I think the title says it all, doesn't it?
I think the title says it all, doesn't it?
OwO mightn't I?
Sorry for the OwO btw I do that ironically because I'm annoying.
Yes please! Join me in my madness!
Hell yeah! What stuff do you want in this and what do you want to avoid, by chance?
I will be completely honest, I am up for literally anything. Try me. I've probably done worse.
Uh, mostly I’m just wondering your comfort level with smut. If it’s a no-no I get it but I’d just like to be aware lol.
Oh my sweet summer child. If only you could see what my dms look like. I'm perfectly fine with smut.
Oh my sweeter summer child, if only you could see my body count. But fair enough, do you want to discuss plot or characters first?
I say plot. Because I can work a character around a plot.
I really see this as being fantasy, a royal and a rebellion leader mayhap?
Ohohohohoho yes that is My Shit. So, would the government by tyrannical, or ineffectual, or otherwise bad? Or would it be largely okay, with just people who want to rain on a successful parade? I would say it would be cool to have a genuinely terrible government, with a royal who wants to make changes but is too naive or even just a straight up evil royal (who possibly tops? or something idk) and a revolution leader who is just too pure of heart but also knows how and when to get shit done? And then, perhaps, the revolution leader is captured, and is left up to the young royal who isn't yet king/queen to decide what to do with? Cue maybe like, a forced concubine situation to either get to leader out of hot water or even just to torture them, that or just like, idk, something like just they get to know each other over time if you don't want to jump straight into the spicier themes.
Okay, okay, I'm liking it so far but if I may edit a couple of things.
I think we'll go with a tyrannical government with an unintentionally sadistic royal. Like, they do it because that's all they know and maybe enjoy it a bit?
As for the leader, what about someone who's family was tortured by said government and now wants to get back at the royal family by killing the heir to the throne?
Then we could have the concubine situation but I'd say make it more of a spy/undercover thing that the royal is totally unaware of.
Ooooh that would be cool! So basically, the rebel leader decides to go undercover as a lover, for a sadist prince with family issues and a mean streak a mile long? Sounds good to me!
Am I about to give this royal a bondage kink if I get the chance? Maybe~
Hmm, maybe they're being sold as a concubine slave by a rich person in touch with the royal family who also works with the revolutionaries in order to slowly plant seeds of destruction in the kingdom? Would that be cool to add on?
Am I about to give this royal a bondage kink if I get the chance? Maybe~
I Am Looking Disrespectfully
Sold as in "sold", like the leader arranged it as a ploy to get inside the royal's castle and their pants.
Hmm, maybe they're being sold as a concubine slave by a rich person in touch with the royal family who also works with the revolutionaries in order to slowly plant seeds of destruction in the kingdom? Would that be cool to add on?
Ooo, cool idea but I was more thinking something else. I was more thinking along the lines of there's something going on where people are selected to be concubines for the prince/princess based on like family and beauty, things like that. The leader happened to be among those selected.
Oooh okay! That could work?
I mean, it would be cool so let's do it! Character templates or shall we just jump in?
I say jump right into things! But what is the pairing we're going for and who's playing who? My specialty is BxB and I've played a royal before but it's up to you.
Uh, I like MLM stuff,,,, also T4T stuff,,,,, I am trans and I primarily play Distinctly Not Cis characters but I could in theory play a cis man if it helped. I'd also prefer to play the rebel leader if that's okay?
No no no, play what makes you comfortable! If you want to play a trans guy, go for it!
And the rebel leader is all yours!
Cool, shall we begin and can you start?
Will do!
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