@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
I have arrived
Which person in the prompt do you want? I'm good with either
I'm good with either too
Hmmm, alright then! You good with being the character?
Great! Template or blind? I'm really good with either
(A short template is better than no template in my opinion)
Name: Henry Farring
Age: 17
Appearance: this
Other: a big book nerd, that's carrying too many books
(Any specific character you want me to be?)
(nah. You can be whoever you want, even one of your own. We all good!)
(I think I might be Leo from pjo)
(Ah, okay! I'm good with that!)
(You want to start?)
Henry made his way into his classroom, biting his lip a little as he avoided most everyone else. He slid into his seat, already opening his book and tuning out everyone else.
"Hey Henry, you want to go somewhere with us after school? We've got a new supplier, there's gonna be a lot of booze!" Henry's "best friend," or so he called himself, slid into the seat to his right. Henry didn't respond, too wrapped up in the book.
"Henry? Henry!" The boy snapped his fingers in front of Henry's face. Henry looked up, startled.
"What do you want, Alex?" He says, not too pleased to have been interrupted. Alex grabbed Henry's book away, flipping through it.
"Percy Jackson, seriously? That's so immature of you."
"What, you think it would be better if I was only ready trashy smut like you?" Alex shrugged.
"At least then you would learn something. The bell rang, and Henry used the moment to snatch his book back. All the seats were taken up except the one on his left, and he didn't even notice it when the new kid walked into class.
The classroom was noisy, too noisy in his opinion. He put his hood up and took out a few pipe cleaners from his tool belt and started fiddling with them as he found a seat. The only seat Leo could find was beside a boy who had his nose buried in the pages of a certain book that made a smile crawl onto his face. Gods, how long had it been since he saw the others, he missed them all but according to Rachel, he needed to stay away from them until they came back from their quest unless he wanted them to never come back. See, that was the thing with these Oracle's, it wasn't a prophecy unless someone had the chance of dying.
Leo ran a hand through his curly brown hair and fixed the goggles that rested on top of his head. He fiddled more with the pipe cleaners and realized he had made a robot, a small push and it started waddling around his desk. Leo smiled at the things before taking more pipe cleaners out and building something else, it was one of the only reasons why his adhd wasn't acting up.
Henry continued to read as the teacher came into the room.
"Henry Farring, how many times have I told you? Put the book away and pay attention!" Henry frowned, quickly reading the last of the paragraph he was on before finally closing the book. He leaned back in his chair, eyes a bit glazed over. He was still stuck in the story for now. He folded his hands in his lap, slowly focusing back on what was around him. He looked over when he saw movement, at first only seeing the moving pipe cleaner robot. That in itself was impossible. He looked up to see who had made it, and Henry had to keep himself from yelling out. Holy fuck.
Leo was too busy focusing in trying to focus on his pipe cleaners, he didn't hear the teacher come in until she clapped her hands together and looked at him intently. "Class, we have a new student. He will be staying with us for some time so why don't you introduce yourself." She looked at him and he stood up and did a salute. "Yes ma'am!" That earned him some laughs. Leo put down his hood, allowing his curls to spill in all their glory. "Well hey! I'm Leo Valdez, a few of my nicknames include Bad Boy Supreme, Admiral Leo, Super-sized McShizzle, Uncle Leo and basically anything else you can come up with! I like to make things and I don't like homework." He winked and did a peace sign before sitting down. A few kids were snickering and the teacher looked at him with a distasteful expression. "Well then, I see we will be having some fun this year."
Holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. Henry stared at Leo unabashedly now. He just, he couldn't believe his eyes. It had just been confirmed that this was either someone who have two shits about the school system or people knowing their identity, or it was actually the Leo Valdez from the books. Holy fuck. Henry was very, very inclined to believe he was the man from the books.
Leo felt eyes on him and turned to the other boy in confusion. "Kind sir, I know I am extremely hot and have a beautiful face, but could you please stop staring, it's making me uncomfortable and I can't focus on my little robot." He gestured to the new robot he was working on.
"Uh- s-sorry," Henry stuttered out. He turned back to the front of the class, still completely shaken by who exactly was sitting by him. Alex leaned forward over his desk to get a look at Leo, then turned to Henry.
"Dude, are you serious? You could doso much better than him."
Leo rolled his eyes and looked back at the other boy. "By the way, mind if I borrow your book?" He asked, lifting his hand and waving it in a 'hand it over' type of way.
Henry looked over when Leo spoke to him. He nodded, handing the book over quietly. Alex's jaw dropped.
"What the hell you never let me touch any of your books-" Henry glared at Alex, who was still completely stunned by the situation.
Leo scoffed. "You dont look like you read books." He said, already burying his nose in the pages and smiling as the words on the page turned into memories. "I remember Percy telling me about that." He said softly, flipping to the front cover and sighing at the artwork that resembled his family so well.
Henry slowly lowered his head to his desk, hiding his face in his arms. What the hell was going on? How had this come to be?? Hopefully Leo would never, ever find the notes he had made in the book. Oh god, he turned red at the idea. Fuck.
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