forum Fantasy or something, Open!

people_alt 86 followers


I wanted an Rp where I have no control over my character. I want it to be influenced by images I find on Google or Pinterest but I want a themed Rp.

I was thinking fantasy but that is kind of my comfort zone and I want to break free of my comfort zone. Anyone interested?


For each section of the Template, use the theme (Fantasy) and search either Google or Pinterest for ideas (Fantasy names etc). Use the first image that pops up and either describe it or create a visual aid and share it in your form. For optional things (OPT), you don't have to fill them in, its more for a fun detail.

Romantic Orientation:
Distinguishing Marks/Piercings/Tattoos:
Basic Traits:

Clothing Aesthetic:
Usual Fashion:
Weapons: (OPT)

Powers: (OPT)

(Extra) (OPT)
Favorite Color:

@lavender_ladybug group

Name: Theon Quillen
Age: 22
Gender: male
Romantic Orientation: cupioromantic, no preference
Appearance: Brown curly hair cut to his temples, toned arms and shoulders yet a soft abdomen, small brown eyes, rectangular face, average height if not slightly shorter than most men his age, long and slender fingers—covered in callouses
Distinguishing Marks/Piercings/Tattoos: Tattoo of a wolf on the top of his right wrist, gold ring piercing on his left ear
Basic Traits: Usually up to his elbows in some type of project, independent, sensory seeking, spontaneous, can appear insensitive or lacking true commitment, fidgety
Background: Son of a wealthy fur trapper and merchant, Theon was expected to follow in his mother's trade, while his father was a baker. He learned how to set traps and track animals through the woods at a young age. But as he grew into adulthood, Theon began to wonder if this was truly the life he was meant to lead. Now, while his parents live most of the year at their manor in the country, Theon stays at their temporary residence in the city.

Clothing Aesthetic: classic academia, but fantasy
Usual Fashion: Embroidered tunics with loose sleeves and pinned cuffs, dark trousers, and calf-high boots. Cloaks and/or vests for outings depending on the weather
Weapons: Bow and arrow, stored over the hearth

Powers: (OPT)
Skills: Archery, baking

(Extra) (OPT)
Favorite Color: Maroon
Hobbies: Willing to try anything and everything, not good at most he tries. He is good at Archery and baking. He tries his best at sewing but doesn't have the patience for it.
Pet/s: Irish wolfhound named Ailean (pronounced al-an)


Name: Inara Faustus
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Romantic Orientation: Straight
Appearance: Inara has short black hair with long bangs, light grey, almost white, eyes in a siren's shape. she is tall and thin with a toned body and visible muscles. she has pale skin, soft pink lips, a small nose and a large scar on her left eye[Visual Aid: Inara]
Distinguishing Marks/Piercings/Tattoos: Scar on her left eye, Tattoos on both arms that look like clocks and astronomy charts. Pierced ears which she changes the earring of every so often.
Basic Traits: Swordswoman, works out, enjoys reading, usually quiet and observant.

Clothing Aesthetic: Knightcore/commoner
Usual Fashion:
Weapons: Main and Side

Powers: Her tattoos make her skilled at navigation, no matter where she is, she will know how to get home.
Skills: combat, gardening, tying knots

(Extra) (OPT)
Likes: Nature
Dislikes: Hybrids
Favorite Colour: Pastel purple and blue, (Lilac and Periwinkle)
Hobbies: Gardening, reading, practicing her swordsmanship
Pet/s: This thing I'm calling it an Astral Fox. She helps navigate and can speak telepathically to people she trusts. Her name is Zephyr, Zeph for short


My character seems to be a knight and yours seems to be a merchant. I haven't come up with a backstory for my character but maybe she is a daughter of either disgraced nobles or she is the bastard child of a wealthy man/noble and is on the run now because he is trying to have her killed?

Maybe the plot is one of adventure and found family?

@lavender_ladybug group

I like that a lot! I think that leaves it open nicely for PumpkinLatte's character to join the found family if they'd like.

Maybe Inara and Theon could just happen to bump into each other while Inara is escaping and Theon doesn't really have a choice except to help a stranger?


Theon seems to be the kind of person who sees a person in trouble and can't help but help them. Inara seems to be the type of person whose ego will prevent her from accepting help until she can see no other way.

I think it would be funny if they had to try and prove they were all distantly related or a family in some way or another, it would cause * drama *

@lavender_ladybug group

Ooh yeah that sounds great! Since Theon has a house to himself in the city, maybe he could suggest Inara stay there with him under the guise of her being his long lost sister/cousin or something? He would probably have at least one servant with him that could serve as a chaperone so outside people are less suspicious of a young woman living with a young man (depending on the gender of PumpkinLatte's character too)