forum Creature in the Hills (OxO, MATURE) (OPEN)
Started by @Desvelarse pets

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@Desvelarse pets

I want to do another one of these monster themed rps, so here is a little summary: There have been stories all around the town of a monster that lives in the mountains, feeding on the animals and people of the small town. What the townsfolk don’t know is that the monster is closer than they think, living and walking among them.

So, I found a character of mine that I took inspo from Until Dawn (awesome game). I used that to base my character off of. Take a look, and if it catches your eye, let’s do this.

-Rated MA/R for mature themes, violence, and sexual situations (taken to PM)
-Lgbtq+ accepted!
-Don’t make your character crazy OP
-No one liner type replies

Name: Cyrus Astor

Age: 24 years old

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Bisexual, male preference

Species: Wendigo. These creatures are commonly thought to be people who, in great times of starvation, went insane and committed cannibalism, turning them into the terrifying creature. They feed off of human flesh, occasionally satisfied by animal meat, but that is never enough. A Wendigo lives in constant starvation, no matter how much it eats. Whenever one eats, the hunger only gets harder to satisfy. The creatures have heightened senses, strength, and stamina. They see in shades of red only, but can see straight black and white. Living creatures glow white in a Wendigo’s vision.

Looks: (loosely based off of Black long shaggy hair, abnormally pale skin, deep red eyes with golden flecks around his pupils, fit and slender build, unnaturally tall (around 6’7), little scars in various spots on his body. Often wears causal clothes that have to be custom tailored to fit his tall build.

Looks when shifted:

Personality: Introverted, keeps to himself, anxious, soft spoken, intelligent, awkward, doesn’t take many risks and prefers to take things the safe route. Around people he is comfortable with he is gentle, caring, affectionate, and protective. He has a switch type of personality.

Background/Other: Cyrus never really had any family. As far as he knew, he just suddenly existed. He looks human, but at times, he can shift into a creature from Native American legends known as a Wendigo. Cyrus tends to keep moving as to not draw suspicion to himself. He feels the overwhelming urge for meat at all times. The only problem is he is a devout vegetarian and tries his hardest to not shift as even the smell of meat makes him nauseous.


I have three options that I'm thinking of. One is also a monster, newly created. The other could be a monster hunter. The third is just a simple human, so it's really up to what dynamic you'd like for this rp!


Apologies!! Getting him up now!

Name: Asmodeus Zyran Belmont
Nicknames: Asra - Will most commonly introduce himself as Asra to not get looks about his name. Azzy - Call him this and you're as good as dead-
Meanings: Asmodeus - one of the kings of hell, the demon of wrath. Zyran - Storm. Belmont - Beautiful Mountains
Age: 26
Biological: Male
Identity: Male
Pronouns: He/Him/His
Sexuality: Demisexual, preference for men.
Species: Human? Supposedly. He has 'wild magic'
Looks: Asra has wild, deep chestnut brown, choppy hair. The sides are shaved down to the skin to reveal tattoos along his skull that lead down his neck while the top is long and usually up in a bun or ponytail. He has a braid falling down along the side of his face with a white bead to hold the end. He has deeply tanned skin, and he's very well built. Broad shoulders, small waist, long limbs. Muscular and incredibly strong, he can lift pretty much anything most people would struggle with. He has a sleeve of tattoos along his right arm, but only a compass on his left. His back is also tattooed, a serpent wrapping around a tree. He's tall, about 6'1, and his height only grows when he wears his combat boots. His eyes are a startlingly bright blue, with flecks of green scattered throughout. His style usually consist of thick leather jackets, usually in biker style, simple black muscle shirts, faded black jeans, and combat boots. He tends to wear silver jewelry, and has many and I mean MANY piercings. His tongue is pierced, he has a stud piercing on the left side of his nose, snake bites, his ears are pierced (6 on the left, 8 on the right), nipples, and at one point he had a bellybutton, but he got rid of it since it wasn't really his style. He has a necklace that holds a slender silver key. He also has a ring that resembles a family crest.
Personality: Asra is a calm, collected, and reserved kind of person. He's incredibly bright, in mind and skills. He can be charming when he needs to be, and has a knack for reading people quite easily. He's authoritative, and his presence is instantly known when he comes into a room. Asra is slow to anger, however when he gets angry it's like a lightning strike, sudden, fast, and loud. It will leave the breath out of your lungs and your heart racing in fear. Asra on all accounts is inquisitive, dark humored, and surprisingly easy to get along with once you get to know him. He's blunt and to the point, but can be gentle when needed.
Background: Asra comes from a long line of monster hunters. And I mean long, long line of monster hunters. Hundreds and hundreds of years and many many generations. "Live fast die young." Seems to be the Belmont lines mantra, considering most don't live past the age of 30 because of how dangerous the job is. It's a miracle if one of the Belmont's manage to live past 40. Regarding Asra's past, it's a wreck that he doesn't talk about all that much.
Abilities: Wild magic, something that came from his mother's side of the family.

  • When Asra uses his abilities, his eyes go pure white.
  • Weapons aren't really his thing, he tends to rely on his magic, but he's well versed in knives and guns, as well as just good old fashioned fists.
  • Well versed in various types of martial arts.
  • Speaks 6 different languages.


The scent of blood was thick in the air, heavy and promising of death. The scent filled Asra's nose, choking him further as he dragged himself away from the ambush site. Bodies of dead monsters scattered the ground, slowly decaying into the soil. Asra had been on a hunt, trying to track a monster that had been putting a nearby town on edge. But unfortunately, he ran into a group of monsters he was not expecting. His side was bleeding heavily. There were various cuts and wounds along his body, his face was growing a dark bruise, and he looked exhausted to put it simply. He inhaled sharply when he moved the wrong way and pain seared through his body. He leaned heavily against a tree. He needed medical attention and quickly. He grunted softly before he felt his legs crumble and he fell to the ground. No… no he couldn't die like this. He was a Belmont. He had a reputation to maintain, he couldn't die now. Not when he had promised himself that he would survive as long as he could. He crawled, ignoring the way his body was screaming at him, magic sparking between his fingers. He iced up the wound, but that wouldn't even last long enough for him to survive and get back to civilization and using magic would only make his energy drain faster. At this point it was either dying from using too much magic, or bleeding out.

@Desvelarse pets

(It's ok! I've been at work)

Cyrus had been unaware that he was being hunted. He always felt like he was in his own little world, so it would be no surprise if he didn't realize until the hunter finally arrived at his doorstep. That was what had sort of happened, though.

Cyrus had been in his cabin, recovering from a recent shift. The night before, the wendigo had killed a pair of campers in the woods, eating them alive. He had been helpless to stop it, no matter how hard he tried. He was just so very hungry. He hadn't eaten anything proper in days, that being human meat. The wendigo had killed and eaten cattle and deer in the days prior, along with him eating the occasional vegetarian meal. He couldn't keep any of the food down in his stomach long enough for it to matter either way. It was that way currently, as he found himself huddled over the toilet in his bathroom, vomiting up the wendigo's last meal. It was a gory sight, blood splattered everywhere along with chunks of meat. He shivered as it happened, the taste on his tongue not helping with the nausea.

Once Cyrus was finished vomiting, for the time being, he stepped outside onto the back deck of his cabin in the woods, looking out into the tree line. A smell quickly flooded his senses though, making his stomach churn once again. It was blood, recognizable and sweet in his nose. He couldn't help but follow the smell, digging his nails into his palms to keep himself grounded and composed. He arrived at what easily could have been a scene caused by him. Red eyes widened as he looked down at the multiple bodies, blood soaking up into the dirt. His stomach growled at the sight, and he stayed frozen. That was, until one of the bodies moved. He flinched, like he wasn't the most dangerous thing in the forest currently. "Holy shit," he breathed out, taking a small step towards the man on the ground.