@Mojack group
“..she’s not a woman, but something else!”
Those are the words landing themselves upon almost every tongue in Wessex, Anglia, Mercia and all the kingdoms beyond that. Even Vikings speak of her, a woman of curious words (if you get the chance to hear her), but in battle, she is said to bring fire with her (whether it is literal or not is to be determined).
When the stories of her first came up a few moons back, they were at first just seen as jokes and stories, for who would believe a woman is some sort of force to be reckoned with? But with news of entire villages and farmsteads, scorched to the earth, and the few witnesses that had survived reporting shakily of her, she suddenly became taken much more seriously.
If not by the king, then by the people, though have no doubt that the king is listening and watching. He has eyes everywhere.
Ironically it was a movement began by the Danes, adopted by the very people who more often than not fought against them, Saxons and whatnot. It was a hunt, against the fire woman, or demon in some iterations. Men, boys (and occasionally women) picked up their weapons and set to the trails, though there was one small tidbit most had forgotten to mention thus far:
She was in the service of a warlord, of sorts. A Viking, but a rogue one called Bjarki, and by proxy, in his protection. The woman was said to be powerful but Bjarki had an army, and she is but one woman, supernatural or not.
When that knowledge came to light some turned back or doubted, but others moved on forwards. Some however, changed their mindset. Instead of killing her, they would kill this Bjarki and seize this woman for themselves.
Let it be known that the cat does not concern itself with the aims and thoughts of the mice.
You have found yourself amongst this great hunt, whether you be a new or old warrior, one willingly coming along or one who was forced — dragged there by a companion or commanded by a leader. One a man, or a woman, or perhaps something else. Does not matter, none of that does, for unfortunately, you seem to have the worst of luck, as your group was ambushed, and you almost found yourself killed.
Perhaps you do have a bit of luck. Time will tell.
You find yourself in the company of Danes when you wake up, and whether or not you are a Dane is unimportant, for it is well known that Danes will fight Danes. But these are not just any Danes. These are Bjarki’s men. The unseen Bjarki, though the state of his men do paint quite an image (strong, aggressive, eager for battle), the holder of the woman of fire.
And you hear one of them whisper her name —
When the room falls silent, and a young looking man descends the stairs of the hall with a red haired woman garbed in sorcerer’s garb, you understand now that this can be none other than Helski, the woman of fire. And you also understand now, that her sights are on you.
Only you.
She approaches.
A historical fiction rp by yours truly, telling the tale of a mysterious woman who may or may not be something else than what her appearances shows — and you, originally on a hunt for this very woman, willingly or not.
It’s a historical rp — exact year, uncertain, century is in the 9th century, and place is the England (while the island itself wasn’t really called England, if you do a bit of reading England is still a known idea at this time). I have decided that the king of Wessex during this rp is King Alfred; which still doesn’t give us an exact year but at least gives us a timeframe (to make things like researching easier. however note that this is historical fiction; not everything has to be completely accurate. the way i see it, if it’s cool or funny, it can be inaccurate as a treat) and Danelaw is established, meaning it is at least after 878.
Your character may be Scandinavian, or Saxon; whatever works so long as it is somewhat realistic for the setting (albeit there is certainly ‘magic’ in this world, i do not wish to stray too far)
as i just mentioned, magic exists: though it is not an everyday thing. the Vikings have seers which may or may not work, it is not a confirmed thing by the people in this world, the results are often unclear — for example a man may be cursed to die, and is killed the next, but it is revealed that the person who killed him had a long standing blood debt against him. one could go two routes — it was the curse, or, it was the blood debt. strange things do happen however so it would not be uncommon for someone to whisper that the devil walks among them or whispers in their ears.
on that note; beliefs: two major beliefs reign in this time; Christianity and Paganism. however, you can choose if your character abides by any of those faiths, or is undecided (perhaps no gods at all?). create a character that is of interest to you to play.
yes, your character can be of noble blood; trueborn or a bastard, or you can be lowborn, famous or unknown. As i said before, make your character however they are, as long as they are of interest to you.
- in summary, no exact year is set in this RP, but after 878, meaning Daneland(law) has been established and exists, although it also takes place during the reign of King Alfred in Wessex, meaning peace has not been completely established between Viking and Anglo-Saxons.
- no parameters for your character aside from age which will be mentioned in the character sheet
- historical fiction, with some supernatural elements to it. things that are not natural will happen within this RP. things do not have to be 100% accurate as i have said.
- the opening of this RP will be taking place in Northumbria
- if it helps you build your character; the main character i play is Helski, a woman who is asexual but demiromantic. ‘Bjarki’ my secondary character, will have a minor role for now, but he is demisexual biromantic. on that note, if you happen to seek a bit of romance, are they both an option someone might wonder? yes 😏 but it is perfectly fine if you do not want to seek that either!
- Ask before joining — if I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue. Please have one at ready! Do not be offended if I deny you; I am most selective with my limited RPs compared to group RPs or character chats (least selective; open for everyone usually).
- Activity is not a must. I am not active myself as I am now a college student (times fly by, huh?) If it appears I have forgotten to respond, I may have thought I did, when in reality I didn’t. It could also be possible that it has been a long time that I feel awkward about replying in case the other person doesn’t have the motivation to continue. Please note this before joining!
- Cussing and violence are expected. Note that as is everything, there is a time and place for it.
- Good grammar and punctuation appreciated, but I know that everyone makes mistakes, as I certainly do.
- Mature RPers preferred as a preference. Any sexual content will be a fade to black sort of deal.
- All notebook.ai rules apply.
- One paragraph minimum, or at least four sentences. No one liners. At the very least, give me something to work with and I’ll try to do the same for you.
- Any questions? Ask!
Age: (21-27)
Background: (elaborate how you wish; can be brief, can be long, can be point form, etc. keep your secrets or share them; there shall be no metagaming in this RP)
Other: (anything else — fun facts, notable relations, conditions, likes, dislikes, whatever extras you can think of goes here)