forum An Unexpected Alliance / Dark Fantasy OxO / Closed!!
Started by @red-the-tired-gay

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Lucien Vernimond is a premature king. He was only eighteen years old when he inherited the throne from his late father, who died from a deadly disease. Born into a life of luxury, Lucien knows nothing of the world outside the palace, besides what he has learned in various books and lessons. This sudden responsibility is overwhelming, especially for someone who has barely reached adulthood. Still, he is destined to lead the kingdom of Aerivda.

The opposing nation of Dreavion sees this as the perfect opportunity to strike. Their king, a powerful tyrant who wants nothing but power, sees Lucien as an easy target, considering his age and lack of experience. What they don’t know is that Lucien is a fairly skilled magic wielder and, despite his age, is a threat. Dreavion attacks, but is eventually driven off by Lucien’s troops.

In the midst of battle, Lucien encounters [your character’s name], the prince of Dreavion, and the king’s son. The two fight and Lucien ends up wounding the prince pretty badly, and decides to take him in and care for him until he heals. Despite being enemies, the two bond over time, and decide that they need to find a way to bring an end to the war between their nations.

Hi!! Thank you so much for reading this far!!!

This will be a dark fantasy, bxb, enemies-to-lovers romance roleplay, though it won’t only focus on romance, there will be a lot of action as well. Your character is allowed to have magic, just don’t make them too overpowered.

Here are my rules:

-Don’t make your character overpowered, but don’t make them defenseless either. This is the prince of a powerful country we’re talking about, he can fend for himself.

-Don’t use super modern language, keep it somewhat old-fashioned.

-Don’t let me be the only one driving this rp. Add in plot twists and characters when you’d like! If you want to communicate an idea to me beforehand, just let me know ooc, but I like surprises too!

-Please be as detailed as possible. I’d prefer at least 4 lines per response, although it depends on where we are in the rp and how much is going on.

-Have decent grammar/spelling please!

-Please try and be active. I’d like this to not die. If anything comes up, let me know, I promise I won’t be mad. Real life is most important!!!

Let me know if you’re interested and I’ll give ya a template!!


Name: Lucien Vernimond
Age: (18-20) 18
Gender: Male, he/him, though he really doesn't mind any pronouns, he's not picky.
Sexuality: Exploring. He hasn't come to terms with it yet, but he is primarily attracted to men.
Height: 5'7
Personality: Lucien is very used to a pampered life, though he has always craved life beyond the palace walls. He is cold and quiet, not used to social interactions other than with the many maids and butlers around the palace. He rarely warms up to anyone, but if he does, you'd better consider yourself a very lucky person. To those he warms up to, he is protective, kindhearted, and even a bit sarcastic. He speaks softly, though firmly. He prefers to be alone and doesn't understand social cues very well.
Appearance: (Shown in image)
Magical powers: Cryokinesis
Other: His main weapon is a longsword, which he has trained to use since he was a child.

@lavender_ladybug group

Name: Johannan “Johan” of Dreavion
Age: mere days away from 19
Gender: cis male
Sexuality: Biromantic-graysexual
Height: 5’5”
Personality: ISTP-T. His more positive traits: action-oriented, spontaneous, independent, and physically affectionate (awkwardly so, and only when he feels comfortable the other person). And his more negative traits being haughty, arrogant, impulsive, self-centered, brutal, and pessimistic. Explosively emotional. He actively seeks out arguments, which makes him typically a very unlikable person. While he tries to make friends and relationships, his bad habits inevitably get the better of him.
Appearance: Standing at 5’5”. Short dark brown hair, longer on the top than on the sides, and just enough to barely run his fingers through. Typically clean shaven jaw. Light olive skin tone. Healthy, well-muscled around his abdomen and arms from fighting, otherwise on the slender side.
A gnarly looking, gash-like scar drawing from his left ear down his cheek and ending at the edge of his lip.(An injury from a sparring match with his uncle gone wrong)
Magical powers: Nothing magical, but the closest thing to it is his skills with a sabre. He learned how to use one from his uncle when he was a child, and sparred most days of his growing up with him. He’s not so proficient with broadswords and other heavier blades, though.
Other: His hobbies include whittling, collecting knives, sparring, and knitting. Things that are tedious and require precision. It’s how he copes with big emotions—when he has the good sense not to take it out on a person, that is. He’s working on it.
(Picture is from artbreeder, it just doesn’t have his current hair and doesn’t give his scar justice)


The sounds of war were a new concept to Lucien. He had read about war in books, seen plays, looked at pictures, but none of those could truly replicate the shocking reality of standing in the midst of battle. All around him were screams, battle cries, horns, horses, all jumbled together into one great, loud mess.
And Lucien was in the front and center of it all.
His men charged forth, the screech of metal-on-metal piercing Lucien's ears. He drew his sword and fought mercilessly, just as he had practiced all these years. The frigidness of the air soon faded, and he was soon stained with both sweat and blood. Pushing forward, he was soon met face-to-face with someone who stood out from the standard Dreavionian soldier. Before him stood Prince Johannan- the son of his greatest enemy. Lucien grunted and yelled out angrily before swinging his sword at the shorter prince.

@lavender_ladybug group

Growing up the second son of his father, the legendary King of Dreavion—Tyrant to most—Johan had become more than accustomed to war. The sounds, the thrill, and of course the bloodlust. He liked it. Killing was easy when the enemy was just a means to victory. A small obstacle to overcome.
The battle was mostly a blur to Johan until his head cleared just enough to realize that too many of his own men were laying dead already.
He grit his teeth. Clenched his sword tighter and thrust his parrying knife into an unguarded part of the man he crossed blades. Then after tossing the injured soldier aside he saw the boy-king himself—King Lucien Vernimond—and he was aiming his sword right for Johan.
It took all of his effort not to yelp like a wounded dog at the impact. Johan couldn’t help the King caught him by surprise, especially when his limbs burned from exhaustion already. Still, he just barely caught Lucien’s sword with his own, wincing at the horrendous shriek their blades made as they slid against each other.


Lucien panted, his eyes locking onto his opponent fiercely. "What's the matter, Johannan?" The king taunted between rapid breaths as their blades met. "Caught you off-guard?" He gave the slightest of smirks as he pushed the prince away a bit and lunged at him again. He wasn't sure how he managed talking throughout all the chaos, but yet, he did. Lucien swung his sword a couple more times, grunting and breathing heavily as he did so.

@lavender_ladybug group

“Not—“ Johan grunted as his back foot skidded against the dirt at one of their collisions—“in the least,” he spat. “A shame…” he shook out a few loose strands of hair from his face, shoulders rising and falling with heavy pants for the half-a-second he stole to balance himself, “your reign will be short Majesty.” The slight rest might have been a mistake. It put him behind, having to catch more of Lucien’s attacks than landing his own. That was what his knife was for. Buying time. Parrying, albeit more clumsily than usual, with a small blade, gave him at least a slim opening to make an offense.


"We'll see…about that." Lucien attacked with all his might, realizing then that he was at a bit of a disadvantage, seeing as Johan had multiple blades and Lucien had only his sword. He would need to find a weak spot, and fast, before Johan could overwhelm him and win the fight. Their blades clashed a couple more times, and then, with a thrust of his sword, Lucien realized that what his blade now touched was not the sword of his enemy.
It was flesh.
His sword sliced Johan's side through an opening in his armor, not impaling him, but still drawing a good amount of blood. Lucien remained in place for a couple seconds, frozen, before pulling away, realizing what he had done.