule 6.
- All notebook.ai rules apply.
- One paragraph minimum, or at least four sentences. No one liners. At the very least, give me something to work with and I’ll try to do the same for you.
- Any questions? Ask!
Age: (20-26)
Other: (as usual, anything extra goes here. Fun facts, relationships, conditions, etc.)