forum An excuse to rant about projects/project ideas and hear others in the process!
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

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@the-void-phantasmic group

Happy NaNoWriMo day 1! May the odds be ever in your favor!
Since I will not be volunteering as tribute this year, I figured why not hear about y’alls ideas and rant about what I’ve been working on?
I have a lot, but a few main ones are:

Sky: Fallen Light - A high fantasy genre webcomic I wanna publish in the not-so-near future, based off the game Sky: Children of the Light. I’m currently in the plot construction phase and it’s going really well! Hoping to start storyboarding soon :) this is a project with my friend Luna, aka user Hehehe-you-summon-the-moon. This is the biggest one I have so far.

Outcast - a dystopian fiction genre book I want to write, I’m in the very early development stages of the characters and worldbuilding. The name “Outcast” is a placeholder for now. I’m planning on it being similar to the Divergent and Unwanteds series in certain aspects. And there’s absolutely a rebellion involved.

Beneath the Heavens - another high fantasy project with my friend Echo, aka user Morals-are-for-mortals, also based off Sky: Children of the Light. It’s mostly just an AU and I don’t think we’re planning on making it a published work, but it’s definitely held near and dear to our hearts nonetheless <3

Stories from the Spiderverse - an ITSV/ATSV story that me and Echo both have a hand in, it’s just a silly goofy thing but I wanted to mention it. Will likely never become a published work. Also the title is just what I named the universe I’m organizing my characters in LMAO please do not take this seriously

Might get yote off the face of the earth for mentioning these without permission /hj

Anyway, I would love to hear your stuff, soooooo uh yeah! Gimme-

Deleted user

Lets see…
Phobeion- World Building for a dnd campaign I'll maybe run one day! I swear! It'll exist some day… Got some elemental bits, some dragons, all the good stuff. Also where I put all my stuff related to my general dnd characters.

Stellar Stars- The fantasy/sci-fi?(Star-Fi) novel I'm doing for NaNoWriMon, which trying to write 50,000 words of makes it easier to get ideas together.

Aspects of Reality: A sci-fi fantasy thing that's mostly just the occasional world building, which is heavily inspired by Hsr, but also a little Medieval Fantasy still.
I've also been working on writing fanfiction sometimes

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

Hello hello, ironic that I’m here so quickly again.

Of course, I have Beneath the Heavens with you (and spiderverse, lol)
But I will note that when school stops hounding on my mind and schedule, I might start writing some things for BtH :). Though I’m not quite sure where we would publish it yet.

Other than that, not much!

(Also, if you ever want, rant to me about Outcast 👀)

@the-void-phantasmic group

Lets see…
Phobeion- World Building for a dnd campaign I'll maybe run one day! I swear! It'll exist some day… Got some elemental bits, some dragons, all the good stuff. Also where I put all my stuff related to my general dnd characters.

Stellar Stars- The fantasy/sci-fi?(Star-Fi) novel I'm doing for NaNoWriMon, which trying to write 50,000 words of makes it easier to get ideas together.

Aspects of Reality: A sci-fi fantasy thing that's mostly just the occasional world building, which is heavily inspired by Hsr, but also a little Medieval Fantasy still.
I've also been working on writing fanfiction sometimes

Ooooooo, sounds cool :0

Deleted user

Beneath the Heavens - another high fantasy project with my friend Echo, aka user Morals-are-for-mortals, also based off Sky: Children of the Light. It’s mostly just an AU and I don’t think we’re planning on making it a published work, but it’s definitely held near and dear to our hearts nonetheless <3

Like the title for this one! :)
Unfortunately I am volunteering as tribute as of tonight (when I get the most writing done haha). In order of most to least defined,

the Magpie (temp name): Pretty much the only thing stopping me from writing this is genre, I'm considering Historical Fantasy but also normal low-ish fantasy… ergh. This is abt pirates and seafaring and a lotta sea monsters. Most of my characters are for this project, it's undergone like 20 bagillion renditions and will probably go through 20 bagillion more. This darling is on the verge of being killed

No name for this one so I'm calling it 1: Extremely goofy urban fantasy. Lady who works in an office at a dead end job "kills" her coworker cuz she's a vamp. She then thinks oh shit that was just a normal person. Runs away with her starving artist friend and the vamp away and now she's wanted for murder

2: Historical fiction. Exact setting is undecided. Guy (or gal??? wha??? haven't decided) meets selkie. they hit it off and now they're friends (or more??? haven't decided). Guy gets drafted and now the selkies on a mission to get him back (if it's a girl she's going after her dad disguised as a dude)

That's it 💔 probably going with the second one


Oh god, I'm working on a ttrpg concept for my portfolio based around the idea of you being in a paranormal research club and slowly losing your mortality and becoming the thing you're investigating.

@Serenity88 group

I have three stories, each with their own universe here on Notebook.

House of Cards - a continent, with four kingdoms (or "queendoms, as it were) based off the four card suits. I have a deck of cards, and all the face cards each have unique faces, and they inspired me to make up personalities for them and then the MC Quinn came along and now, this is my story baby!

School of Silence - a world just like this one, but with all different kinds of magic are the norm. there are floating islands, Sky Whales in place of school buses, and kids that secretly have wings. this is my oldest story that I have on Notebook.

Tuneless/Anarchy - I don't have a real plot for this one yet, but the idea is way cool. It's set in modern times, with all the accommodations of now, except for one bog diference… the government has outlawed and forbidden any and all creativity. no making music, no art-ing, no creative expression punishable by unknown punishments cause no one has needed to be punished in years. the MC creates regularly, but she lives in a place with pretty slack enforcements so she hasn't got caught. she will though.

@the-void-phantasmic group

Reviving this to scream about a new mini story in my brain based off a very obscure music album (or two)

TW: mentions of gun violence, attempted murder, just plain old violence, a guy getting his arms chopped off or something, attempted suicide, murder, feigning insanity, improper use of electroshock therapy, actual insanity, and the sillies overall not having a great time. Here be dragons.

Ame’s Amazing Assemblage of Anarchy - a Chonny’s Charming Chaos Compendium AU, but instead of a continuous time loop, the story extends to part of the Hawaii Pt. II story.
So, we have our protagonist, Quinn, who’s based off of Hawaii Pt. II’s protagonist, Simon. He’s uh, mentally ill <3
Most of the story focuses on a literal representation of his internal conflict, where we meet the Heart, Mind, and Soul. I’m still working on the timeline, but so far, here’s what I have:

-Heart, Mind, and Soul are little sillies that get along relatively well.
-Heart and Mind start getting a little too silly and do not get along anymore.
-Heart and Mind fight a lot while Soul tries to make them stop.

I want to get a bit more in-depth for the climax of the Internal Conflict story, which I’ll call the Juno Incident.
Heart and Mind fight again, as usual, but it gets way more heated than normal. As they’re screaming at each other, Heart snaps and pulls a gun on Mind. They try to shoot him, but miss and hit his throat instead of his head, permanently damaging his voice box. Soul gets royally pissed at both of them, and attacks them both, blinding Heart and like. Revoking Mind’s arm privileges. Mind gets prosthetics eventually but Heart remains permanently blind.

-after the Juno Incident, Soul threatens to make Quinn (the Whole, remember?) kill himself, which makes both Heart and Mind freak out
-Soul soon follows through with his promise and Quinn tries to commit suicide, but fails.

This marks the end of Internal Conflict, and the start of External Conflict.

-Quinn is recovering from the suicide attempt.
-Quinn goes on a walk with his friend.
-The friend gets murdered, and the killer runs away before any witnesses arrive.
-Quinn is accused of the murder.
-Quinn, instead of being normal and pleading his case, just pleads insanity.
-It works! (Oh no)
-Quinn is condemned to electroshock therapy, which obviously isn’t good since his mental issues aren’t actually severe enough to require it, and it’s not administered properly anyway.
-The shock therapy causes Quinn to actually go insane.

Eventually, Quinn is released, and the Heart, Mind, and Soul reconcile and become besties again. And the happy ending stays happy, because there’s no timeloop.

Bonus Trivia:
-Soul has a pet chicken, named Darrell.
-the world that Heart, Mind, and Soul live in is a somewhat surreal version of the real world/Quinn’s world.
-Mind gets a voice modulator after Heart shoots his voice box, resulting in a deep, distorted voice resembling his voice in the Chonny Jash songs. He secretly thinks it’s funny to jumpscare the others with it.
-Heart has wings. Because I can.
-Heart is left handed, Mind is right handed, and Soul is ambidextrous.
-Behind the scenes, Heart and Mind are physically harmed by the shock therapy. It caused wounds in their right and left temples, respectively, that have since scarred over.
-Some of this I stole from my friend, Echo. Oops.