@Mojack group
and into the north…

Semi different setup from how I typically do RPs! No big blurb whatsoever this time, what’s gotten into you, Mojack?
I decided that I could no longer hold back the demons and decided to make a RP set in an already established universe that isn’t my own. I’ve actually been considering this for months now, so I decided to finally open the gates and attempt this.
If the meme wasn’t any indicator of what this rp is set in: The ASOIAF universe — aka what some people might be more familiar with, the same universe where the Game of Thrones, the ongoing House of the Dragon and the upcoming Dunk and Egg shows are set in. You don’t necessarily need to be an expert on the books or the shows, but I do expect for whoever joins this rp to have some knowledge on it. The wikis are generally pretty accessible.
I will say as to canon; since show canon and book canon tend to diverge quite a bit, I think there’ll be some of both. As of typing this I haven’t read the books (I have plans to! And I know snippets)
As far as plot goes, I don’t really have any idea of where it’ll go. I have the idea of the setting, but plot? we’ll figure that out as we go, so initially it’ll probably just be our characters focusing on whatever drives their individual selves.
The setting and time period: The Wall, 15 AC. The realm is largely at peace.
The setting is just initial, and could shift. Maybe. Might be difficult depending on who our characters are; in which mine is a Night’s Watch member. so he can’t really leave without permission LOL
I will say, if you intend to have your character be a Night’s Watch member, they will be locked as male, due to only men being allowed in the Watch. Or at least they’d have to be perceived as male. Otherwise, there is little restriction. was originally going to have whomever joined this RP locked in as a Watch member, but I decided against it— you could also be a visitor to the Wall, or a freefolk/wildling prisoner or something. after all, this is a rp. it’s not canon.
what if we were on the wall and we kissed but we were both boys
Wanted to also link that as a good resource. the wikis are your friend…use the wikis…. I myself am nonbinary and asexual; I am ALWAYS open to queer characters, but know that in the case of this world, the terminology such as nonbinary probably wouldn’t exist. doesn’t mean that wouldn’t exist — just that the term for it wouldn’t.
- Ask before joining — if I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue. Please have one at ready! Do not be offended if I deny you; I am most selective with my limited RPs compared to group RPs or character chats (least selective; open for everyone usually).
- Activity is not a must. I am not active myself as I am now a college student (times fly by, huh?) If it appears I have forgotten to respond, I may have thought I did, when in reality I didn’t. It could also be possible that it has been a long time that I feel awkward about replying in case the other person doesn’t have the motivation to continue. Please note this before joining!
- Cussing and violence are expected. Note that as is everything, there is a time and place for it.
- Good grammar and punctuation appreciated, but I know that everyone makes mistakes, as I certainly do.
- Mature RPers preferred as a preference. Any sexual content will be a fade to black sort of deal, though I am willing to push things? If that does happen, it’ll likely go to somewhere private to abide by rule 6.
- All notebook.ai rules apply.
- One paragraph minimum, or at least four sentences. No one liners. At the very least, give me something to work with and I’ll try to do the same for you.
- Any questions? Ask!
and the template
Age: (20-26)
Background: (as short or as long as you want)