I really wanna do (another) gay rp, if anyone has any ideas and would like to join!
I really wanna do (another) gay rp, if anyone has any ideas and would like to join!
(I guess I could. I have just a tiny few ideas depending on your preferred genre.)
(I’m ok with anything! Just tell away :))
Okay! So (all of these are kinda slow burn ideas, so like yuh). All of these prompts were pretty much conjured from my own head –minus the first which was extension of a pre-existing one–, so feel free to pick any. I adore them all.
For a less realistic, but still not wild fantasy, there's this:
A dad who always wanted to see his daughter go down the aisle. He gets his wish, though she's not in a wedding dress. Instead, she's in a coffin, wearing the last dress she ever will. The Undertaker speaks to the father, "well, there she goes. Though I'm taking it this isn't what you wanted." The dad of course confirms that. The Undertaker insists on watching the father go on through life until he too passes away and he can see his daughter again. Feelings gradually build up, blah blah blah. You get the deal… I hope.
For a more.. I dunno, historic type feel (though there won't be too much history knowledge required) there's this:
A prince and a (falsely or not is up for decision) accused village folk. The village folk is being held in the castle dungeon under suspicions of theft. The prince refuses to believe it is true, spends countless hours studying into the supposed crime as well as talking to the villager, and caring for them too. There are multiple trials before the time of the final verdict (guilty or not) that decides the villager's life. Of course within those times, something begins to spark between the two, what one could call love. They share secret kisses under the moonlight that shine through cell bars, as doing so in broad daylight wouldn't go over well. And yeh :)
For something more realistic:
A musician goes to the same restaurant every Sunday evening to perform. (the genre they perform is up for decision) One of the bartenders at the restaurant listens every time, and always gives the performer a tip. One day, as the bartender slips the performer the money, the performer gives something back. A note that says "meet me out back". The bartender does so, and they exchange light conversation and contact info. Overtime they grow closer, but there are still lurking thoughts in the bartender's mind.
"Is this for me? Or is it for show?"
(A bit of drama to spice things up, y'know? ;) )
For more of a fantasy element:
There's an adventure, or rather, just your average DnD player. They're doing a campaign with their friends, and as they go to roll the dice, suddenly, they find themself waking up in a place they've never been before. In front of them is a figure. A man with long, flow-y hair, bonded to a tree by what seem to be thick vines of ivy. He speaks carefully to the adventurer, "remember the number you rolled, rolling it again with the same dice is how you reach me. Come back for me. Save me, adventurer." The adventurer is transported back. They seem to take every DnD game more seriously, and constantly pace around thinking of a way to save the man. The man helps the best he can by talking to the adventurer via telepathy, though the voice gets weaker as he does.
(Ideally the person playing the man will have to play some other supporting characters to push things along some.)
If you want more prompts, let me know! My brain is always coming up with useless ideas.
(Oh and if anyone else reading this wants to snag one of these, go ahead. Just do give me some credit. <3)
(Ooooh! I really love the historical one! It sounds awesome!)
(Okay! So would you like to be the villager, or the prince? :D)
(Can I be the prince? If you don’t mind?)
(Yep! You totally can!)
(Also, are we doing templates or just jumping right in? I'm fine with either)
(Maybe just a brief description of your character then we can jump right in?)
(Okie! I'll include his reason for being accused as well.)
Xenon is a generic and bland young man, he runs a flower shoppe in the small village Elania (named after the first queen Elaine). His hair is silky and brown and falls down to about halfway down his neck , though usually he wears it in a low ponytail during work. Not exactly pauper, but not what one could call wealthy. He usually wears sweaters, sweater coats/vest, and two rings with gemstones on them. (multiple people have tried to steal said rings from him while he sleeps) He pretty much looks like this. And to go with all of that, he wears his favourite accessory, a smile. He's usually a happy and helpful person around others, despite being easily dejected.
He was accused of theft on suspicion of stealing clothing from a tailor that works at a nearby shoppe, and having an affair with the shoppe owner's son (who will also appear in trials) to convince him to not tell anyone.
Oooooh! I love him!
Logan is the prince of the kingdom, which rules over Elania. He’s a quiet, young boy who finds himself sneaking out of the castle to go to nearby villages to see his people.
He has curly black hair and wonderful emerald eyes. He will be king in sixteen months, when his father and mother step down, and he must find a queen to rule beside him.
He doesn’t like wearing the fancy silk or boots, instead opting for the comfortable fabrics of a townsperson
He’s known as the faceless prince as the only people who have seen his face are those convicted, and his parents and servants. He’s un recognizable otherwise
Nice! Would you like to start or would you like me to?
Do you mind starting?
(Not at all)
3 days, that's how long it had been since Xenon was accused of theft and forcefully removed from his home. Unfair. He found himself residing in the dungeon of the castle itself for what? "Stealing" clothes that were more than likely low-quality anyways? He decided to think on the bright side of things, the prince who took to visiting him wasn't all too cruel. Though his silence and blank gazes were often intimidating. He began to hear footsteps coming towards his cell.
'Speak of the devil… devil? He isn't really bad.. angel? No that's weird…' He shook his head, his brown locks antagonized his neck slightly as they settled down. He dropped the saying and just prepared himself for the prince to sit by his cell with a wooden chair as he usually would.
Logan huffed softly, closing his eyes as he walked down through the dungeons. He needed to visit one of the other convicted men before he could sit with the shopkeeper he’d taken a liking to. He didn’t stop in front of the door like he normally would, instead walking back and down the hall
For some reason, as the prince walked past his cell, a part of Xenon felt vaguely.. disappointed. It's not like seeing the prince was something he should have looked forward to. After all, the prince probably saw him as a convict and a convict only. He flopped around on his chamber bed in wait, knowing that even if it wasn't right that moment, the prince would come by his cell.
Logan sighed to himself, talking with the other convict. He had the choice of either becoming a slave for facing the death penalty for his crimes. Once they’d settled that he walked to the cell he always visited, the one he enjoyed visiting
As he saw the prince reappear at his cell to talk, Xenon had to stop himself from leaping to the bars from his bed. Such extreme excitement, seeing his situation, would be quite weird. After all, the prince was likely there to ask him more questions relating to the supposed crime anyhow. No real reason to be happy. He got up from his bed and walked over to the bars, meeting the prince there. He crouched, holding his shaky hands onto the bars for support.
"So," he began, swaying his head side-to-side, "what would you like to ask me about today?"
The prince did t say anything for a few moments, shifting himself on the seat and glancing at the shopkeeper. “You don’t seem to be the person who would steal clothes that you could easily make?” He hummed softly
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