forum Ame’s unhinged uquiz thread
Started by @the-void-phantasmic group

people_alt 96 followers

@Serpentess health_and_safety language

(I’m actually pretty picky about what I listen to, but I’m also a sucker for heavy metal and stuff like that. It’s more of a different genre preference for me, so hence why I don’t know any of the songs/artists in the quiz. I recognize the name of My Chemical Romance, but only because I’ve heard about them. I do know some gothic artists similar to them, according to Youtube’s recommendations at least lol, but otherwise I have not heard a single song by them)

@the-void-phantasmic group

A fellow Chonny Jash fan also took the quiz but it seems like they stumbled across it by accident instead of finding it here 😔

Anyway, I made like three more quizzes while I was out ☠️

Would u like to know if I would let u play music at a sleepover?

Or perhaps which story of mine you would be interested in the most?

Or maybe even which of nine characters from my Fallen Light story you are??

I was a bit too bored this weekend

@Morals-are-for-mortals language

1 (music taste). “YES YEWS YES also can we be besties” We are already besties
2 (story). “Ame’s amazing assemblage of anarchy” Whoops who knew
3 (character). “Mirage Andromeda” Whoops who knew- (I didn’t)