@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
I've responded to all of my rps
I'm bored
gimme more
will I regret this later?
Do I care?
I've responded to all of my rps
I'm bored
gimme more
will I regret this later?
Do I care?
I will also prolly regret this later but may I?
yes indeed
any preferences for rps?
None at all. Right now I'm kinda craving some action or something maybe a little dark?
Oo I'm good at dark
Oo yes dark is nice
Any prompts in mind?
May I join the club of starting a roleplay I’ll probably regret later? Assuming this isn’t a oxo, but if it is I’m happy to stalk
Aaa, I figured it'd be oxo, but we can do a pm rp if you want?
Ok! Yeah I’d be good with that :) tysm!
Would you like me to set up the PM?
Okay so I have some sort of ideas for what we could do!
I have a vigilante character I'm dying to use for an rp if we're cool with some dark urban superhuman story?
:0 yeas
:0 cool beans
so is just that vague thing cool for an rp?
I mean
very low on inspo right now aha
yeah that's cool I'm too lazy to think of anything more XD
hell, I'm going to have to revisit my hero characters aren't I
Dear god I haven't touched them in a year, oops
Me, opening the character vault: Hopefully they don't hate me-
Me, slamming the door shut:
Me: Well. I'm dead.
asd;lkfja XD yeah mood
So we gonna do templates or just jump right in?
Temps please?
Okay sweet. Make our own?
I've got one I love to use
Would you like my character to be any specific gender?
Kay Ima make my own
Name: Sheaenna Aloe Garner
Nicknames: Shea
Gender/Pronouns: Female, she/her
Age: 27, October 12th
Sexuality: Questioning, probably bi or pan
Appearance: Shea has thick, chestnut hair that reaches just past her shoulders. Her eyes are big and violet that glow pink when using her powers. She stands at about 5'9 and is average weight. She is muscled and flat. She has a small, pointy and slightly upturned nose and small lips. She has a large scar (about 3/4 of an inch wide) stretching from the top of the left side of her face and reaching to her jawline. She can't move the muscles on the left side of her face because of it. Her expression is usually with a resting smirk and a mischievous gleam in her eyes. She has a slightly tanned skin tone. Her usual attire is hoodies, jeans, and ratty high tops.
Personality: Chaos. Pure chaos. Shea goes by her own rules and refuses to follow anyone else's. She's reckless and impulsive, doing whatever she wants, whenever she wants. Shea is very playful and loves to have fun, but she does know when to be serious. She doesn't work well in teams. Shea is never one to back down from a challenge and always follows through with what she says she's going to do. Shea is snarky and sarcastic, often quipping and making jokes while in battle. She's like Spider Man meets Winter Soldier personality and skill wise. Shea's memory is pretty bad, so instead of actually trying to remember people's names, she gives them a nickname and sticks with it.
Background: Shea's first family was killed by some crazy mercenary, She being the only survivor. She went to live with another family who was pretty chill, but not the same as her birth family. Shea got her powers from her mother, who was a test subject at some brain research facility. After discovering her powers, Shea fled from her adopted family and took up residence in Ironvein, a stormy and dark city riddled with criminals.
Powers: Shea can control the emotion of fear. She can either make someone experience it, or take it away. She can make people hallucinate and lose concentration. Her powers have no physical appearance other than her eyes glowing, but those are even hidden. However, a feeling of dread washes over everyone around. Her powers are always seeking out people to use them on, so she always has to keep her guard up and control herself. At night, those few minutes that she actually sleeps, Shea's powers release the fears and emotions they gathered that day and Shea experiences what her victims experienced through nightmares.
Vigilante Name: She didn't pick one, but most people call her "the Shadow"
Vigilante Outfit: Dark purple combat boots that reach her knees, comfortable black pants, belt that can hold four knives and a gun, black leather jacket with dark pink and purple art across the left shoulder, black gloves with spikes on the knuckles, and a black motorcycle helmet with a reflective purple visor that covers all of her face.
Skills: Pinpoint knife throwing, hand-to-hand combat, motorcycle riding
And I don't care for gender, mine's female
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