forum Center for the Clinically Insane // 3/3, closed // stalkers welcome
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

What up losers (jk I love y’all) I want to start ANOTHER rp because I’m bored as hell and half of my other ones are d e a d (please don’t kill me Liz)

Technically should I be doing this? Not at all but shut up

Sooooo not sure about any plot yet but this is gonna be set in like a psych ward but Cooler type place I guess??? No idea how those work but it’s fine,,, probably no weapons tho- anyway it’s in The Multiverse™️ obv so add fandom characters or ocs or whatever I literally don’t care as long as they’re mentally unstable and possibly very evil

Also if you want to join you gotta remember that me and the other two idiots that join most of my rps are chronically online and if you aren’t super active you’ll probably kill the rp,,,

Anyway uh some basic rules:

  • andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)’s rules obv

  • please keep things pg-13 or I'll make sure all the water you ever drink is warm

  • swearing? I give zero shits, go wild

  • please don’t kill each other’s characters, y’all can get into messy bloody fights but I don’t want anyone dying

  • also don’t be an asshole out of character, it’s sad I have to say this,

  • 2-3 sentence minimum as usual

  • multiple characters are once again allowed and encouraged here! please if you can add multiple characters it makes this more fun

Aaaand the character template, wooo-

Basic Info

Nicknames (if any):
Gender and pronouns:
Why are they here?:


Skin tone:
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc):
Eye color:
Hair color:
Hair style:
Body type:
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional):


Basic personality:
Crimes committed (if applicable):
Background (optional):
Physical conditions:
Mental conditions:

And finally, if we have enough characters, I might have a roommate system- for funsies, I don’t care if it doesn’t make sense, this is my rp and I can do what I want /j

Basic Info

Name: Pandora Griffin
Nicknames (if any): nope
Age: 28
Gender and pronouns: Female, She/her
Why are they here?: she’s literally a serial killer that summoned a demon and seems schizophrenic to most people (and probably is schizophrenic)


Skin tone: dark brown
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): a bunch of scars from being an idiot or fighting
Height: 6’1
Weight: 144 lbs
Eye color: dark brown, nearly black
Hair color: black
Hair style: high ponytail
Body type: muscular
Usual outfit (optional): eh
Face claim (optional): ehhhh
Voice (optional): strong Russian accent yes


Basic personality: usually pretty chill, somewhat erratic, will not hesitate to murder people, easily pissed off
Crimes committed (if applicable): lots of murder and I don’t think summoning a demon is legal, maybe in Ohio idk
Motivations: murder is fun?
Hobbies: shooting, throwing knives, fistfighting, violence in general
Talents: mur der .
Background (optional): noooooo
Physical conditions: nope
Mental conditions: general insanity, schizophrenia
Other: this is extremely low-effort I’m sorry

(Obviously I needed to add a fallen light oc so villain au Resh anyone?)

Basic Info

Name: Resh Corvus
Nicknames (if any): Crow
Age: 61 but he looks about 25
Gender and pronouns: whats a gender,,, He/him
Why are they here?: He is literally a psychopath


Skin tone: pale as a vampire
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): many scars yes
Height: 6’10
Weight: 225 lbs
Eye color: traffic cone orange
Hair color: pure white
Hair style: long and knotted to oblivion
Body type: Twink shaped
Usual outfit (optional): b l a c k - also he wears a cloak that goes down to the fucking floor it is l o n g
Face claim (optional): no
Voice (optional): evil


Basic personality: not much emotion, sarcastic, very blunt, likes violence, will dropkick a child into the stratosphere
Crimes committed (if applicable): lots of murder
Motivations: revenge.
Hobbies: killing?
Talents: swordfighting, knife fighting, knife throwing-
Background (optional): nooooo
Physical conditions: slight limp, barely noticeable
Mental conditions: PTSD, psychopath, clinical insanity, autism
Other: again very low effort I’m sorry

@Eli-the-transboi group


Kathy: murdered thousands of people and has finally been caught. But somehow he was put here instead of prison cause why of his 'family' bailing him out.

Buba: also has killed people. He's kinda unstable now and he has to be with Kathy AT ALL TIMES.

Geo: he has finally snapped from decades of abuse and trauma. He's not murderous, but his wife sent him here for intense care. (Hes 21 here.)

Ima also add a therapy dog and cat here in a sec

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

(We love AUs)

Number one:

Basic Info

Name: Kody Tsethlekai Stryker
Nicknames (if any): Tsethlekai is what he goes by, unless you want to call him the God of Darkness or the King of the Dark Dragons. Any other names are only used by Alex.
Age: Late twenties?
Gender and pronouns: Male, He/Him
Why are they here?: Well he’s psychopathic, homicidal, paranoid, sadistic, somewhat narcissistic, has committed genocide, I could say more but do I need to-


Skin tone: Light
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Glowing red crystals that grow around his right eye. The armor plating on his wings and arms goes from black armor plating fading into red crystal like that of which is growing around his eye.
Height: 7’8”
Weight: hell I don’t know a lot
Eye color: Red iris with black sclera.
Hair color: Blonde
Hair style: Viking style
Body type: Muscular
Wings: , Ignore all the notes, also the wings are black. The spikes, however, change from black to red crystal spikes.
Usual outfit (optional):
Face claim (optional):
Voice (optional): Anton Ivanov from AOS if you really wanna look it up (Russian accent,,)


Basic personality: Shit, look at the reasons he’s here. That’s pretty much it give or take a few things and how he acts around Alex.
Crimes committed (if applicable): Murder, torture, warcrimes, genocide, etc.
Motivations: His desire to create a “better world” where his species, the Dark Dragons, wouldn’t be persecuted. He’s a little confused but he’s got the spirit.
Hobbies: ?? Violence
Talents: Highly skilled in combat with various weapons and hand-to-hand, whatever else that I don’t want to write.
Background (optional): You don’t get to know, cry about it
Physical conditions: Uh do the deadly red crystals growing from his body due to his position as a darkness god count as an ailment?
Mental conditions: Psycho, paranoia, narcissism, look at the reasons he’s here sis.
Other: He can be injured, but not killed. He has a mental link with Alex and they can feel each other’s pain. (and emotions, but shh not the point)

Number two:

Basic Info

Name: Alexander Stryker
Nicknames (if any): He goes by Alexander, unless you want to call him the God of Darkness or the King of the Dark Dragons. Any other names are only used by Tseth.
Age: Mid to late twenties, two years younger than Tseth.
Gender and pronouns: Male, He/Him
Why are they here?: Psychopathic, homicidal, Stockholm syndrome (I think-), committed genocide alongside Tseth, whatever else.


Skin tone: Light
Identifying marks (scars/birthmarks/etc): Glowing red crystals that grow around his left eye. The armor plating on his wings and arms goes from black armor plating fading into red crystal like that of which is growing around his eye. His left eye is also cloudy and blind with a slash scar going across it. The scar ends on his face but further down continues, starting again at his chest and going down to his torso.
Height: 6’9”
Weight: Unknown
Eye color: Red iris with black sclera.
Hair color: Black
Hair style: Medium-to-short and wavy
Body type: Also muscular, but not quite as much as Tseth. More athletic.
Wings: , Ignore all the notes, also the wings are black. The spikes, however, change from black to red crystal spikes.
Usual outfit (optional): Similar to Tseth’s.
Face claim (optional): Closest thing I have is a picrew: just ignore how friendly he looks it was made for non-evil version
Voice (optional): oh no (Also has a Russian accent, the “dark dragon language” is basically Russian copy/pasted into my universes cause I’m boring)


Basic personality: I hate explaining personalities so to sum it up he’s murderous and utterly devoted to Tseth, would do whatever he wants.
Crimes committed (if applicable): Same as Tseth.
Motivations: He wants to do anything to make Tseth pleased with him. Anything.
Hobbies: Sigh
Talents: murder
Background (optional): Same as Tseth.
Physical conditions: Same as Tseth.
Mental conditions: Look at the reasons he’s in this place please,
Other: If you haven’t figured it out by now, Tseth and Alex are married in this AU.

I’ve never tested these characters out before so please bear with me if my writing is absolutely shit.
A reference for the red crystals growing on their faces: