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forum "I feel a little safer when I'm with you..." / oxo / closed!
Started by @red-the-tired-gay

people_alt 55 followers


"Dance with me and pretend the world doesn't exist," he pleaded.

Hey there! I'm looking for a good, angsty, m/m high school rp. It'll be mostly driven by us, I don't have too many specifics planned out. The big idea is: troubled teen meets troubled teen, they bond and cope together, fall in love, etc. Sounds a little cliche, but we can shake it up as we go along and see where it takes us! :>

Anyways, here are my rules for this rp!!

-andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules apply, obviously.
-Cursing is very allowed.
-I’d prefer for this rp to be pretty descriptive and well-written (to the best of your abilities), so no one-liners + have good grammar please!
-Feel free to throw in plot twists and stuff if you feel the rp is getting a bit boring or stagnant! I don’t wanna be the only person driving this rp!
-I’d like to keep this RP alive so please try and respond at the very least once a day! If something is going on, just tell me, I’ll be happy to wait for you until you’re available again. Same thing applies to me.

Just a fair warning, this rp could contain some darker themes.

I think that’s about it!! I’ll let you know if I want to change/add anything. I'll put up a character template once someone joins. Let me know if you’re interested!!!!


Name: Paris Lara
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Gay
Physical Appearance: He's about 5'1 with slim, somewhat soft features. He's lithe and fairly athletic, but not incredibly muscular. He has an undercut with platinum blonde dyed hair (his natural hair color is brown, which is visible in the undercut). His eyes are blue, and he has a slit in one eyebrow. He's mostly proportional for his size, but he does have small hands and feet.
Personality: SMALL AND ANGRY. Paris tends to be overdramatic and deflects everything with annoyance most of the time. He's soft underneath, but he's not about to admit it any time soon, so he'll just continue yelling and fighting for now (tsundere for sure). If you mention his height he can and will fight you without any hesitation. Will also beat up LGBTQphobic people any time ("nothing feels better than punching a homophobe once in a while"). He likes praise and compliments and attention in general, and secretly likes to be held. Clingy once you get past all the rage. Very touch starved, please be gentle with him.
Other: Currently living in an abusive household with his younger sister, London, who's 13. Might end up dying his hair different colors if the notion hits him. He tends to be very impulsive and hates to be bored. VERY TOUCH STARVED. Also doesn't like blood much (makes him dizzy and nauseous).


Name: Kristopher "Kris" Maxwell
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Gay
Physical Appearance: Kris is about an average height for his age, around 5'6, though his combat boots that he usually wears add an inch or two to his height. His body is pretty average as well, though his arms are a bit more muscular than the rest if his body. His hair is black, thick and fluffy, and a bit overgrown, and his eyes are a soft, mocha brown. He tends to wear mostly band t-shirts and jeans, as well as the occassional hoodie when it's cold, paired with combat boots or high-top converse. He has some scars and bruises due to getting hurt a lot, either from getting into fights or just being reckless.
Personality: Kris isn't much of a talker before you get to know him, though he tries to be somewhat nice when he does talk. He prefers to stay quiet, although if he needs to stand up for someone who cant stand up for themself, he will, and he is more than happy to do so. He prefers to be out in the woods near his house, or in his room listening to music. Once you befriend him and break his shell, Kris is protective and kind, and honestly a bit of a troublemaker. He'll always stand up for what he believes is right.
Other: He rarely gets along with his parents, causing them to not have the best relationship. He has ADHD and struggles a lot in school, which worsens him and his parents' relationship because they always expect the very best from him despite his issues. He has some issues with bottling up emotions and anger issues, so he usually likes to go out into the woods and let off steam.


Ooh he's great! Should they already know each other as friends or acquaintances or are they just meeting each other?


I was thinking maybe it could start out at school, where they've gotta work together in pairs or something, so that they're kinda like, forced to talk to eachother lol. Is that cool with you? Also, I am cool with starting unless you want to ^^


Kris almost audibly groaned when the math teacher announced that they would be working in pairs for this assignment. He always preferred to work alone and forcing him to talk to others for things like this never failed to create an awkward and uncomfortable situation. Not to mention the fact that he was almost always the odd one out, forced to go to the teacher and tell her that he didn't have a partner.

Everyone started pairing up, some people making groups of 3 or 4, even though it wasn't allowed. Without yet getting up from his seat, the teen scanned the room for partnerless people, and his eyes locked onto a small, blond boy who seemed just about as happy about having to work in pairs as Kris was. He recognized this boy, his name was Paris, though the two had only talked a couple of times before, and couldn't exactly be labeled as "friends" quite yet. Gathering his notebook and pencil, the boy got up and ventured over to the desk of Paris Lara.

"Hey," Kris greeted once he approached. "You got a partner yet?"


At the announcement of a group project, Paris snapped out of his daydreams and sighed softly. He wasn't the most chipper or sociable of folks, and everyone else in the class already had friends that they would want to work with, so usually he was just awkwardly stuck with another poor, friendless bastard. And it looked like that was going to be the case again today.

He looked up as another boy approached him, taking a second or two to take him in and try and remember what he knew about him. Kris Maxwell… he doesn't talk all that much. He's tall, but… tolerable enough, I suppose. At least he'll probably do his part of the work. "Uh… no, I don't…" He replied quietly. He was sure that most people in the class thought he was pretty shy since he never spoke to any of them, but he was pretty loud once he liked someone enough to spend time with them.


Kris nodded awkwardly. Yep, he could definitely tell that Paris was just about as thrilled about this as he was. "Uh, wanna work together then?" The taller boy suggested. "I think everyone else is already paired off." He waited for the blond's response before he would find a place to sit.


"Um… yeah… sure…" Paris replied, stiff and awkward as well. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand and looked down at his desk, where he had a small sketchbook with clothing designs. He was pretty poor, so he made most of his own clothes. He also just found it interesting in general. "Do you have any ideas for the project?"


"Cool." He pulled up a chair from an empty desk, turned it around and sat in it backwards, because why not? Propping his notebook up against the back of the chair, Kris scanned through his "notes" (which was just some messy, almost illegible sentences on a page filled with doodles). "Not really, man. I don't get half of this stuff." He was kind of embarrassed to admit it, but most of the stuff he learned in class went in one ear and out the other. He was barely even passing. "You got any ideas?"


"Uh… not really…" Paris closed his sketchbook and opened his notes, only to find them severely lacking. "I wasn't paying all that much attention, honestly. I hardly know what the project's about… what are we even supposed to be doing, anyway?" He asked, turning his gaze up to Kris. The look in his eyes was mostly just curious, although there was a persistent hint of irritation in them. His gaze was always piercing, like he was looking right through whoever he was looking at.


"Damn." The boy flipped through his notes, though he realized he didn't write anything down about what exactly they were supposed to be doing. He shrugged. "Hell if I know. I'm just about as lost as you are." He glanced over at the smaller boy and was caught in his gaze. Kris's brown eyes interlocked with Paris's blue ones for just a few moments. He had to admit, the blond's gaze was rather intimidating, and it held him in place for a moment. After he realized they had been looking into eachother's eyes for a bit too long, he quickly looked away, flicking his eyes back down to his notes. "Oh- we're supposed to be doing a posterboard about the last unit in the textbook that we just finished." Thank god that he finally found where he absentmindedly wrote down some of the instructions. Otherwise they would probably be sitting there awkwardly until one of them went up to ask the teacher.


"Um… okay." Paris looked back down at his notes when Kris finally broke eye contact with him, clearing his throat awkwardly. "That shouldn't be too hard. It was just some trig functions or something, right?" He asked without looking up, flipping through his notes to look for any information he could find. "That shouldn't be too hard, at least… we might have to draw the functions or decorate or whatever, but I can handle that. How's your handwriting?"