@the-void-phantasmic group
TW: mentions/implied acts of self-harm, suicidal character, mentions of suicidal thoughts/acts, character with a god complex/main character syndrome, and overall major mental instability. If any of these things upset you or make you uncomfortable, do not stalk. These are subject to change at the moment.
@im-with-stoopid heyyyyyy
So here’s the song I was mainly inspired by-
(Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) but like the cover by Chonny Jash bc I’m a fraud <3)
Have you ever died in a nightmare? Woke up surprised you hadn’t earned your fate?
Have you ever felt like Atlas; threw your back out on the axis then collapsed and threw the planet away?
Everyone’s just blood in an ice tray. A vampire picking flowers out in the sun
Run your diagnostic tests. It’s posited nobody dies agnostic, but we still dial 9-1-1
And now you’re singing, oooh, could you take a look at me?
(It’s the norm for- It’s the norm for chemicals.)
Am I bad? Am I bad? Am I bad? Am I really that bad?
(It’s the norm for particles. Eye for eye for tooth.)
And now you’re singing oooh, whatever you think of me
(It’s the norm for chemicals. It’s the norm for particles.)
If you were in my shoes, you’d walk the same damn miles I do.
(Yes, it’s only natural.)
I have an oc that’s like, perfectly fitting this? And he’s actually heavily inspired by another Chonny Jash song (more like a whole album cough) but if I explain more I’ll go on a huge tangent
So I was thinking:
Character A (me) is an absolute wreck. Like, major oof- he’s a depressed neurodivergent madman with an addiction to Monster energy drinks!! Yay!! He also may have killed a man but shhhh
Character B finds A and says, “hey bro maybe you should get your life together.” A says “lmao no” and B says “bitch fine I’ll make you” and essentially adopts this grown ass adult <3 (he’s like 19 tho so he’s allowed to be a bit silly. As a treat)
A bit bare-bones but I’m sure you get the idea.
Here’s the boy!! I can change things about him if anything here upsets you, btw. TW for s/h, suicidal thoughts, and mental health problems in general.
Basic Info
Name: Atlas Hall
Nicknames (if any): whatever you want I guess
Age: 19
Gender and pronouns: male, he/him
Skin tone: pale af
Height: 5’10
Weight: 152 lbs
Eye color: reddish-brown
Hair color: deep brown
Hair style: shoulder length, v curly
Scars: numerous cuts on his arms and torso
Other blemishes: freckles!!
Body type: twink but not really a twink? Like he can still fold you like an omelet but??
Usual outfit: basically dark academia aesthetic
Basic personality: oh boy. He’s a stubborn and sassy little fuck, first of all. Also he’s rude af. He’s that guy who says the most out of pocket and insulting things and then goes “it was just a joke bro” when you get upset. He also has major main character syndrome and is overall a terrible dude. But not to worry, he can be fixed!! He also has a wholesome side. He gets really excited by certain things and he loves chickens. And he nests. A lot. And perches on things. He’s a cat. BUT ALSO he will bite you.
Sexuality: he’s about as straight as a circle. that was drawn by a four year old child.
Physical conditions: none
Mental conditions: ADHD, depression, main character syndrome
Other: He is extremely problematic but I’m love he <333
Theme Songs: Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) - Chonny Jash, Crazy = Genius - Panic! At The Disco, The Soul Eclectic - Chonny Jash
I will gladly make changes if needed, but here’s the idea 💃🕺
Ofc we can discuss details together bc this isn’t much to go off of 😶