forum How many characters do you have?
Started by @Rover3672

people_alt 107 followers


Honestly I'm just curious about the number and how that breaks down for everyone. So here is mine!

Total: 116 characters (all one universe)

How it breaks down with some overlap of categories:

5 main characters
23 knights (one of which is a main character)
30 royals total
18 of those are Guardians royalty
12 are Vampire royalty
15 Deities
10 are the main Elements
4 are secondary deities
1 is a primordial deity
19 demons
9 are Immortal demons
9 are Immortal demon heirs
1 of those are half demon (main character)
9 characters are dead/die very early on
3 of those were dragon knights
5 of those are royalty
1 is a dead lover to a main character
There are a couple of background characters too, I'm not mentioning everyone's family here but there are still more

Thats all the ways it breaks down.
Is 116 still way too many characters? Yes, yes it is.
Am I going insane from it all and even focusing on characters that are briefly mentioned because one of my pet peeves is half-assed characters? Yes, yes I am.

@Anxietyfilledcinnamonroll group

Cracks knuckles I have a lot. I divided it by species (Except for the main characters).

Total (All in Clairvoyant): 244 (Grand total)

Main characters: 8

Clairvoyant mortals: 34 (past, present, future)

Witches: 104 (past, present, future)

Warlocks: 8 (past and present)

Demons: 57 (All status: Noble, king, etc)

Hellhounds: 5

Demon-hybrids: 8 (future)(All status: Noble, princess, etc)

Angels 24

Fae: 1

Werewolves: 3 (present and future)

244 is an ungodly amount. Thankfully for me, most of them are part of the past, so I don't have to write their stories till later. Others are part of the future. Most are also side characters used to populate things.

Does 244 charades still drive me nuts? Yes


Does 244 charades still drive me nuts? Yes

Same…I have about 8 or so profile fully complete but it still drives me nuts

@larcenistarsonist group

I have,,, 56 important characters across four universes a;lsdkfj

Thad and Co: (21):

  • Main Five (Thaddeus, Sparrow, Rune, Bane, Fennec)
  • Second Book Six (Kora, Atticus, Alexi, Sapphire, Baxton, Mattias)
  • Seven Grand Mages (The King, Solizha, Hyo, Geobi, Caliga, Daedra, Aarion)
  • Others? (Morgan, Lance, Estelle)

The Six Initiative: (24)

  • The Six (Paisley, Abel, Rhyda, Shea, Grace, Felix)
  • Bianca's gang (Bianca, Jeb, Crimson)
  • The Donovans (Angel, Drew and Cagney)
  • Evangeline Base Occupants (Haru, Ray, Harry, Monty, Raph, Don)
  • Family (Danny, Cole, Mama Crystal, Dave, Ava Grace, Heidi, )

Alabaster, B+ City: (8)

  • The main gang (Midge, Howie, Dahlia, Avon, Gertie)
  • The others? (Killian, Ransom, Darius, Jim)

The Last Sixty Sunsets: (3)

  • Jesi and Liam
  • The Sky

@lemon-gummy group

ummm embarrassingly little. not enough to do much with em. hopefully making more

fae - 1
witches - about 17 (some are not fully developed)
wingeds - 2
angels - 0
humans - 1
ghosts - 1

total - 22

Deleted user

ooh, fun…,

Angel Rising

Nightmarish: 7 [Tasha, Kek, Gino, Tuke, Riley, Ari, Percy]

Legacies: 4 [Corrin, Aethea, Raef, Marek]

Humans: 3 [Leo, Riley N., Zach]

Banshees: 7 [Ro, Wan, Damel, Castor, Pollux, Rhonda, Nym]

Deathborns: 7 [Thaddeus, Crimson, Envy, Echo, Lillith, Damion, Ashvin]

Sunspawn: 7 [Rowan, Riley, Roland, Reagan, Raina, Regal, Riyan]

PBs: 3 [Nightshade, Solstice, Keya]

Total: 31

Keya and The Raven

Awish Humans: 11 [Ahanu, Iyyu, Rayne, Nijlon, Kanti, Shae, Machk, Pules, Graa, Yedda, Alinta]

Keyan Humans: 7 [Shaman Mireh, Pannoowau, Pisiskwes, Aiyana, Cijih, Marli, Jolie]

Seers or Mwêstas: 4 [Boweh, Shaman Tihkoose, Minskwe, Oola Boa]

Outsiders: 1 [Irin]

Holy People: 6 [Kahkakiw, Tahtatiw, Grey Eagle, Kimi, Keya, Asibikaashi]

Cadets: 7 [Near-Seer, Lila, Tallulah, Wynn, Kirreh, Lost-Fingers, Shell Carver]

Pilots: 2 [Risker & Barrel Roll]

Total: 34

Ragamuffin Circus

Humans: 8 [Abi, Ali, Zach, Nikki, Bear, Raoul, Livvi, Nico]

Banshees: 3 [Grace, Faye, Nemph]

Total: 11

Grand Total: 76


In Mind Full there is probably the most.
In world 1, there are 6, Chester, Harris, Earl, Emerson, Blythe, and a kid Chester meets who comes back later in the story
In world 2 there are 7, Huginn, Muninn, Huginn's other three siblings, Tyr, and the queen.
In world 3 there are 2, Harli and Eddith (there are no other living characters).
In world 4 there are 3, Abbott, Caven, and Landers.
In world 5 there are 11, Lincoln, Jamyson, Leslie, Clovis, Sep, Bowen, Jace, Orion, Walton, Oakley, and Dave (Lincoln's cat).
In world 6 there is only 1 so far, They remain nameless for story purposes.
In world 7 there are 4, Oscar, Oscar's mom's body, Oscar's dad, and Winston.
In world 8 there is only 1 so far as well, her name is Ode.
In total there are 35.

Now in Meant to be ignored there aren't many.
Heath, Sebastian, Marcelo, Lennon, Daren, Heath and Daren's mom, Benjamin, Charlotte, Finlee, Marcelo's parents, Sebastian's dad, and Lennon's family.
in total there are 17.

Now if we're counting on all my old stories too.
That would come out to a grand total of 102 (of the ones I can remember).


On notebook? 91. Is that accurate? hell naw, i probably have cloose to 300
In my active stories?
The Bog Blooms Red:
Felix, benji, riley, and steven as the mains
3 murderers
2 side chacters
1 ghost

Dirty Hands:
Same 4 mains
1 unique hallcination
8 side (so far, might expand)

1 unique hallucination
Other reoccurring hallucinations

And theres a fourth book as well that i have no idea yet.

@shadowstar31 group

In total : 60 characters
*Haven't really made my mind on how to divide them by species
Is it a pain? Yep. But will I keep making characters? Probably

@Dayzed forum

You got this! It took me a while to make mine, about three years and whatnot (which is a long time I know)
My main characters were made with other people so maybe try asking around to see if others are willing to make a character with you! You don’t have to but I think it’s really fun in my opinion :)

@klueekillz group

Ooh that sounds fun! I would do that but there's a little problem, they don't know anything about writing (I don't either but we don't talk about that..)

@Dayzed forum

hmm maybe try asking someone who's experienced then, I'm sure they'd be more than happy to do one with you! There are a lot of nice people on this site, so maybe try asking some of the users on here? Just make sure they're okay with you dming if you plan on dming them
Also, don't worry about not knowing anything about writing, we all gotta start somewhere!

Deleted user

um LOTS!

Oh wait you mean specifically… 19 characters that are planned with possibly more. (okay so I guess that's not LOTS)

@trainwreck404 group

5 main heroes
8 side heroes - one of which is a character in Unconventional
5 main villains
8 side villains - one of which is a character in Unconventional

8 antiheroes (including the two already counted)

Frogs: SMA
6 main characters

so 38 total! and that's just the ones catalogued on here, there are some extra siblings & romantic interests that I don't have pages for


On 21 so far
4 more that i haven't put down in written
and about 6-7 more on Goodreads
most are main characters
all my side characters exist only in my head at the moment

@Cadeverek group

I have 154 characters, divided within a bunch of universes and many not inserted in any plotline! The thing is, I don't count background characters/characters that have a very minor role on the story they're in, so each universe doesn't have too many characters, they1d have far more if I counted these bg OCs. Here it goes, it'll be hard to organize but let's try lmao xD Disclaimer, I have no idea of if it all add up, my 2 braincells are currently fighting for the 3rd place so they can't do much math, sorry about that :(


STORY STATUS: Near end of development

  • Transmorphs: 11
  • Elementals: 7
  • Psychics: 24
  • Hybrids: 1
  • Alive at start of plot: 23
  • Deceased: 2
  • Die during plot: 8
  • Protagonists: 2
  • Deuteragonists: 2
  • Tritagonists: 3
  • Antagonists: 11
  • Secondary characters: 15
  • NPCS/quest specific: 7
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: Several

Markings on the kitchen wall, 2004

TOTAL: 20 (all humans)
STORY STATUS: Finished/tied up
ORIGINAL UNIVERSE: No (real life/Earth/our universe)

  • Alive at start of plot: 19
  • Deceased: 1
  • Die during plot: 2
  • Protagonists: 1
  • Deuteragonists: 2
  • Tritagonists: 6
  • Antagonists: 5
  • Secondary characters: 16
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: an ungodly amount


STORY STATUS: Near end of development with chance of complete overhaul

  • Ärie elves: 3
  • Lomë elves: 5
  • Humans: 1
  • Hybrids: 3
  • Alive at start of plot: 10
  • Deceased: 1
  • Die during plot: literally millions, but for the sake of simplification, 1
  • Protagonists: 2
  • Deuteragonists: 2
  • Tritagonists: 2
  • Antagonists: 4
  • Secondary characters: 5
  • NPCS/quest specific: 5
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: very few


TOTAL: 3 (all humans, all alive, none die)
STORY STATUS: Non-applicable (vent universe)
ORIGINAL UNIVERSE: No (real life/Earth/our universe)

  • Protagonists: 1
  • Antagonists: 1
  • Secondary characters: 1
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: the majority of them

The Table (placeholder title)

TOTAL: 19 (all humans)
STORY STATUS: In development (active)

  • Alive at start of plot: 18
  • Deceased: 1
  • Die during plot: 1 significant near death
  • Protagonists: 3
  • Deuteragonists: 3
  • Tritagonists: 2
  • Antagonists: 2
  • Secondary characters: 11
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: 100. The story has 119 characters, very specifically.


TOTAL: 9 (none human, all alive, none die)
STORY STATUS: Start of development (active)

  • Humanoid: 4
  • God-like: 2
  • Criptic: 2
  • Unhuman: 1
  • Protagonists: 1
  • Deuteragonists: 2
  • Secondary characters: 7
  • NPCS/quest specific: Unsure
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: An ungodly amount


TOTAL: 2 (all humans, all alive, none die…. yet)
STORY STATUS: Creation/start of development (active) (newest universe atm)

  • Protagonists: 2
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: All except the protagonists, for now.


TOTAL: 9 (all animatronics, all living dead, none dies)
STORY STATUS: Developed (dropped/old)

  • Protagonists: 2
  • Deuteragonists: 3
  • Tritagonists: 1
  • Antagonists: 2
  • Secondary characters: 2
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: none


STORY STATUS: Non-applicable (vent/symbolism universe/disconnected plotline)

  • Protagonists: 2
  • Fursonas: 2
  • "Fursonifications"/symbolic: 5
  • Secondary characters: 20
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: A few that only have a design and I never really drew again


STORY STATUS: Non-applicable (disconnected stories/no plot)

  • Unicorns: 3
  • Earth ponies: 4
  • Pegasi: 3
  • Alicorns: 0
  • Other: 1
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: Several


STORY STATUS: Non-applicable (disconnected stories/no plot)

  • Game characters: 2
  • Personifications/symbolic: 7
  • Old: 13
  • LPS characters: 10
  • RPG characters: 2
  • Non-counted/background/non-relevant/not developed: Endless, I have no idea because it includes older OCs I might not remember. Almost every uncategorized OC falls here.


TOTAL: 154
  • Humans: 80
  • Furries: 23
  • Animals: 18
  • Mythical/creatures/non-humans: 17
  • Humanoids: 16

  • Male: 57
  • Female: 76
  • Non-binary: 2
  • Agender: 9
  • Gender-fluid: 2
  • Other: 8

So yeah! I spent way too much time on this already. My brain is frying so I hope it was worth it ._.

@larcenistarsonist group

redoing this because i have so many more characters :)

The Six Initiative: (33)

  • 6: The Six (Paisley, Abel, Rhyda, Shea, Grace, Felix)
  • 3: Concordian Crusaders (Bianca, Crimson, Jeb)
  • 4: Donovans and Co (Angel, Drew, Cagney, Gabrielle)
  • 4: Evangelinians (Haru, Ray, Monty, Harry)
  • 4: Part Two Gang (Sid, Holden, Milo, Asher)
  • 9: Significant Family/LI Members (Artemis, Morris, Cole, Mama Crystal, Dave, Ana Luis, Zaid, Greyson, Daphne)
  • 3: WWIV Gang (Mischa, Nikola, Sherman)

Thad and Co: (25)

  • 5: Main Gang (Thad, Sparrow, Rune, Bane, Fennec)
  • 6: Book 2 (Kora, Alexi, Atticus, Sapphire, Baxton, Mattias)
  • 7: The Grand Mages (The King, Solizha, Hyo, Geobi, Caliga, Daedra, Aarion)
  • 3: Lichore (Lance, Opal, Morgan)
  • 4: Various Mentors (Dagnar, Leighton, Cassian, Cypress)

Alabaster Crooks: (10)

  • 5: Mad Lads (Midge, Howie, Dahlia, Avon, Hammy)
  • 3: Associated Mad Lads (Killian, Ransom, Harriet)
  • 2: The Police (Jim, Cassandra)

The Last Sixty Sunsets: (3)

  • Liam and Jesi
  • The Sky

Hawthorne Ridge: (11)

  • 7: Circus Crew (Tania, Dominic, Jack, Elias, Dolly, Kane Arachnid, Blaire)
  • 2: Totally Epic Gothic Antags (Celia, Bram)
  • 2: More Police (Emily, Roderick)

Sleepy Horrors: (10)

  • 5: Paranormal Investigators (Vaughn, Selene, Tobias, Millie, Eshaal)
  • 3: Other Students (Amelia, Lukas, Bruce)
  • 2: Adults (Craig, Cecil)

this number is bound to change but as of now I have

92 characters

Deleted user

Currently in my single universe I'm writing for a Dnd campaign, I have….. 14!
I've got about half of them as the Main villians of my multiple evil empires, and half are the other characters that are part of the not evil bits. Also known as the player characters I made while waiting for the players to make their characters.