forum Any Ghost and Pals fans?
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

I’ve recently re-entered my Ghost and Pals hyperfixation, but this time I can rant about it! Yay!!

I have yet to listen to their newer releases, as well as their COMMUNICATIONS songs (other than Housewife Radio). And I still need to listen to the newest Qualia Automata release, but I think the reason for procrastinating that is just because it’s on Vane’s channel, not Ghost’s. Also please don’t kill me for not knowing anything from their Ghostie-P or Marz Mitzi eras, I just found out yesterday that they had like two other identities before Ghost and Pals

Tamari my beloved, cough anyway

Other than what I mentioned above, I try to have a general understanding of the story behind most of the songs, If there’s one at all.

Uhh but yea. I love these little goobers and I wanna find others who also love them

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Technically yes. However, I’m on a loop of listening to Candle Queen, Honey I’m Home, Aura, Reckless Battery Burns, and End-World Normopathy. And I don’t know any of the lore- right now I’m a casual listener because I’m still obsessed with Mr. Jash

@the-void-phantasmic group

The RBB and EWN references in Lamentations tickle my brain good
Also the synth is so impressive? It’s rare-ish to see lower pitched synths, especially with fem voices, and it sounds rly rly good.

@the-void-phantasmic group

I literally see a song with lore and fuckin eat it HAHA I love lore
I’m making a Reckless Battery Burns animatic rn and it’s very cool (at least according to Echo, who I’ve been sending updates to)

@the-void-phantasmic group

Also Scapeg♾️at IS SO GOOD OMG

I listened to that once or twice, it’s very fun
I think one of my favorite songs right now is Lamentations,, oough it’s fits one of my characters so well


I’m kinda just going through their most popular songs section and seeing what I like beyond Candle Queen and Honey I’m Home (which I listened to like. Years ago cough)

@the-void-phantasmic group

Yoooooo I wish I could make animatics- usually I settle for making comics to songs (if I have the motivation)

This is my first time, actually- I’m just doing the storyboard rn lol
It’s very fun and I’m doing a surprisingly good job doing freehanded posing,,,