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forum Glad You Came (oxo Closed)
Started by @Oakiin

people_alt 57 followers


Yes, the song. Here it is, if anyone doesn't know somehow :)

Basically, I want to be older people finding love? Like probably non/less-sexual, just very romantic and cute and fluffy~

Characters have to be above 40
I kinda vibe straight for this one, and my character's the guy
First come first serve, but you do have to ask before joining
I may ask for a writing example if we haven't rp'd before
May contain some pretty dark themes and more mature content
Do not be rude please
andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s
If you have any complaints, do not hesitate to bring them to me!
I may change or update these at any time
Please be active. If you can't keep going, just let me know, it's no problem
Please have good grammar. Thank-you. Occasional slip ups are fine, of course
Swearing is fine, and allowed, just don't go too overboard
No god modding
Please keep your replies a little longer. Doesn't have to be more than 3 lines, but wherever you can, try to stay above 1.

Character sheet:
Will post if i get any interest

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I know we just started talking but uhm I'd like to use my character Crystal in this roleplay. Her age varies depending on the rp but for this she'll be about 45. I can provide an example as well!

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"I'll try my best to keep tabs. I find people like you interesting and sort of exciting, since you dive into a new person all the time, and certain switches and such. And then there are triggers. You don't mind if I make a little notebook of notes upon each personality, and names and such? For research and good to have if we become friends. And friends do form in the strangest of places, I know that for sure." She nods, reaches her hand out the window, and grabs a leaf hanging off a tree. "Oh how pretty! Look at that." It was green at the very tip, fading to yellow, and then red and orange, and finally brown down at the tip. "It's rare to get leaves like that, most have already finished transitioning." She smiled, having a deep love and respect for nature. Her green eyes flicked back to the road as she turned again.

(A little background, the other character has a split personality disorder and she's talking with him. Oh and she's driving.)

Oh and here's Crystal!

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Sooo…whaddya think? I can fill out the character sheet out as well if you'd prefer, I really don't mind.


Ooh, love her! :D Also, very nice sample, you're definitely in ^^ Sorry I didn't get back to you, my session started really abruptly xD I don't think you'll have to fill out a sheet, this is fine! ^^

Here's my guy, I don't have a page for him though I should at this point I play him so much

Name: Arlath (no last name he's ever given)
Age: 46
Gender: Male

Physical description: He's 6' 0", and built like a tank. He's got white hair and pale gold eyes, one of which is blinded by a long scar over it. He's got many scars, but when asked, he's casual about them, they're nothing more than marks of age and experience to him. He's got a short beard and his head's mostly shaved except for one stripe of fairly short hair down the middle. It's fairly clear his family comes from a different country, given his name, but he's never said where's he's from. Even though he's only in his 40's, he looked worn and older than he is.

Personality: Arlath is quiet, but friendly. He's been through a lot, and it shows, but he tries to keep his head up, looking forward no matter what. He's tough and a bit overprotective of his people, especially younger ones. Between that and his natural tendency to slip into a leadership position, he can be a little overbearing sometimes, and he can get frustrated when he can't help the people he loves. He's kind and always on the look out for how he can help his friends. Though rarely talking about himself or his past, he's honest and open with those around him, not afraid to say when a subject is making him uncomfortable. He's wary of new people, but not unfriendly, and doesn't like being touched. He can't really explain why, which also frustrates him, since he's equally touch starved and lonely. But also he's not enthusiastic about the idea of making deep connections. Burned twice and all that. But he's very gentle and kind, always willing to reach out to anyone else having a hard time. His past experiences are constantly battling his nature, and it's hard for him to deal with that. He tries his best to stay true to himself.

History: Long, and largely never spoken of. He may let bits and pieces slip. If he really lets his guard down. Not a happy one, is the gist.

Species: He's not human, but close enough you wouldn't know the difference except his eyes and hair.

Likes: He likes people, he loooooves kids, physical activity, animals, reading, etc. He likes being outside, and enjoys gardening. He likes history and mythology, and is forever getting books about various cultures to study them. He's a nerd, is basically what I'm saying. He enjoys tabletop gaming as well.

Dislikes: Being alone. He can handle it, and will, but he's a people person at heart, and gets lonely easily. He dislikes people treating each other unfairly, dislikes arguments of any sort, (has a hard time dealing with joking arguments as well), and HATES liars. And if you treat kids badly, especially if you're their parent, he is coming for you. He knows where you live.
If you try to manipulate him or lie to him, you will at VERY least, be getting an earful. Also cooking. He's terrible at it, and he thinks it's annoying.


  • He's gonna be having arthritis problems sooner rather than later here. He ain't very old really, but he's had a life that's put a LOT of stress on his body. And that's going to cause problems.
  • He doesn't seem to have any family or friends, though he lives in a pretty nice house.
  • it's implied that he's ex-military of some sort, but he doesn't talk about it.

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OH MY GODS THEY ARE THE ULTIMATE COUPLE AND I CAN'T WAIT TO GET THIS STARTED! So my idea is Crystal's kids convinced her to get her an online dating profile, and met him and they go on their first date and if you like that idea I really really wanna write the starter but if you have something else let me know.


Ooooohhhhh YAY!!!!!
Ahhhhh i really like that but my guy probably wouldn't be on a dating app he doesn't know he's looking for a partner yet lol
Maybe she got stood up by the guy she was gonna go with, and he realized this and went over to talk to her and make her dinner worthwhile even though she got stood up? Or smth like that?

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Yesssssssss totally. Crystal's really used to assholes but isn't used to people filling in for her being stood up. Can I write the starter?

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Tonight was the big night. Crystal hadn't gone on a date in over 20 years, with 14 kids to take care of and support, but now that most of them were moved out of the house, she could focus more on her personal life. She'd taken up painting again, had begun playing her guitar, and with the convincing of all of her children joined a dating app. It was meant for older people, which she enjoyed but most of the men were just creepy. But. She had met one man. William Baker. He was handsome and well groomed for being nearly 50, he was 48 and she was 45 but still. They had a lot in common. He said he was divorced twice. And after quite a bit of talking, they decided to meet down at Crystal's favorite diner, Grandma's Kitchen. Her kids planned her whole outfit. A green dress that started out at dark green and faded to almost pale at the hem, with a pattern of roses along the bottom and sleeves, with a sweetheart neck line. She also wore a ruby and gold brooch, and light makeup. She even painted her nails, and Evan had braided her hair and adorned it in fake rubies, crystals, and roses. "Now then! No drugs except weed, no alcohol, no jumping off the roof, starting fires, or inviting people over. If you want to go spend the night, ask me. Uncle Joseph will be here in a half hour. Don't do anything stupid until he gets here, so you can shift the blame on him and not yourselves. Now then. Come here my little rose buds! Group hug!" She hugged everyone, and there was a chorus of "Good luck!" And "Don't come home alone, if at all!" Before she shut the door, got in her red mini-van, which her kids named Barbara, the Mom-mobile, and drove off to the restaurant. Once inside, she ordered a booth more towards the back, and talked with the waitress for quite some time, since she knew everyone there,then ordered a glass of wine and waited.


Arlath found that being surrounded by happy people was a great way to stave off the hollow feelings when they became unbearable. Even if no one knew him, or cared about him, he could read quietly, and pretend he was home, with friends around.
Maybe he was especially lonely tonight. He'd been at the diner for three hours, quietly ordering small increments of food so he would have an excuse to stay. The book was starting to wrap its plot up, and he realized as he counted the pages he'd probably be done in another fifteen minutes.

The thought of returning home, to the darkness and emptiness of his house was almost unbearable. There was nothing there. Nothing but memories of pain. Maybe he'd go to the library instead. At least pick up a few new books.
He looked up absently as the bell chimed on the door, seeing a magnificently dressed lady enter. Must be on a date, he thought, and returned to his book as she sat down not far away from him. I hope she has fun, then.

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15 minutes passed, and Crystal began to worry, so she began to call. Then. Another 15 minutes passed. She ordered a second glass of wine, and called again. After about an hour of calling and worrying, she sighed and got up, realizing she had been stood up, she began to get some cash out of her brown satchel to pay for the wine, and small order of breadsticks she had gotten as well, along with the water. It broke her heart that after over 20 years, men were still the childish creatures she used to know. Before she got up however she decided to call one last time, and finally. He picked up. "William where are you! We agreed at 6:30. Oh yes something came up hm? Darling don't you dare raise your-we're through. I can't believe this. You're acting like a child. Is that a womans voice in the background…YOU'RE WIFE!" She hung up and slammed the phone down, and was about to get up when she realized, why let something so small ruin her evening? So. She ordered a chicken alfredo, heavy on the cheese and vegetables, and sipped her wine. She could always hang out with some of the elder waitresses here when they finished their shift, and find somewhere to catch up. But for now she would eat and see how the evening folds out.


Arlath looked up as she had the conversation. He grimaced in sympathy. That couldn't be fun. He hesitated, then sighed and put down his book. At this point, he'd begun to re-read the same chapters, just for something to do. Quietly standing, he payed his bill and crossed to the woman's table. At least he could keep her company, if she wanted. No reason for her whole evening to get ruined; she'd clearly been looking forward to this, given how dressed up she was.
"May I sit here?" he asked, offering a small smile.

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Crystal looked up, and noticed his well defined chisled features, and noticed the thick book he was reading. "Yes of course. The Complete Collection of the Chronicles of Narnia hm? A good choice I must say so myself. Oh! Forgive me where are my manners. I am Crystal. Crystal Love Rosethorn, and you are?" She asked politely. The waitress came over to refill her wine glass, and she ordered you a glass as well with a soft smile, before tucking back her hair behind her ears.


Arlath glanced in pleasant surprise at his book, then back up at Crystal, offering another smile. Maybe this was just a happy coincidence. He hardly ever got the chance to talk to people, and given his dread of returning to his barren home, this could be the perfect excuse to stall longer. Besides, nothing wrong with a little company. She seemed quite nice.
"Arlath," he introduced himself, sitting slowly. "Sorry about what happened. It does sound as though you dodged a bullet there, however."
He set his book on the table beside him, smiling a thanks to the waitress as she filled his glass.

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"I guess so. That's the trouble with the modern world, too much covered up. No passion or honesty anymore." She shook her head as she took another bite of food. "Shouldn't have let my 14 children talk me into a dating app. Oh but it sounded fun." She sighed and even laughed a bit. "But alas, I love my children too much. All of them adopted, save for Marianna….oh I do apologize look at me, blabbering on. Please dear, tell me about yourself a bit." She smiled kindly, a warm motherly smile that seemed to radiate as her deep forest green eyes sparkled.


Arlath shook his head, deciding he liked this person. "No, you're fine. I'm not very interesting, I just live alone and don't do much."
He hesitated for a moment, wondering if that was a satisfactory enough answer. Probably, he decided. He didn't think it made him sound like some creepy weirdo.
"You go ahead, fourteen kids? That's a lot," Arlath said. "What made you want so many?"

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"Well. It started off with the twins, which I adopted with my ex-wife. Then she left, and Evelyn brought in Clara under my wing, and just. Ever so slowly the number grew as I learned each story of pain I just KNEW they deserved a much better place than what their horrid parents provided. And thus I ended up raising a…Harem of children I suppose. All well fed and strong willed, independent, and strong. All things that their parents never bothered to teach them. They're 5 handfuls but they keep me busy. Better than sitting around and reading all day, though every once in a while I enjoy a break. Though most of them have moved out by this point, and so my schedule has opened up quiet a bit. Though due to the fact I haven't gone in a date in over 20 years, ALL of them helped me prepare for this evening, and refuse to go back to their lives until I return home. I was promptly told to return with him, if I return at all. Devilish little things, oh but they're my pride and joy." She ate and drank between her long chit chat about her children, and took a breath. "Again I apologize for talking so much. Let me see. From your looks, you're around my age, and from your warm and yet cold posture you are kind but untrusting save for a few. And with your hair I'd guess some type of militant type. With the book, you have a love of fantasy and other worlds, and from sitting here with me, you hate to see people in distress. And there's an empty lonely in your eyes. You're much more interesting than you know darling, if only you'd look through others eyes. Alas an impossible task indeed, but impossible doesn't exist in my book."


Arlath's expression, which had softened as she told how she'd ended up with all her charges, grew guarded again as he subconsciously drew back. It was an astute set of observations, but somehow it felt less prying than he might have expected. It was an honest attempt to reach out, he couldn't fault her for that.
"Yeah," he admitted. "You're pretty much on the mark with all that. I guess I just don't really like talking about myself, I'm not my favorite person." He shrugged. "I mean, ask any question you'd like, but I prefer to think of other things."
He hesitated for one more second, then glanced down at his book. "Thanks though. That…that was very kind of you to say."

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"Ah see. I get that quite often dear. I'm always kind. No matter what. Impressively kind." She picked up the novel. "You're much like the lion in this book. I like that. But you see, every person is just a new planet to discover, another book to read, and I have a taste for surprising romance with a dusting of fantasy." Yes, Crystal was flirting with him a bit. He was handsome, and she wanted to learn him more. "Oh and don't worry. I don't like to talk too much about myself either. But. Every lock does need its key." She smiled softly.


Arlath was taken aback, but not in a bad way, he found. She was charming, in a forward sort of way. She might have been flirting. He didn't want to think about that too much. He was enjoying himself more than he had in months, and he didn't want to ruin that.
"Quite impressive," he said, slightly teasingly. "You don't mind complimenting yourself, do you?" He smiled to show he was just playing around, not actually accusing her of bragging. It was good to talk with another person. He hadn't had a good conversation in too long.

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"One must be self reliant, for who do you have when everyone is gone hm? Self confidence and forward stride. I know myself completely. I scare men because of that. I can't be undermined or uprooted, and I'm very rarely blinded by emotions. I see truth always. Men hate that. They want to throw glitter in my eyes and call it gold flecks. Even after 30 years, men are still the same. Most of them anyways. You…you aren't that way. You're kind, but reserved, and patient. You don't seem the type to be one to quick to anger, but what does an old fox like me know hm?" She laughed. "So then. Tell me, since you aren't in the military anymore, what do you do? Do you spend every evening people watching? Oh, and any passions beyond reading?"


(Sorry for the absence, I got sick yesterday T.T)

"I'm sorry you've had those experiences. It's saddening to think dignity and courtesy have fallen so." Arlath gave a slightly sad smile. "Ahhh, but I don't do much. I'm…retired, I suppose, technically. I have a garden? That's about it. I usually stay home, but if it gets to be too lone…" he trailed off for a moment, glancing around almost wistfully at the bustling diner. "Sometimes it's nice to just be around people. I don't really have that many friends."

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"Ah. The time I would kill for one day of complete silence. Now then do not get me wrong, I love my 28 handfuls of children, for both require two hands just to have them stay put while you lecture them, but one must have some alone time where one isn't cooking, or cleaning, or memorizing activity schedules for the week." She shrugged. "Do you cook since you have a garden?" She asked politely, not wanting to hoard all of the attention.