Indrigos is a place of hope and wonder, the pinnacle of the continent. A wondrous place filled with love and prosperity. Rivers run wild through the cobbled streets, large gardens of wildflowers grace the sides. Magical lights litter the sky at night and add to the sea of stars above. But a darkness is coming, filling every corner of this magical city, leaving the people worried and scared.
A sickness has arrived in Indrigos. No one knows how it got there, who brought it in, but it's deadly, killing anyone within a matter of days once they catch the deadly illness. It has no name, but everyone knows of it.
Not only that, but people have started going missing. Bodies are turning up in the streets bloody, dismantled, torn apart, gruesomely brutalised. People think it might be related to the illness, but no one knows for sure.
On the night of the winter solstice, the prince winds up dead amidst the biggest festival of the year. The injuries line up with that of the killers plaguing the city. It's not long after that when the king becomes sick, and the best the healers can do for the ruler is keep him alive long enough to enlist the help of the Captain of the Royal Guard, along with a member of the investigative group, The Voyants, to figure out what's happening to the city before it's too late.
Alrighty! I shouldn't be making another rp, but here goes, I have a character I wanna use so why not:)
The basic gist is this will be high fantasy, mystery investigative story where your character, the Captain, and my character, the Voyant, will go on a hunt to find what's killing the citizens of Indrigos and if it's related to the sickness. It will probably be romance, too, and will either be mlm or nblm, so if that isn't your thing, this rp isn't for you.
Now fair warning, because of time zones, as well as preparing for my senior year to start in a week, I probably won't be active much apart from this coming week, so if you like fast rp's this also isn't the story for you. So there's no need to reply every day if you can't, I completely understand!
This is a super loose idea at the moment because it's late and I'm tired, I just have a character I want to use and then this happened, feel free to add some spice of your own! I love combining ideas and talking about what to include and how to incorporate ideas.
Rules and tings:
- The setting is high fantasy, so no guns, modern tech, any of that shit. Magic, ofc, is okay! But just don't go overboard, it has limits, and being overpowered is boring
- If you don't want romance, let me know! I'm chill with it, and I don't bite, questions are welcome
- If I don't know you're writing style, I will ask for a sample, and I can reject you if I wish and your style doesn't fit. It's nothing against you! It's just personal preference
- Please, please, please don't just write one fucking sentence! Looking for more of an experienced rp'er. Paragraphs are welcome and enjoyed! Stuff to build off of! It makes things so much more interesting, and if you know my writing style, you'll know this already (The Raven is a good example of this - if you haven't seen me around, I recommend you have a glance at it before asking to join so you know how I write:) because I might not be right for you!)
- Punctuation, spelling, grammar, all that, please use it, I'll love you if you do
- andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules ofc
- Don't be a dick. Characters can be, but not you, and don't use it as an excuse please and thank you
- No slurs or anything
- Swearing is okay, (not at me ofc lol) but in the rp, along with high gore, smut (if it happens, it will be taken to dms), and all that fun stuff, go crazy. If you have any triggers, let me know, because it might get quite dark
- Have fun! I don't want to seem like I'm the fun police, I'm super chill and laid back:)
I think that's it for now, I'll post the temp if anyone is interested. Again, feel free to ask questions and so on, I'm happy to answer any.