forum Dark Cyberpunk Dystopia RP; Closed
Started by @King_Cyrus

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  • Mature Themes, but no explicit content; please be 16 or older.
  • PG-13 language only (no f).
  • No magic.
  • Be semi-literate.

If anyone is interested in joining me for a cyber-punk style RP, I would be glad to have you.


Hmmm… Okay.

Basically I'm fine with any kind of prompt just set in a cyberpunk-esque universe. Romance, adventure/action, a combination… I don't mind. If you like dystopias, we could do rebellion vs government type thing, or maybe just a rivalry between tech-powered crime gangs. Maybe there's a kid whose family is in poverty, they have a sick sibling or parent who needs medicine but can't afford it. But the kid (or teen or whatever) is really smart and decides to participate in something illegal (maybe like robot-fighting or something since this is a cyberpunk themed rp?) to make some cash to save their family member. But then they get involved with near-arrests and even local crime gangs, especially when some nearby gangs note how good they are with bots.

Idk. Just spitballing. Any ideas?


(I like all of those ideas to be honest, lol. I'm a sucker for romance and action/adventure, so anything in that genre is an immediate yes for me, as well as the idea that you gave sounds super funnnn)


(Hmmmm….maybe they fall for one of the gang leaders (Or other way around) After being hired to build bots for them and earn money for their family member? Not sure..)


Personality: (can be super brief, my friend)
Backstory: (also super brief)

((How's this?? Remove ()? Also, any kind of relationship dynamics you like?))


Name: Kelna Niclis
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Orientation: Straight
Personality:Fairly cold and calculating, likes working with deals and trades and looks fairly unphased by most things. Her closest crewmembers know her best and if asked they will portray her as a completely different person than what she comes off as.
Backstory: Grew up on the streets from about age 10 on, fought her way tooth and nail to the position she has. She started working bot fights at about 12, collecting bets, arranging fights, putting together teams, ect.
Build~ lean and trim. She's about 5'10" and is built like a high jumper (Long legs, almost no curves)
Skin~ Pale but far from perfect, she has hundreds of freckles dotting her face and body as well as several scars. The most noticeable one is one that runs from the left side of her jaw across her lawline that stops right inline below her left eye.
Face~ Diamond shaped face, calculating blue eyes and a average nose that clearly has been broken several times
Hair~ Thick ash brown hair cut short in a choppy pixi cut, always styled up and almost never seen in her eyes.
Clothes~ Likes to wear darker clothes, suits, and every so often less formal clothes when she's working with the team or is relaxing


(Smol boi <3)

Name: Niles Ridley
Age: 22 years old
Gender: Male
Orientation: Heteroromantic demisexual probably. But he's a shy bean.
Personality: Niles is incredibly intelligent and learns quickly, but he has a low self-esteem that usually prevents him from being able to value any of his personal attributes. He's a reserved guy, usually quiet at first around strangers, but when he gets nervous or comfortable he has been known to ramble a lot, especially about the things he loves most. He gets nervous and flustered easily; to be honest, he can panic and be a mild spaz sometimes. But, despite being afraid of a great many things, he's far braver than he comes across initially, especially when it comes down to it. When needed, he overcomes all of the anxious voices in his head and will sometimes do things no one else ever would've dreamed he would do.
Niles has the desire to see the good in everyone else, but he is also aware that the world is full of evil people, so he's constantly caught between trying to be kind and trying not to be naïve. He can sometimes be easily influenced, but when it comes down to it, he has morals and will do what he can to stick to them.
Backstory: Niles' father was a robotics engineer and actually designed and programmed many amazing robots. Before his death when Niles was only eleven years old, Mr. Ridley taught Niles many of his skills. However, after an unfortunate accident that killed Mr. Ridley, Niles' family plunged into poverty shortly after. Niles, both out of desperation for money and in hopes of honoring his father, continued to learn everything he could about robotics; his goal was to get a scholarship or something that would help him get a permanent job working for a company where he could support his family— which now consisted of his disabled mother and younger brother, Pim. Since selling technology was technically illegal and he hadn't yet even graduated high-school, Niles was forced to get a menial job at a young age— and soon it became apparent that, unless he received a scholarship, Niles would never be able to afford any kind of university. His dreams were crushed further when Pim contracted an incredibly rare, fatal disease that required expensive medicine and treatments— which forced Niles to drop out of high-school altogether during his senior year and work two jobs. Even so, the treatments were expensive, meaning that Pim only got the bare minimum and the family occasionally went without food or electricity for days on end. This sort of pattern continued for several years— with Pim receiving hardly any treatments and the entire family struggling on the edge of absolute poverty— until a slight change in the economy resulted in the loss of one on Niles' jobs and a wage cut from the other. To make matters worse, it seemed that Pim's health suddenly took a plunge for the worst.
Niles had swore to avoid any illegal activity, mostly because his mother had begged him not to, and he because knew that if he got arrested, no one else would take care of his family; Pim would die and his poor wheelchair-bound mother would end up homeless and inevitably die as well. Not to mention, nothing good ever happened to anyone who got arrested, and Niles was too soft for the slammer.
But desperate times called for desperate measures.
Build~ He's not all that impressive. Rather a small guy, standing at only 5'8; he's not chubby, but he has the sort of softness that comes from lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet. His feet are kind of large in proportion to his body, but it's not all that noticeable.
Skin~ Fair skin, with lots of acne-scars on his face. He doesn't have any freckles, but he does have a birthmark on his wrist. His skin is kind of soft, but blemished.
Face~ Heart-shaped, with soft features. He looks a little younger than he is. He has curious grey-blue eyes and long blond eyelashes. His teeth are white and mostly straight, though he has a small gap between his two front teeth.
Hair~ Thick, messy, wavy, floofy blond hair that basically sticks in every direction regardless of what he tries to do with it.
Clothes~ He usually wears basic clothes, like t-shirts and hooded jackets, sweatpants, and high-tops or sneakers. All of his clothes are usually clean, but worn-out. He also wears big, thick-framed black glasses. Overall, he has a dorky yet endearing appearance.