forum Anyone wanna help me brainstorm for a little bit?
Started by @Kinarymo

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Im working on a script for an animated series i intend to work on in the future and i would like to flesh out some aspects of the story before i start, so i came down here for a little help deciding and working out some details. Help is most welcome :"D

Some basic ideas i would need help with for now are:

  1. The protagonist's mother left a long time ago on a mission and is since missing, yet in time its revealed she's actually sided with the bad guys and that she apparently also had another 'child' from a secret affair whom she treats like a tool (a little long story short, the new son isnt exactly human anymore, its more like a homunculus)
    The question: What would prompt the mother to join the dark side and treat her child so badly? And why is her new son that way? (did she lose him and tried reviving him only to hate the result or did she offer him up to be made this way by the evils of the story?)

  2. Magic system calibration. In this world there exists two kinds of magic: Arcane Arts and TerraSpheres, one is an ancient magic form used since the dawn of time, and the second a more modern type of magic that does not require previous knowledge of magic, its merely a marble with magic contained inside, reason why they are becoming more popular by the day.
    Question: Would it be interesting if the increased use of the new magic item is draining the magic of the things around and thus creating an imbalance in the world? Possibly even letting loose an ancient enemy imprisoned by ancient magic due to the drainage?

  3. One character has been brought up in a highly masculine household and is now conflicted since he wishes to express in a more effeminate way, reason why he's been bullied his entire life.
    Question: What is the best way to portray the journey of discovery and self acceptance?

Any ideas and advice is welcome!

@Lemondroppsss group

I like the idea that the mother lost her new son, and tried reviving him. The new son could have possibly reminded her of the protagonist which is why she decided to revive him, only to hate the result.


Tbh i kinda liked that option too, her just straight up offering her kid to the baddies would have been way out of character for someone whos on the good side.
But how would that correlate with her joining the baddies? Would the pain of losing her kid leave her in an emotionally fragile state and thus easily influenced? Why would she join them?
I was planning on going for a 'trying to achieve the impossible' theme in the story, so would her being on a quest to fully restore her kid be a good option? In a way that kind of blinds her to what shes doing now? Still dunno how this would fit with her abusing the kid in the present for not being 'her son'