Ok, so I haven't been practising as much as I would like to, so every day I plan on posting here with 100+ word short stories to practice my writing lmao. My inspiration could be anything from dreams to songs I like
1. The Perfect Ballerina
I am doll, stitched together by bits of faded dreams and lost promises, made up of empty lies and false hope.
I will forever be a young girl, cured into inhabiting the body of a broken, living ballerina, an animatronic for entertainment.
My arms move and my body twists, a repeating pattern. The metal inside me squeaks and groans, yet I still dance.
Many people came and visited my room, to laugh and take pictures, to clap at my misery, not knowing the full truth of what they are seeing. I was jealous of them, being able to roam about freely while I was trapped inside this doll.
While I couldn't do much from my spot in the middle of the room, I was able to see when the real, alive and human ballerinas walked by, their pristine pink tutus making my ripped and dirty one seem ragged and dirty.
They people who worked at my exhibition would never know how my dirty clothes got changed into the clean ones the ballerinas wore, nor why they would only change when a ballerina disappears, my new dresses and tutus identical to the ones they were last seen wearing.
They also couldn't explain why my hands were constantly stained a red coppery colour.
You see, the thing they didn't understand is that only i could be the perfect ballerina…. And I will kill to ensure that title is forever mine