forum *Insert a Cool Name Here* // Closed with @broken-hearted-bear
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

(Sorry it’s a bit short-)

Leta stalks through the forest in her wolf form, her black fur shimmering in the moonlight. She uses the same path she does every night, away from humans. They don’t like wolves much, and they like werewolves even less…

Leta growls quietly as she hears a noise. A human? Here? She strays from her path, silently moving in the direction of the noise that she heard. As she nears a clearing, she sees the outline of a human, and decides to stay hidden in the bushes. Her yellow eyes reflect the moonlight as she watches the human, giving the illusion that they’re glowing. Her tail stays still, her ears point toward the human, and there’s no chance of them seeing her. She takes a step forward, and… snap. She steps on a twig. Rookie mistake. She pins her ears to the side of her head and crouches down even lower, hoping that the human didn’t hear her. Or worse, see her.

Deleted user

(It's okay. My typing might be a bit drunk so please forgive me. (". _ .)>)

Slow, faltering footsteps crunching the leaves and dirt were heard as Furi limped through the forest. His temples were throbbing with a dull ache he tried his best to ignore and instead focus on going somewhere. Somewhere. Where? Where was he even going? What was he even doing?

He leaned on a nearby tree, and lifted his shirt up slightly to check the dark bruise on his abdomen, near his solar plexus. Furi winced as he pressed it lightly. The fist fight had left him worse off than he thought it had. Even his face was still a bit bloody and bruised as well. He pulled his shirt back down and coughed, however, even that caused him to grit his teeth and let out a whimper-like groan.

Snap. They whip their head back up, still holding onto the tree with one arm, and lightly clutching their stomach with the other. After glancing around, he locks eyes with the creature. He stays still, already noticing what the creature was in the dim light.

@the-void-phantasmic group

(Naw, it’s all good)

Leta raises her hackles as she locks eyes with the human. She lets out a low whine and backs away from him. I can do this, I’m faster than him. Somehow, she doesn’t even believe her own statement. She’s never confronted a human in her wolf form, and it’s pretty scary, to be honest…

Leta bares her teeth and snarls at the human, as a warning to stay away. Hopefully, he’d see the teeth that could rip through flesh in an instant, and leave her alone. But what if he has a weapon? What if he attacks? I can’t fight! She makes a point to show her canines, growling.

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Furi stares at the wolf the slowly inches toward it, trying to keep his composure. His heart racing, he had to do something to the dog, not just stare at it. He had to… he just had to… for the thrill.

He fumbles for his pocketknife and flips it open as he boldly inches toward the wolf, his entire body shaking with an excited insanity, his crimson eyes shimmering with a drunken ecstasy.
They take one careful step before another, attempting to intimidate the creature, and waiting… just waiting… for the perfect moment…

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta whines again when the human flips open a pocketknife, lashing her tail. Do something! Attack! She starts barking loudly at the human, in an attempt to scare him off. When she sees that it won’t work, she stops barking. She growls and bares her teeth again, but she knows that scare tactics won’t do anything. She huffs at herself. I have to attack first. She then lunges at the human, and it’s clear that she intends to rip out their throat.

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Furi manages to shove the wolf a few inches away from him before lunging at the wolf himself. Instead of injuring the canine, he lets out an agonized yelp and collapses to his knees, clutching his abdomen wound, whimpering again.

The throbbing is constant and three times worse now, causing unwanted tears to slip down his face. Furi lifts his eyes to look up at the wolf, "Just… just kill me already…" They try but fail to stifle a painful cough, blood spattering on the ground beneath them. "Please…"

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta cocks her head to one side, staring at the human. That’s weird. Didn’t he want to hurt me? She circles the human a few times, sniffing the ground next to him. She whines and retreats back into the bushes, and after a few moments, emerges again. She had shifted back into her human form, and instead of a black wolf, she approaches the human as a small teenage girl. Her clothes are baggy and worn, and her hair is short and knotted. She circles them a few more times, then finally speaks. “Are you… okay? What happened?”

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He remains in the same position until he hears a female voice above him, he lifts his eyes up again, his voice hostile but still very much in pain, "Who are you and what do you want?"

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta stares at him with her bright yellow eyes, cocking her head to the side again. “My name is Leta.” She continues circling him, more out of curiosity than anything else. “You’re hurt. Who hurt you?”

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Furi tries to lift himself up with the help of a nearby tree and pulls his silver hair to the side of his face. "None ya business." The throbbing had waned, but the ache still remained. He manages to support himself with the tree, however a wave of nausea hits him as he clings onto the tree. "You should leave now…"

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta looks a little hurt by his comment. She continues staring at him. “You need help. You’re hurt.” She stops circling the human. “What is your name?” She’s genuinely concerned for this human, despite the fact that he tried to hurt her a few minutes ago. “Besides, this forest is my home. I won’t leave.”

Deleted user

The nauseated feeling doesn't leave, instead it intensifies. Furi tries to take a deep breath, but it worsens the pain from his injury, so he resorts to quick, shallow breaths.
Deaf to what the girl is saying to him, he grits his teeth, hoping that the wave would pass soon.

The sprite turns his head further away from the girl and mutters, still trying to keep his tone hostile, "Just leave… leave me alone…"

His breathing quickens. Before he can do anything else, he clutches his abdomen and painfully retches the contents of his guts and a good amount of blood onto the dirt. Still keeping his breaths shallow, Furi groans in both agony and annoyance, almost forgetting about the girl behind him. His head starts to throb again.

Deleted user

(I now realize i should have asked for your triggers at the beginning… (⊙_⊙;))

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta whines anxiously and puts her hands over her mouth. She drops her hands back to her side as she speaks again, shaking her head stubbornly. “No. You need help.” She cautiously walks toward him, ready to run if they decide to attack her again. He should be grateful, really… I’m still helping him after he tried to hurt me. Stupid decision, though…

Deleted user

"Don't… touch me…" His hostile voice started to falter a little bit. His back was still turned to the girl, "I'm fine. I'll be fine…" Furi felt another wave of sickness and retched up more blood. They were clinging onto the tree for dear life as they started to feel a bit lightheaded but tried to power through it.

After another vomiting session, he felt the nausea starting to pass, but the throbbing pain was returning. He slightly turned his head to face the girl, "I'm fine… leave me alone…"

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta lets out an inhuman growl, narrowing her eyes. “You’re not fine.” She takes a deep breath, then continues in a calmer voice. “I’m trying to help you after you tried to hurt me, and this I is what I get. Please, just let me help. I can get you to a doctor, or something.”

Deleted user

Furi whips around, "JUST SHUT UP AND F*CK OFF ALREADY!" He pushes the girl to the ground, exasperated. Abruptly, Furi clutches his stomach tightly, and yelps in pain. Tears slip down his cheeks. He's breathing heavily and seems to be staring into nothingness until… he collapses.
He is on the ground, unconscious.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Leta yelps and shifts back to her wolf form just as she hits the ground. She quickly stands up and stares at the unconscious human in front of her. I need to get him to a doctor. But where do I go? She gently grabs part of his shirt with her jaws, and starts dragging him through her path; except instead of going away from humans, she’s going toward them. Maybe she’ll find someone there.

As she nears the end of her path, she hears the sounds of humans, walking and talking and minding their own business. She slowly makes her way out of the forest and into a clearing, still dragging the injured human. She sees another human and barks to get her attention.

The other human turns around and looks at Leta. “A wolf-? What is that doing here?” The human looks worried, but Leta simply sets down the injured human and sits on the ground, cocking her head to the side. She paws at the injured human a few times, before the other human seems to catch on and kneels down next to him. Leta takes this chance to retreat into the bushes again, then shifts back into her human form and comes back. “He’s hurt. He needs help…”

The other human looks up at Leta, then looks back down at the injured human. There was a wolf here a second ago, but now there’s a girl there? What if she’s a werewolf- Werewolves aren’t real, though. The human laughs to herself then turns her attention to the injured one. “I’ll take him to a medic.”