Okay, so I have a story I'm working on. The things is that every time I start on a new project I end up with an army of ideas that I can't figure out how to condense into a plot. Also, worldbuilding. I suck at worldbuilding. So I'm gonna give a rundown of the plot and world and any advice or help would be amazing. I honestly just want this down somewhere, and here felt like a good place, so feel free to just drop in tell me what you think. This is so long so I guess no one's going to bother but eh
Background info?
So a kingdom, Doasa (doe-sa). In this country there are many villages, each worshipping a different divinity. There is no one ruler of the country, although Midas is a very powerful figure that everyone knows of; they're a merchant and also have a group of soldiers that they control.
The main characters are five people who are part of a militia that goes around protecting villages from creatures and Midas's soldiers. All five of them are dyszuis (dee-soo-ies), which are basically nymphs. So there's Yanni, the leader, a tide dyszui. There's the youngest of them and Yanni's best friend, Kohmir, a raven dyszui. Then there's Dorota and Diego, twin sun dyszuis, and finally Lysia, Dorota's extremely dependent best friend and a dusk dyszui.
The thing about dyszuis is that depending on what they're born of, they can have tendencies towards good or evil. For example, if they're born of something dangerous like lava, or something in relation to night-time, or predatory animals, they'll have darker tendencies. Now, Lysia literally walks the line between light and dark as a dyszui of dusk, and these two forces are constantly battling inside of her and Dorota, as the good-est of the good, keeps her on the right side. Lysia relies on Dorota for everything- for knowing how to stabilize her moods, and knowing how to help her when she's at her darkest and etc.
I need to figure out the details of the world itself, as I said, and also Midas's exact role as a merchant or what, because they confuse me.
So, prologue, a god falls to earth (expelled for the murder of another god). I've named this god Circe, but I'm conflicted since Circe is already a character that exists and idk.
With Circe now down on earth, there is a spot to fill in the deities. Circe realizes this and approaches Midas to recruit their soldiers in order to take revenge on the other gods by destroying the villages in Doasa and drawing them out to fight them. Then Midas's soldiers come back from having fought the militia and Circe realizes that the gods are going to go after the most powerful in the country and that seems to be Lysia and Dorota. So, after figuring out that it's going to be Dorota as the more stable of the two, Circe goes after Lysia and tells her to come with them because Dorota is about to leave her behind. Lysia tells Circe to leave her alone.
Then, soon after, after a particularly hard battle, the militia realizes that Dorota is gone. Though they don't know it, she's been taken by the gods. Lysia thinks Dorota has just left them and hits rock bottom. They all try and find Dorota by going to Midas, who always knows everything that goes on, but Midas tells them that his soldiers have also disappeared. The militia and Midas then band together to try and maintain order in all the villages and mostly find the people they've lost. Although they don't know it, Midas is actually working with Circe, and Midas's soldiers are with Circe as they plan to destroy village after village in an attempt to draw the gods out and fight them.
Lysia gets desperate, seeing no way for them to find Dorota. She ends up leaving the militia and goes to find Circe, because she thinks if Circe can help her become more powerful she can go after Dorota and bring her back.
The plot gets blurry here, because I've got three things to cover: the militia, Dorota, and Lysia. I don't know what I'm going to make happen exactly and what happens in between everything I've just said and what comes after:
Lysia ends up becoming very, very powerful, in fact so powerful that every time she uses her powers she blacks out and loses control; Circe only encourages this. Meanwhile, Dorota is also getting more and more powerful as she trains with the gods, also weakening Diego as her power grows exponentially.
So what's left of the militia is absolutely falling apart, with a weakened Diego, two missing members and a double agent (Midas). They're trying to fight back against Circe's army and protect the villages, while also searching for Dorota and saving Lysia from Circe.
Then, Lysia realizes what she's been doing when Circe and her go to destroy a village the militia often frequented. She snaps out of her frenzy and flees, going to find the militia.
She shuts down and tries to apologise to them, but seeing how disappointed they are in her just breaks what's left of her sanity and she goes on an absolute rampage.
That's when Dorota comes back, to stop her. A huge fight ensues between two ridiculously powerful figures, who have so much love for each other but who are just so furious at each other. Also! I had this idea about this fight as well: Dorota is with the gods, and so the 'good' side, where she suppresses all the bad. Lysia, on the other hand, is with the 'bad' side, channelling all her negative emotions and ignoring all her moral and good instincts. THIS MEANS, right, that what they suppress (Dorota the bad, and Lysia the good) is what comes out in the heat of a fight, when they're losing control, and that they basically switch sides of good and evil in the middle of their fight.
And that's where I'm at. I don't really have an ending. I have some ideas, but I'm not sure.