@Mojack group
Whatever was of the previous world is gone. Now, only rumours, and if you’re lucky - artifacts from the old world remain.
The world is a place of immense desert, with occasional oasis and jungle, but not many. The heat in the day is hard to get used to, and even the cold, frosted nighttime is tricky to settle down in.
Massive, wheeled cities dominate the landscapes. Surprisingly with little conflict - although most of the rulers know that starting a conflict takes resources, and it’s only worth it if you win. The most conflict takes place with the underdogs, loners and bandits living outside of the cities and fending for themselves, but they’re besides the point.
Electricity exists - what would power these massive giants? Many things. Some of them are coal powered, unfortunately. Others, solar powered, moving during the night and charging during the day. You have the older cities, nuclear powered, but dangerous if it were to come under siege.
The weather is one of the most dangerous things - civilians take shelter in their homes when sandstorms roll in, making visibility low. To make things worse, raiders generally come in this time, and civilians have little means to defend themselves: the guns on the city operated by an AI or by a human are notable, but only serve a purpose if the enemy is outside of the city.
What is this world without some more excitement, though?
Magic users - nicknamed Maj, are a rarity but treasured greatly. Cities average on having 5 Maj, it is unknown why there are so few. Maj are notably Skyriders; flying on dragon like creatures which they and only them have the ability to communicate with. Maj will typically have heightened senses, varying in strength. Unfortunately, without proper training in most cities, Maj may suffer from not knowing the extent of their abilities. All Maj have either telekinetic or telepathic abilities, there is no one or the other. And generally, due to reasons unknown - the Maj are dying out, becoming less common, and much weaker. With each generation of Maj their abilities become weaker.
The dragons are typically the same age as their rider, with few exceptions. They’re big enough for one or two people to ride. Dragons either possess air elemental abilities, lightning, or fire. Not multiple, one or the other.
Rarely is a Maj discovered outside of a city.
After your (the person joining this RP) city detects a ruin of an ancient city; one from the Old World; one of the ones without wheels, you go to investigate, because generally, exploring ruins can lead to finding some good stuff. However, who knows what - or who is waiting out there.
Hi! I’m in a much better place right now so I’ll be able to keep up with all of my RPs. Sorry to anyone in the past!
This is a RP in which you play as a Maj - ask questions as needed, I’ll try to explain in the template - a magic user. You have your partner, a dragon, of which only you can understand; they can understand you as well.
You, the Maj living in the city is sent to the ancient city, only to realize that something isn’t right. Before you know it, you come across one of the rumoured outcasted Maj and his dragon, an enigmatic man who may or may not be just as surprised.
Things happen, basically. I don’t want to spoil too much as to what I have planned, so let’s move on to the rules!
- I will be asking for a writing sample, I've got the right to deny or accept you as needed. Have dialogue as well as text.
- I would prefer mature RPers for this.
- Ask before joining.
- Cursing is allowed.
- Violence and blood welcome - there will be a time and place for all of that, though.
- For major fights, let's not autohit, but don't dodge everything either (in the event that happens, of course.)
- If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to ask.
- I would prefer semi-lit into literate RPers. Good grammar is always appreciated.
- No one-liners.
- I would prefer it be more, but I understand sometimes there isn't much going on, so I only ask that your reply be a minimum of two sentences.
- List may or may not change.
- Have your character react. Unsure of what to say? Write out their thought process. But also have them actually do things.
- Let’s not METAGAME. (Refers to having in-rp knowledge on something told to you outside of RP)
Age: (20-27)
Sexuality: (for your info: my character is ambiguous in terms of sexuality, so I’m fine with anything. He is a male.)
Appearance: (height, distinguishing marks, etc)
Clothing style: (What they typically wear. Do they wear different clothing depending on the weather or temperature?)
Background: (short or long as needed)
Magic: (Maj will have heightened senses; for this choose their strongest sense and weakest one. They will either have telekinesis or telepathy, choose one of those two and how good they are with it.)
Other: (anything else, such as living situation, fun facts, etc go here)
Age: (dragons are generally the same age as their Maj, but they can be younger or older by a year or so)
Magic: (dragons possess air, fire or lightning abilities. Not all of them, only one.)
Other: (include anything else here)
As always - ask before joining