In short, a Pokemon roleplay. But make it a dystopian setting where our heroes are rebels attempting to overthrow a dictator (the Paramount), and you have the right idea!
The setting of this roleplay is a city known as Silverhold.
Silverhold is well-known for the wide river that passes through the center of the city, which often takes on a silver hue due to the reflection from large metal walls surrounding the city, so high in stature that no one could ever hope to enter—or exit—without passing through the gates. Before the city was known as Silverhold, before the construction of the walls, it was known as Chargepoint. Traditionally, it was the home of many electric and water-type Pokemon, due to the industrial prowess of Chargepoint and the aforementioned river.
Nowadays, there are no such Pokemon roaming the streets, as they've all been taken by the Paramount and his men.
Pokemon have been outlawed, classified as weapons that one would need a permit to wield. Only the Paramount and his men are able to obtain those permits, and the only way to join his forces is to first swear your loyalty to him.
Those who are found illegally harboring Pokemon are imprisoned or made a public example to the rest of the population. Worse still, the people of Silverhold have no hope of escaping the towering walls surrounding the city without the Paramount's explicit permission. Life without Pokemon is inevitable.
Enter our rebels. Old trainers united by the fury of having both their freedom and their Pokemon stolen. They must work together in an effort to overthrow the Paramount and restore the former beauty of Chargepoint and the freedom of everyone who resides in it.
It won’t be easy, but their city needs them.
What I’m thinking: The first three people to join will give me a few of their preferred pokemon.
My character is an ex-gym leader-turned-co-leader-of-the-rebelion who was imprisoned for defying the government and keeping their pokemon. All according to plan. With inside help, this enabled them to rescue a number of pokemon and make their escape.
Now they’re putting together a team of once-promising trainers who had their teams stolen and giving them each a ragtag group of rescued pokemon to fight with. Your characters are these trainers, and together, you’ll help support the rebellion.
Obviously this is a more mature take on a Pokemon roleplay. There will likely be graphic depictions of violence and the stakes are far higher than in your typical pokemon game or show. The threat of death exists, both for trainers and pokemon, and there’s likely to be a lot of trauma because Silverhold is very much NOT a good place. I'm going to rate it as ages 15+.
If this still appeals to you, then you are more than welcome to join. I’ll post the template as soon as the spots are filled!
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s Rules
- Don't try and control characters that aren't yours without explicit permission.
- Don't make your character (or their team) overpowered or omniscient.
- Respond with an appropriate amount of content. There's no word count requirement and you don't have to match the amount that other people post, but read the room! Give everyone something to work with.
If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!