@Serenity88 group
I came up with a story idea recently and I realized it could make a cool RP!
So here's the deal–
You character(s) (you can have up to two) were initiated into the Amnesiac Project from age 5 ten years ago. (we can have some flexibility here, but that's the average age) The project was to see how much amnesiacs could recover after a complete memory wipe- no name, nothing. Seems pretty simple, harmless. Right?
But shortly before their memory wipe, some of the kids discovered something else, something that hinted at a more sinister purpose behind the tests. They left clues for themselves in a written letter, a recorded video message and a box of belongings with sentimental weight. (so each kid, before the wipe, got to write a letter record a message and assemble a box for themselves.)
some references that might make some things more understandable:
-Maze Runner: they get their memory wiped for the purpose of some test thing.
-Firefly/Serenity: the show and sequential movie features a girl, River Tam, who was trained and mentally enhanced to become a super-human-weapon. if you've seen the show or movie, excellent! if not, its okay. you'll get there.
-Stranger Things: our kids in the RP grew up much like Eleven, and some may have small abilities similar to Dr. Brenner's special children.
hope those references made sense😅🥲
there are eight children, but not all of them have to be filled. I can play those that are more minor characters in passing if necessary.
not much. andrew (Our Supreme Lord and Overseer)'s rules, ig. swearing's fine, idc. id like for detailed responses, but writing out a huge page isn't necessary– just don't one-sentence if you can help it. no adultery, these are mostly gonna be kids; maybe one like 18-yr-old. im fine with shipping, im hoping for it actually! I want my girlie to fall in love then her boi gets killed or something, that would be fun.
if I forgot anything, ill add it later.
pls, dont hesitate to ask questions! I want to flesh out this thing cause its also gonna be a story. im not writing what happens in the RP, just writing and RPing with the same character in the same place.
here's the cast:
Rio (Serenity)
Juniper (Serenity)
Quinn (Phrog King / Anxiety friend)
Iris (Phrog king / Anxiety friend)
Belladonna (Clover)