So, I have tics for unknown reasons and does anyone else have them?
Tell me about them, we can share experiences and see what tics we have in common, and just chat
So, I have tics for unknown reasons and does anyone else have them?
Tell me about them, we can share experiences and see what tics we have in common, and just chat
I'm not exactly sure if what I have would be classified as tics, but it is weird. Sometimes I randomly snap my fingers, other times I suddenly look wrench my head to the side. And when I get overly excited or something I get up if I'm sitting down, walk around for a few seconds, and sit back down to where I used to be sitting. Other times I literally rock back and forth wherever I'm sitting, again when I get excited or happy. Idk-
I have tic's, sometime's I shake my head up really quick randomly, and usually when I get excited it gets worse and my hand twitches for like 3 secs randomly
Huh, interesting
Everybody's movement of tics are different and are developed at different ages like I started having tic's at age 3 but the sad thing about having them is that there is no cure or any way to making them stop happening. You'll have them for the rest of your life.
I have a severe head jerk, a hard blink, winking, a high pitched "hello", "mew" and "owo" If I'm at home, especially around my parents
More head jerks, whistles, trills, pops and hitting and throwing things at school
And in public I shout things, make loud noises and say "fuck you" in a really small voice
I don't know why they change from place to place. But they do
Mine are superrr mild but they are they there, which is to be expected cuz my dad deals with this too. I shiver randomly and blink, and cock my head quickly, then back again.
I don't know if these would qualify as tics, but when I have anxiety attacks, I shake my hands really fast and get shivery.
my neck jerks back sometimes and i might say "hoo" or sum but i dont have verbal tics alot
I have a tick which maks a random part of my body jerk
I just tic in my throat. It’s a weird click thing, and it happens when I look at people’s noses. I don’t know. It’s weird. I also have a compulsion to look at peoples’ noses in order to do this click. It’s not loud, just in my throat, nobody else can really see or hear me do it, it’s just… weird. Like, how the heck did that even develop?
Actually! A lot of afab people have developed tics over the quarantine as a response to stress, so that's a thing. Mine are honestly pretty bad, like a bunch of John mulaney references and vines and random sounds, and head jerks and hitting myself and shoulder movements and shivering, and then also full body ones where it probably looks like I'm having a seizure from the outside
I don't have any kind of thing like that has a diagnosis, it's just something that happens- sometimes when I mean to move my right hand a little it ends up being more drastic
i do- i have a lot of verbal ones. some examples are:
"You're mom's a cishet" (in a British voice)
"i'm a minor!"
"i'm colorblind!"
"F-ck you, Jared!" (quickly followed up by) "i'm Jared!"
"that's racist" and/or "that's homophobic"
i have head jerks, whistles, nose wrinkling, winking, making a popping sound w/ my lips, clicking my tongue, hitting things + me, stomping, clapping and shivering.
I gained some new verbal ones!
"Beans" (very common amongst people with tics for some reason)
"sings dream manhunt music"
"Hurry! Someone is dying!" (at ambulances)
"It's the cops!! Hide the drugs!" (at police cars)
"makes the twitter notification whistle"
"makes the captain on the bridge whistle"
And just in the last hour:
"I'm a pineapple, and you're a tomato"
"Oh you bitch"
"You're a penis"
"Nap time!" flops
"You look gorgeous" (from sherlock holmes)
I don't know if these would qualify as tics, but when I have anxiety attacks, I shake my hands really fast and get shivery.
so this was a lie
I have actual tics now
then one where I click my tongue and make a bird noise??
Me: My tics have been pretty bad today, at least it can't get any worse
My tics: makes me hold my eyes closed as hard as possible for a solid 50 seconds while trying to watch youtube
i have tics! my motor tics rotate between heavy/lopsided blinking, head twitching, breath-holding (hate that one), walking on the sides of my feet, etc. my vocal tics are luckily not super severe, and tend to be humming, squeaking, or throat-clearing, but I've developed a few verbal tics like "ello love" in a british accent
(Just going to follow in the event that I decide to give any of my characters any tics.)
I do not have tics but i found by watching/hanging around people with tics i begin to mirror them. I was watching SweetAnita, a twitch streamer, a lot recently and for a short time after watching her i was copying her popping sounds and head tilts. It took me a minute before i even realized i was doing it.
Okay I want to ask– does anyone have tics that are like,,, full body convulsion type things? Jerky hand movements/violent shaking? Or freezing in the middle of doing something for a minute?
Okay I want to ask– does anyone have tics that are like,,, full body convulsion type things? Jerky hand movements/violent shaking? Or freezing in the middle of doing something for a minute?
I do stop a lot while I do stuff for some reason. I'm just writing and then just randomly stop.
Me: My tics have been pretty bad today, at least it can't get any worse
My tics: makes me hold my eyes closed as hard as possible for a solid 50 seconds while trying to watch youtube
oof. a few days ago in school i had a v bad tic attack and i almost hit my head on the table twice, called multiple people cishets, bitches, and f-ggots, beat my enby best friend in the titties, embarrassed myself by saying “HEY!” in a really high pitched anime girl voice, hit my Chromebook multiple times as hard as i could, and then said “pisskink!” at the very end of it all. there was a lot more that happened but these are the major things that i remember clear as day qwq
that was eventful…
I mean I also came out to my health teachers that im a demigirl but thats besides the point-
Speaking of tic attacks, I had one semi recently because I had a sensory overload and it often sets them off
We had this fake assembly for filming something and just the fact a camera was pointed at the back of my head make me physically uncomfortable. And then while the choir did a performance of a Samoan song, three Samoan senior students got up and started cheering and yelling and hitting the ground and banging and yelling are my two worst so when we had to get out of there, I could barely walk cause my legs kept giving out. I got back to my classroom and I couldn't hold anything cause I'd throw them as soon as I touched them so I couldn't eat lunch. I picked up a tic from in the assembly when a girl said Jasmine really loudly and I did that a couple of times. I kept trying to hit the tables and myself. It wasn't fun.
I don’t know if this counts as a tic, but I get an uncontrollable full body shiver
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