@Mojack group
Deep in the rural areas of Eastern Europe, unseen horrors wait. Ones that must be destroyed.
You’re a hunter of those horrors, and you’ve received a contract. The details are presumably given upon your arrival to the contact, who lives a bit farther up north, in the mountains. There weren’t many details to begin with in the letter. Just that something had been picking off at the travellers on the way to the mountain, and that the meeting point would be in a cabin about halfway up the mountain. Not a trip you’re looking forwards to, because snowstorms can be rough. But the weather seems clear - for now, at least.
So you set ahead, gear on hand. Just another contract.
Just another hunt.
Here’s a RP where you get to play as a ‘hunter of the horrors’, expecting a normal contract. But the more you learn about the contract…something doesn’t seem right. Are you sure this is the person who hired you?
- technology in this world isn’t too advanced. not any vehicles or anything like that, we’re still talking a limited view on the world, a drastically different world map, etc. a bit in the past if you will. there are guns, but nothing compared to our modern weaponry. pistols are easier to carry and may fire quickly, but may not be as effective as a rifle; which reloads slowly and fires fewer bullets.
- there is also limited magic. most people with magic go into the hunting business - you have the choice whether or not you want to be a hunter with magic or not.
- if it weren’t clear, you shall be playing the hunter.
- as for magic, magic is somewhat limited. it can be used to start fires, but not hurtle fireballs at your enemies. you can use it to boost your senses, your healing capabilities (for yourself or for others). you can also use it to make traps (essentially setting up borders or runes on the ground, so that when the target steps in them, they’re trapped.). it also allows for bonding with a familiar.
- it can also be used to suppress needs or senses (needs would be sleep, hunger, etc; on yourself or others.) it can be used to enchant weaponry to make it stronger, to poison it, or for the weapon to only respond to you. ask any questions on magic as needed since it is a broad subject.
- magic overuse can result in passing out, or at the very least feeling dizzy.
- most hunters wear a ward on their body to remain undetected by monsters. this ward fails if the monster is strong enough to bypass the ward; or the hunter comes into the sight of the monster.
- monsters vary. most are known to be non-humanoid; very few are humanoid, and next to none are able to take on multiple forms. a hunter is advised extreme caution when dealing with a shapeshifting monster.
- monsters are referred to under a variety of names; I give you relative freedom in what your character might refer to them as. examples might be; horrors, monsters, etc.
- In the event of a fight, play fair - no autohitting, no dodging everything.
- Ask questions as needed.
- This will be a slightly more mature RP - there will be blood. On that note, mature RPers, please.
- Cursing is allowed.
- Good grammar is appreciated.
- No one liners.
- Have a writing sample at ready; if I do not recognize your style I’ll ask for it.
- On a related note, if I deny you, it’s nothing personal! It might just be I don’t think the style would be a good fit for this RP.
- List may or may not change.
Ask questions as needed.
TEMPLATE (remove brackets when filling out.)
Age: (above twenty, under thirty)
Clothing: (do keep in mind we’re in a more northern climate during the winter here; as well as the time period (a couple centuries or so in the past.))
Background: (can be short or long as needed)
Magic: (yes or no question. are they a magic user?)
Gear: (you do not have to list everything your character has on their person; just notable things if you would prefer. any preferred weapons, any trinkets, etc.)
Skills: (whatever they’re good at)
Fears: (self explanatory, whatever they fear.)
Other: (anything else goes here.)