@Null-Gravity language
Here we are. I'll have the starting template up soon-ish.
Here we are. I'll have the starting template up soon-ish.
Basic Info
Nicknames (Optional):
Age (Please make them 17 or older):
Gender (Biological):
Gender Identity:
Skin Tone:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Hair Style:
Body Type:
Identifying Marks (tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc.):
Usual Outfit:
Basic Personality (descriptive terms, such as "calm" and "kind" can work instead of a full personality description):
Physical Conditions:
Mental Conditions:
Backstory (From before experimentation):
There's the template. Sorry it took forever, but I hope that isn't too much.
Oh, and I'll also be creating a forum in Sharing and Critiques to share worldbuilding and lore, so keep an eye out. I've already started to ramble in the first post so I'll section off what is and isn't relevant for you to see in regards to developments in the roleplay. I'm hoping that since both of us have long inactivity periods in roleplays I'll have plenty of time to properly worldbuild.
I'll get my Character in tmrow!
(While I'm working on the worldbuilding, character sheet.)
Basic Info
Name: Fena Yuri
Nicknames (Optional): Fen
Age (Please make them 17 or older): 23
Gender (Biological): Female
Gender Identity: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Skin Tone: Medium brown, a sort of raw cocoa color.
Height: 7'4"
Weight: 203 lbs.
Eye Color: Hex Color #e8cf51
Hair Color: Hex Color #e8dac5
Hair Style: A simple loose knot at the base of the skull pulling her hair back from her face.
Body Type: Thick in the shoulder, hip and waist areas, very powerfully built; heavy, corded muscles visible on the exposed skin of her back, arms and part of her legs, almost as thick as steel cable. Amazonian, I guess you might call her.
Identifying Marks (tattoos, scars, birthmarks, etc.): Her dual eyelids, her tail (the fur the same shade as her hair), and the large, feathered wings sprouting from her back (also the same shade as her hair). She's also missing her right arm just above the elbow and uses a metal prosthesis. Lastly, the numerous scars that criss-cross her body at every conceivable angle, across every inch of visible skin.
Usual Outfit: A light cloth toga-like dress fashioned from a single white cloth, draped over her. It lets her wings and tail stay unhindered.
Basic Personality (descriptive terms, such as "calm" and "kind" can work instead of a full personality description): Fen is a very kindhearted person, and tends not to trouble herself with things like who likes who or who did what, preferring to stay in her home and read. She acts as a guide of sorts for those who lose their way, being known in some areas of the city as "the Watcher," for the way her eyes and ears seem to catch everything that happens. If need be she can and will fight, but only when every other option has been exhausted. She has only ever taken a life once in her time living in the desert country, and it was a situation she still regrets, though it wasn't her fault. Beyond all of that, her emotions play out on her face like a well acted play, everything thought or felt simply there in any situation. It's led to some. . . interesting experiences. All in all, she's a peaceful being, yet not harmless.
Sexuality: She doesn't know what it really means to love yet, nor has she ever really felt a true attraction to someone. So, unknown.
Fears: Having her peaceful existence taken from her. Losing the chance to stay in her peaceful life. Being the last one of her people alive.
Hopes: To one day find any surviving members of her race.
Motivations/Goals: Her main goal is to one day venture back out amongst the stars to find traces of her world, her civilization.
Hobbies: Cooking, eating, reading romance novels, writing and reading short poems, helping out people who need help - whenever she's outside.
Talents: Most of her talents that she currently displays lie in housekeeping. She can cook, clean, do laundry and sew. The skills from her old life, however, aren't ones she likes to use, which consists of combat knowledge and tactical knowledge. She was a soldier before, and now she just wants peace.
Physical Conditions: Her lack of a right arm.
Mental Conditions: PTSD
Backstory (From before experimentation): Her past on her home planet was troubled. The Pholine are a very warlike race, and worth is measured in raw strength versus intelligence. Fen herself was a fearsome fighter - but due to her status as daughter of a noble's servant, she couldn't display such skills. Her original plan to gain recognition was to run away and pose as an ordinary orphan, but such thoughts were quickly demolished - as was her at the time home, with all its inhabitants inside. The people who did it were a race at constant odds with the Pholine, known to them as "Plague" and "Scourge." Such a barbarous and cruel act drove Fen to a frenzied rage against the race and so with that, she set off on a long journey with nothing but the barest of necessities. Her journey ended at the doorstep of a garrisoned platoon of soldiers in a relatively large town. From there, she was nursed back to health by a very kind lady soldier - and trained by a hellish beast after. The training turned Fen's rage to something sharper, more pointed - wrath. Her anger drove her to heights the likes of which had never been seen before. After her debut as a foot soldier in the first war against the Scourge, she gained notoriety as a mindless killer, driven on and on even through normally debilitating wounds to kill and slaughter. She very quickly rose in rank and gained her own platoon of soldiers, directly underneath the emperor of the Pholine himself. Advancements only made possible by beating the current holders of high positions in open combat. It was almost hilarious how easy these people fell before Fen's blade. And so she led the war on foot, beside every soldier in every battle, her frenzied blade inspiring those around her and driving them further and further into battletrance. And yet it was all for nought. Slowly, the Scourge started adapting to the Pholine's tactics. Slowly, they started losing ground, losing battles, until they were pressed right up against their own capital city's walls. Comrade after comrade fell, yet Fen kept fighting, killing and killing and killing, her now fully developed twinblade style buzzing through enemies like a knife through butter. Yet even she had to fall back, losing an arm in the process, evacuating citizens as she went - yet more died than she could save. In the end, her ruler forced her to leave the planet as a last resort, hoping to preserve at least one of his people before they were all wiped out. And thus, Fen left, put into a long, dreamless slumber amongst the barren expanses between stars. Until she was one day found and brought here, to her new home in the desert country across the mountains.
(Well @JustALostM I found that roleplay you mentioned.)
(Just post whatever character whenever. I don't have the energy to remember the worldbuilding I was trying to do-)
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