forum Collaborator
Started by @tredusa864 Premium Supporter

people_alt 84 followers

@andrew health_and_safety flash_onAdmin

Hi! Documents, collections, and worldbuilding pages all handle collaboration a little bit differently.

For collections, you'll need to check the "Allow other users to submit pages to this collection. You can then choose to approve or deny those submissions." option in the collection's settings. This allows other users to submit pages to it which you can approve or deny. There can only be one admin on a collection to do this approval, though.

For documents, we don't support multiple users editing the same document, but you can share private documents with others by adding those documents to a universe and adding those other users as a collaborator to that universe. This will give them access to view the documents, but not edit them.

For worldbuilding pages, we do collaboration based on universes. All you need to do is add your collaborator to any universe's Contributors tab and they'll gain full access to view and edit any pages within that universe. All contributors can also track everyone's changes in any page's Changelog page. If you have a premium subscription, you'll also extend your subscription access to all contributors in your universe – so they'll be able to create and edit premium pages while working in that universe also, without having to buy their own subscription.

Hope this clarifies things! If you have any other questions, I'm happy to help! :)