forum i used to know love, i am a robot... (O/O)
Started by @orionshenanigan

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You are a robot whose creator abandoned you when you turned out to be sentient-something that is illegal under current robotics laws and something to be ever so slightly feared (at least, allegedly). However, because you were abandoned without ever being reported, you survive long enough to figure out how to live in this world where anything nonhuman is a second class citizen, or in the case of bots, functionally a slave that can't fight back against their abusers. However, when you meet an alien professor and doctor who claims to know of a way to get off this godforsaken planet for good and into a heavenly utopia of a star system, where all are seen as worthy… well, why not take the chance?

Okay so obviously this is one of Orion's rps, so tw for gore, violence, swearing, some mild sexual themes and possibly some stuff we might take to DMs. Also, this is going to reference some gothic literature but I'm not basing it too heavily off of anything which is why I'll be saying that this RP is very much friendly for anyone who is interested in joining!! Anyways, be kind, have fun, and have a wonderful time exploring sci fi worlds and whatnot.