This has fantasy, action, etc. Elves, centaurs, spirits, dragons, etc are all real, so feel free to go wild with your characters!
Some basic rules:
- I am better at writing LGBT+ relationships, it's just easier for me? So this will probably be gay.
- If smut becomes a thing, it will be moved to pm. Let me know at the beginning of the rp if you're okay with this or if you want to skip it.
- This will be bloody, gory, there will be mentions of sensitive topics so please for the love of god tell me what your triggers are. I don't want to hurt anyone.
- If I am not familiar with your style of roleplaying, or it has been a while, I will ask for an rp style.
- Please no one liners, I'm not a huge fan of them. I understand if you're tired, or not up to it. Your replies can be short but please don't make it a habit.
- Don't be a dick, I think this should be self-explanatory.
- Have somewhat decent grammar? Okay? Okay.
- If you have an idea, let me know! Chances are, I'll want to hear it!
Name: Zale Ansel King
Meaning: Sea, Strength / Divine protection / King, Ruler
Nicknames: Warrior, Hephaestus
Titles: Sir, Mr.
Pet names: Only those who are EXTREMELY close to him are allowed to give him nicknames. Anyone else is whacked by a shield or a knife is thrown at them.
Signature: He actually has pretty handwriting, it’s very curvy.
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/him/they/them
Orientation: Bisexual preference towards males
Age: 26
Powers: Magic, strongest when it comes to fire magic.
Age Appearance: Early 20s
Birthday: January 1st
Zodiac: Capricorn
Occupation: Black smith, he hows his own forge
Hobbies/Interests: Writing, Sleeping, Cooking, documenting the stars, stone skipping
Skills: Blacksmith, cooking, patching up wounds
Likes: The snow/cold, strawberries, cats, stargazing, making little gifts for people
Dislikes: Being lied to, being underestimated, being woken up, betrayal, bigger people picking on smaller people.
Sense of Humor: He always tries to brighten things up, keep others in good spirits.
Pet Peeves: People touching his things without asking, People chewing in his ear, people unexpectedly touching him or getting into his bubble.
Habits and Mannerisms: He has a habit of sighing, or cracking his knuckles too much. When he’s talking with people, he often imitates their movements. When he’s flirty, his eyebrow raise slightly and he’ll lick his lips slowly when thinking something ahem-.
Scent: When he hasn’t spent all day in his forge, he smells like citrus and earth.
Quirks: Will often sing lullabies or sing to himself, often spaces out, he’s really good at remembering names and faces.He can remember little details about people. His eyes get darker the angrier he gets. Often fiddles with his hair
Savvy: Unexpected knowledge, this man pays attention to details and is fantastic at finding things out. Craftsmanship, most things he makes are well made and are exactly what his employer needs.
Guilty pleasure: Writing/Journaling, he really only does it in his spare time, he’s a sucker for romance novels as well, but of course he’ll deny it.
Closet hobby: learning guitar.
Distinguishing features: His hands, they’re strong, calloused, and covered in scars. His eyes, they have flecks of gold in them.
Species: Human
Preferred hand: left
Appearance: Zale has broader shoulders and a slimmer waist, he’s well built because of his career in blacksmithing. He has long brown hair that’s usually in a half up, half down bun situation with strands of hair that frame his face rather nicely. Freckles cover his body, they’re EVERYWHERE. His eyes are a milk chocolate brown, however the more emotional he gets, the deeper his eyes turn. They have flecks of gold in them. He’s very scarred, mostly on his hands. His biggest scar is on his back, a nasty gash mark from when he slammed into a rock. He has a rather nice beard, which he keeps well groomed. It doesn’t go over his mouth, and he keeps it relatively short. He’s usually seen in a simple white shirt, brown pants, and buckled boots (casual).
Height: 6’1 ½
Weight: 220 (mostly muscle)
General health: He works hard to take care of his body, and he’s good at patching people up. Sometimes he forgets to take care of himself, but he takes care of himself.
Energy: He’s like that chill, laid back dad. But he has extreme endurance and he can last a few days without sleep.
Memory: He’s good at remembering little details, and names and faces. If it’s someone he cares deeply about, then he remembers practically everything.
Senses: Pretty average, but his touch and hearing is especially good.
Allergies: Not really allergic to anything.
Handicaps: Mental handicaps, lost a leg when his home was attacked, forged himself a new one.
Medication: Takes depression/anxiety meds
Phobias: Needles
Addictions: When he’s extremely stressed he drinks. He’s just a tired drunk though, occasionally emotional.
Mental Disorders: PTSD, Depression, Anxiety
Languages: He knows basics for various languages, can speak somewhat fluent Draconic
Accent: Soft Scottish
Pitch: Alto
Impediments: When he’s really angry his accent gets stronger.
Expletives: He says fuck a lot, but most of the time he’s chill.
Laughter: When he laughs… it’s like fucking angels. It’s beautiful, lights up an entire room. It’s real and genuine and warm. It’s that kind of laugh that fills you with all the happy chemicals.
Tag line: It's a habit at this point for him to say “I’ve got you” or “It’s going to be okay.” He’ll do anything to protect those around him.
Signature Quote: “I will be your sword and shield.”
Enneagram: The Peacemaker/The Loyalist: Receptive, Reassuring, Agreeable, complacent and Committed, Security-Oriented Type. Engaging, Responsible, Anxious, and Suspicious
Ego/Superego/Id: Ego
The Shadow: He falls into the depths of his mind, almost to where he can't get out again. He often has intense moments of self doubt and loss of self worth.
Persona/Mask: He wears a mask to keep himself safe. A mask that’s smiling and warm. However, under the mask is confusion, fear, self doubt, and loss.
Extended Description: If there is a dispute, Zale is one of the best men to come to. He hears both sides, and he tries to diffuse situations. He’s like a rock to those around him. He’s reliable and strong, and he keeps more on the neutral side. He doesn’t choose sides, and he doesn’t show bias. People usually go to him because of this. He’s not one that talks about his past, or even acknowledges it so it can appear secretive. He hates when people make assumptions about him. He’s very much a father figure.
Combat style: Close combat
Style: Defensive
Weapon Choice: Sword and Shield.
History: He will open up about it…. eventually.