@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
I'm open to anything at this point :)
I'm open to anything at this point :)
Hi I know we already have a stupid amount of roleplays together and I totally get it if you want a new person, but-
I'm also bored lmao
Aha I'm good with that
I was hoping for not romance
maybe an aro/ace femboy is involved
And very smol
but again I'm open to anything lol
Ooh yes
Sounds good to me lol
I have a soft new baby who I need to name and he's a little fairy guide of sorts. He could follow your character around and be baby
Or I can find another new character I've made recently because I've been drawing a lot,,,
:000 yes yes fairy sweet baby yes
oh nu it's blocked 😭
Aa hold on I'll make it work
I'll set to work on my chara then
baby child baby
would a soft child femboy or sad older mage work
Mmmm probably sad older mage? Baby is pretty chipper and wants to be helpful
Kinda like Navi in the way that he helps but he's not as annoying lmao
Could give your older mage something to attach to/protect
Template is on the way
General Appearance:
General weight:
Typical Cloths:
Work clothes:
relaxing cloths (if applicable):
Distinguishing Marks:
Pets (if any):
Powers (if any):
Name: Kitarine (pronounced Kih-tah-ree-nay)
Nicknames: Kit
Age: 10
Gender: Male, He/Him
Sexuality: Asexual, Aromantic
Race: Fae
General Appearance: A very small fairy boy with fluffy, white, curly hair. His eyes are a pale mix of blue, yellow, and green, and his features are young and soft. He has golden freckles on his nose and cheeks.
Height: 3'2
General weight: ~20 pounds
Typical Clothes: A short, pastel blue jacket that reaches about to his elbows (more for preference than for warmth). He wears a long-sleeved white shirt underneath it, and gray shorts. He wears slim blue and brown shoes with gold trim, and has a golden band around his left thigh.
Work clothes: Same as typical clothes.
Relaxing clothes (if applicable): Doesn't really have any atm, but will probably steal your character's clothes to sleep in because they're big and warm and comfy.
Distinguishing Marks: Golden freckles, tail tufted at the tip.
Personality: Kit is very pure and chipper, and knowledgeable about the world around him. It's the job of fairies of his species to guide humans through the land, and they may choose to stay with the human afterwards. He tends to be very naive, like a young child, but is an effective guide. He does as he is told and follows orders well, although he does like to chat when he doesn't have a particular task to do.
Background: Kit was born into a small group of fairies and was trained in their ways. He has now been sent off to do his duty, which he is pleased to do. He wants to please his family, and they're proud of him for following in their ways.
Likes: Being Helpful, Sunny days, Birdsong, Playing music
Dislikes: Rain, Storms, Being cold
Strengths: Guiding/Directions/General knowledge, Magic
Weaknesses: Physical strength, Naive
Fears: Storms, Spiders
Pets: N/A
Powers: Flight (hovers almost all the time, even when sleeping sometimes), Various simple magic (such as making sparks to light a fire, or forming a small ball of light to guide someone through a dark area)
Other: Faintly glows a lot of the time, and can be "summoned" with a particular whistle (special magic makes it so that he can hear it regardless of how far away he is, and guides him back to its source)
Baby child I love :0
Name: Marin Endoleas (En-dol-ieas)
Nicknames: Mar
Age: 32
Gender: Nonbinary
Sexuality: Aro/ace
Race: Human Mage
General Appearance: Marin has very sharp features, with a pointy chin and slightly pointed ears from years of spell work. They have steely grey eyes and burnt caramel skin, with more of a lithe build
Height: 6'1"
General weight: 253 lbs
Typical Cloths: Marin wears a plain tan shirt with leather ties at the sleeves, waist, and collar, as well as dark ankle-length pants. They have leather shoes that lace up to their knee, with the pants tucked inside. They also wear leather gloves and a cloak in deep purples and blacks.
Work clothes: Same as Typical clothes, but with a different cloak with more functional sigils sewn into it to amplify its range.
relaxing cloths (if applicable): Same as typical, but no cloak, gloves, or boots
Distinguishing Marks: Burn scars on their hands and wrists
Personality: Marin is a very withdrawn person, choosing to keep to themselves more often than not. They've seen things they'd rather not remember, and this leads to them doing their best not to get too attached to people in general. Still, once you get through their sad, cold exterior, they're really a very warm, caring person who would do anything to protect their friends and family.
Background: Marin was raised by a normal, non-magical family in a poor village, but as a teenager, they were sold, er, apprenticed to the local mage when it was found they had a proficiency for the arts. The training was hard on them, but they made friends with the other 'apprentices' being taught. Their closest friend, a girl named Willow, was also training to be a fire mage, though she also did well with healing magic. When they all hit twenty years old, it was revealed they were going to be sent to the capital to serve under the king in his army. Marin and Willow worked closely in that time until one day in battle Willow was killed. This tore Marin up, and they ran, continuing to learn more of their magic as they did. They finally found out about familiars at twenty-seven, summoning their own to work with them. They've been traveling the land since, hiding from the kingdom they had run from.
Likes: Peace, calm, warmth
Dislikes: Loud noises
Strengths: Advanced magics, logistical, somewhat strong
Weaknesses: large crowds, puts loved ones above themself
Fears: Death, being completely alone again
Pets (if any): They have a small whisp as a familiar her name is Willow :)
Powers (if any): Marin is a mage who dual classes with fire and shadow; they are able to summon fire for various amounts of duration depending on size and is able to control flames as large as ten by ten by ten feet without their cloak. They can also manipulate existing shadows
Yess I love them :0
Should we have them meet by your baby just kinda like
Wandering for a while
And then Kit pops up like "Hello! You have reached the realm of the fairies! I'm your guide for today owo"
Yes that sounds good to me
And I can totally see Kit stealing Mar's normal cloak while they're wearing their work one
It would be adorable
Shall I get starter up then?
Awwww yes
And sure!
Marin was quiet as they walked, arms folded in front of their chest as they went. It was quiet, peaceful, the kind of day that they enjoyed the best. They hummed softly, hood up and cloak hanging from their shoulders. They were calm, having one of the few days where they were content, close to happy even. Willow sat on their shoulder, legs kicking as her flame hair danced around her head. She was grinning, bobbing along to the tune Marin was humming for her.
Kit spotted a human passing into the fairy territory and smiled brightly. I finally get to guide somebody! After silently following Marin for a couple of minutes, he floated forward to catch up with them, soon appearing in front of them. "Greetings, human!" He chirped brightly. "Welcome to the fairy realm! You must have traveled quite far to get here. My name is Kitarine, but you can call me Kit! My job is to guide you through the vast expanse of our lands!" He examined Marin and the wisp curiously, floating in a circle around them for a moment. "What may I call you?"
Marin fell quiet when they saw the fairy appear before them, jumping slightly despite his small stature.
"Ah, hello," they said softly. They pulled their cloak more around themselves, causing Willow to lift up from their shoulder a moment. She was much more forward, moving to greet Kit silently with a smile, bobbing up and down by his face.
"My name is Marin, and this is Willow." Had they really traveled so far as to reach the Fae lands? They were surprised, some, to learn this.
Kit grinned at the two of them, the tip of his tufted tail twitching a bit. He was hovering at a height where he was about eye level with Marin, although it was obvious that he was very small. "Welcome to our lands, Marin and Willow! Although it appears very serene and peaceful here, you must keep an eye out! There are many dangerous magical creatures in our realm that have only rarely ventured to the human villages far away. One of the most common we will encounter is the Linslocke, which is a canid creature with two sets of pointed ears! It has very sharp teeth and is very aggressive! A linslocke has never been tamed, even when raised from puphood. They have a unique magic that allows them to steal others' magic and memories, so keep a safe distance away! Thankfully, they are quite slow and can't climb, so they aren't difficult to outrun. Do you have any questions?"
Willow moved to sit back on Marin's shoulder, kicking her legs again. Marin nodded along as the small fairy explained, glancing around once.
"No, no questions," they said, letting out a soft hum. "Thank you, for warning me of them." The mage looked over Kit once, offering a very small, weak smile. They weren't used to children, or chipper people, or people in general, so they were still adjusting to speaking.
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