@RhysTheFirebird group
I have Welcome to Wonderland and Robin Hood by Anson Seabra stuck in my head. So. . . Let’s do this.
Welcome to Wonderland, we've got it all
Potions and pastries that make you grow tall
Forests and cottages, castles and cards that can talk
Character A had a traumatic childhood, and still, at the age of (24-26), has childish tendencies. He has a whole word in his head, imaginary friends. He prefers to see the real world through those lense, never seeing reality and only what he imagines. Trying to see everything through an innocent eye. Though his trauma constantly sneaks up on him.
Dancing through a dream underneath the stars
Laughing 'til the morning comes
Everyone that leaves has a heavy heart
Oh, Wonderland I love
Could have been my happy ever after
Living like we're in a fairy tale
But you and me were more like a disaster
I should have known
Intoxicated by your reputation
I can see the mischief in your eyes
Trusted you despite my reservations
Now I'm alone
Character B has been used his whole life. He has never had a real friend, or partner. His money and beauty were coveted by others. People pretended to be his friend to have access to these things. His parents used him to get more money, putting him through beauty pageants (For guys- so I guess handsome pagents?)
I was so rich
With all this love
You wanted it
And I was so dumb
I let you in
When I should have run
Now all that's left
Is something numb
Now, both characters meet in a therapy group.
I wanna be character B