forum Help with my blurb?
Started by @stolenbrocoli group

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@stolenbrocoli group

Just to preface this: I hate synopses/blurbs with every fiber of my being, they're the most dreaded part of my process. So, basically, this draft is the roughest thing I've written in my whole life. I'm thankful for all suggestions :D

Santa Monica, 2064.
14 year-old Garret De La Cruz is obsessed. With the sudden disappearance of his mother, he tirelessly tries to find out what happened to her. But his search becomes more complicated than ever when he officially meets one of his online friends, Cult, who claims to know exactly what happened to his mother, along with a prediction about the fate of the country.
When the world ended in a blaze of nuclear fire, Garret knew Cult’s prediction had come to pass.

I know i didn't write enough, but i'm also worried i'm gonna end up putting too much information. I could give you a short summary of the story if you need.

@Pandroid group

Imo, I feel like your synopsis needs more information than that. Your paragraph sets up the beginning, but it ends abruptly before any potential reader can know what the story is actually about. For example, what is Garret going to do now that the apocalypse has happened? Is he going to search for Cult? Learn how to survive on his own, or group up with other survivors? Are there other potential shenanigans on the rise that Garret will have to deal with?



Idk if you still need help, but I have a few ideas? Maybe don't tell the readers the whole plot in your blurb, just a sentence about the plot, a sentence or two about the characters, a sentence or two about the background of the story, etc. Ok, and maybe include the date and place in the summary. And maybe add a few hints on how his mother disappeared. Did she just vanish? Was it in front of him or did you come home and she was gone? The tiring thing about writing is that there is so much to think about, but the final draft will only have a slice of the whole pizza of information.

"Santa Monica, 2064.
14 year-old Garret De La Cruz is obsessed. With the sudden disappearance of his mother, he tirelessly tries to find out what happened to her. But his search becomes more complicated than ever when he officially meets one of his online friends, Cult, who claims to know exactly what happened to his mother, along with a prediction about the fate of the country.
When the world ended in a blaze of nuclear fire, Garret knew Cult’s prediction had come to pass."

Something that might give you a few ideas. Feel free to use whatever you want.

"14 year old Garret De La Cruz is obsessed. With the sudden disappearance of his mother, to be exact. His search has been exhausting, painful, and has only led to a few facts that are anything but helpful. But everything gets so much more complicated when one of his online friends, Cult appears with the claim of knowing what exactly happened to his mother, along with disturbing news of the fate of the country. So Garret De La Cruz sets off with the supposedly trustable Cult, on a journey not only to save his mother, not only to save Santa Monica, but the whole world."

I'm not sure if I got all the facts right, being I'm not you and only the writer completely understands the story. But I hope it'll help!