forum “I think space is inherently lonely.”
Started by @StarlessSkys

people_alt 66 followers


Humans have discovered space travel. It was new and exciting and people looked to the stars with a renewed sense of curiosity and wonder. And they explored. And found we weren’t alone, never were, and never would be again. Obviously there was culture clash, obviously with each new species discovered there were problems, but for the most part humans settled in fairly well.

This story isn’t about that, maybe for another time. This is a much smaller story, quieter, lonelier, involving very few people. In fact just two, maybe more if you count the quasi-AI’s and assistants.

See, space travel was, of course, complicated beyond reason. Math and science and discoveries that would bend the mind, and for that people needed computers. To run the ships, to repair it, to keep everyone and everything alive. But real space travel needed a biological touch. On every ship that was fully manned by machines, it needed at least one person. Perhaps it's the senses, the ability to intuit or the spark of creativity, maybe it’s just pro-human labor unions trying to create more jobs for people. Maybe it’s something no one can quite put their finger or grasping unit on.

It’s a lonely job, even if it can keep you busy. Watching over outposts, resource stations, or just plain old space stations. Doing repairs, inventory, or intercepting transmissions to pass on to others, all things machines could do, but instead you do it. Alone. By yourself.
There’s the Net, which you can lose yourself in sometimes. Simulations and games and chat rooms. But people need company, they're pack bonding creatures after all. So that’s why, all alone in your little patch of space, you’re excited when you receive a message.

Not a message to pass on, not to move a box from here to there, but to you. Another person, similarly alone in their own patch of space, reaching out in a desperate bid for company.

What do you say back?

This is a sci-fi rp! Your character does not have to be human or even an alien, I'll accept full AI's if that so interests you. This is essentially a much more advanced wrong-number story, but kind of not really.
All of andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules apply!
Please give a writing sample! I really like long responses but I'll accept some shorter ones for the start of this.


(oh this sounds so interesting do you have any specifications on what kind of characters you would want?)


(Hmm, not really. As long as they're at least mildly qualified for a kind of stationary position, could be military and they're abusing channels, could be civilian and they're just lonely, corp and they're bored on the job. As long as they're a character willing to chat, I'm happy.)


(Like with the other one, so sorry to ghost by accident!! I'm still down for this one also if you are :)