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forum "Bingo, Bingo baby, I love you ain't that crazy"
Started by @heeey-bitchhhhhhhhhhh

people_alt 78 followers


After defeating the exorcists and working to rebuild the hotel, Lucifer thought that his mind would finally be clear. He had fixed his relationship with his daughter and worked to support her and her ideas, yet something still felt missing. Even when everything was finally finished, he felt like there was something that he still needed to do, although he didn't know what.

While it took a little while, he eventually came to the conclusion that he still needed to apologize to Adam. Despite the fight and the whole extermination thing being his idea, he felt the need to apologize for almost killing him, assuming that he was still alive, as well as for some other things. If he could find him, then he would definitely apologize.

With that in mind, he set off to find him, which wasn't very difficult. Due to the state he had been left in, he hadn't gone very far from where he last saw him. Thankfully, he was still breathing, so he hadn't died. With no one there to help him, it was almost surprising that he hadn't given up. Regardless, the fact that he was still alive was more than enough of a reason to talk to him.

"Hey, um…I know that this will sound strange, but…I came to apologize…" There was some hesitance in his tone as he spoke, but his words were genuine. "I…know that I'm…kind of responsible for this mess, but, please, let me help… I'm sorry for, well…everything… From the fight to, well, stealing your wives, I'm sorry, okay…? Please…let me help you…"


“ please.. Spare me my indignity, “ he mumbled, his breaths labored as he held onto what little breath he had.
Adams's chest ached, his body screaming to just give up. To die..

Is this what losing felt like? No, this is different..
He felt his regret flood him, but yet he still could not place this feeling. He winced, coughing as his lungs attempted to drowned him in his own blood.
“ I'm not worth the trouble Lucy, just move on.” he mumbled

The king of the angles. First man. The lord above, his greatest achievement, lying on the floor of hell and begging his body not to draw its last breath, its last pump of blood. The last throb of his heart screaming save me.. But his pride only faulted him. Making him feel weak and shallow.

Him? help? Never. He didn't need anyone, not lute, not sera, not even god himself needed to help Adam.. But maybe Lucifer.. Maybe the dreamer was different. Maybe..

“ save you're help for You're people, they need it more. “ he scoffed, trying to push Lucifer away. Just like he did his wives.
Why? Why did he push people away?.. He didn't know, and now he's doing it again, with a man so willing to care..


Despite all that Adam had done, all of the issues he had caused, it pained Lucifer to see him in his current state. Even if he was partially responsible for it, he wanted to make up for it and all of the other issues that he had caused for him. After everything that had happened between them, the least that he could do was try to help him and make sure that he wouldn't die.

When he told him to move on, he immediately sighed and shook his head. If he thought that asking him to move on and give up on him once would be enough to deter him from trying to help, he was wrong. It would take more than that to get him to stop trying, especially when he had caused so much damage. The least that he could do was try to make up for it somehow.

"I've already focused on helping my people, and I want to help you as well. I'm not going to leave you here to die. Please, just let me help," he insisted. It was quite clear that he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "I should be able to heal you if you let me, and I can make sure that you'll be alright… Please, Adam, after everything that I've done to you, I just want to make it up to you…"

He sighed once more after he finished explaining. Despite everything that he had done, he felt genuinely guilty about what he had done to Adam in the past. This would be a good way to start over, to try to make things better between them. Even if the first man was stubborn, he would keep insisting. For reasons completely unknown to him, seeing him so close to bleeding out was truly painful. His only intention was to help him.