@False-andrew flash_on
@emilyevewrites here we are! I'll have a little character template up here soon!
@emilyevewrites here we are! I'll have a little character template up here soon!
Name: Alissa Raven
Age: 25
Sexuality: Lesbian
Villain Name: The Scarlet Maiden
Personality: Alissa makes no efforts to hide that she's a killer, and actually emphasizes this fact with the way she talks and acts. She's very open with her body language towards whoever she's toying with. She tends to get bored with her toys very easily; after she breaks them mentally she tosses them aside, unless she actually likes their body, in which case she keeps them around as slaves. She has a bit of a temper that she uses to her advantage to get what she wants from anyone. She has no issues with torture or manipulation, and she actually practices both regularly. She knows she's very attractive and uses this as well in gaining complete control over people. She is a sadist, a masochist and a psychopath, entirely untrustworthy and just as likely to hurt the heroes as she is to hurt the villains.
Appearance: https://pin.it/1YR1FIk ⎮⎮⎮ She's 6'5" tall, with dark red eyes, black hair and fair, if a little pale, skin. Her lips are as red as her personality.
Powers: She has the ability to control people's bodies completely. She effectively takes control of their emotions, their mind, their blood and bones and uses these to do whatever she wants. While she's using her power, her eyes glow with a crimson light and her hair starts to wave, as if underwater.
Backstory: No trauma, no guiding motives - she just wants to make the world bow at her feet, and is willing to do whatever it takes to do that.
(DAMN I LOVE HER WOW! She actually reminds me of another one of my characters lol. Shall we get started? Would you like to post the starter, or should I?)
(Thank you! I felt she's a bit rough since she's one of my newer creations 😅)
(I'll post the starter if that's okay!)
(Go for it! :))
Alissa stands at the top of the mound of rubble, a hand behind her back while the other holds a flute of wine. At her feet a man is crouched, nearly naked except for a thin slice of cloth covering his groin, holding up a silver platter with a bottle of beautiful red wine.
Her eyes were glowing faintly red and her hair was waving, though there was no apparent source of wind. She was looking down at the clash a few feet away between one of her slaves and a relatively young female villain.
"Nice hit dear! You'd be doing better, however, without the use of restraint. It's so boring to watch you use the same few moves over again as well; change it up." Alissa calls out playfully to the woman who was fighting her slave.
She takes a sip of her wine, her tongue flicking out for a mere moment to catch a stray drop on her lower lip.
She smiles slightly.
"By the way, has anyone ever told you that you have a marvelous figure? You should start wearing dresses. They'd really suit you much better than whatever it is you're wearing now."
Farah was simultaneously enraged and exhausted. She was bleeding from a wound on her temple, which didn't help, and had been fighting the same man for the last ten minutes non-stop. Her muscles were sore and about to give out despite the hours and hours of training she'd endured for this exact purpose. For at least two minutes straight, she'd been seconds away from losing all motor functions and just collapsing.
The only thing that kept her going was the simultaneous insults and compliments coming from the woman standing above them. Farah's mental defenses were strong, and it was the only thing keeping Alissa from getting into her mind and seizing control of her body, as she was doing right now to the man Farah was fighting.
Her legs felt like lead and were barely able to move her out of the way in time to dodge another of the slave's attacks. Thankfully, at least her beautiful updo was staying intact. Mostly. It seriously upset Farah that her wound had caused blood to spill into her hair. Now it would dry, and she'd have to find a way to wash it clean before she looked worse than she felt.
Her breathing was heavy, and it was like her lungs were stuck in her chest and unable to draw in a full breath of air. She glared over at the woman and narrowed her eyes. "Has anyone ever told you that you're a self-absorbed, maniacal bitch?" she retorted breathlessly, trying to ignore the compliment.
(So, Alissa's powers combine cerebromancy [total control of the mind] psychekinesis [total control of the soul] sanguimancy [total control of blood] and total control over bones; she can use each of these powers seperately or all together, which is how she has all her slaves)
"Oh come on! At least I'm gorgeous. With money, power and sex I can get anything I want, any time, so it doesn't matter of I'm an egomaniac or a psychopath. Of course, that doesn't seem to apply to you, but I'll find a way. After all, every hero has her weak spots." Alissa chuckles.
She takes another sip of her wine, looking with distaste at her slave as it falls to the floor, unconscious.
"Now now, that's no fun!" she says crossly. "Here I thought you were having fun."
She sighs and shrugs, downing the last of her wine.
"Oh, well, I suppose it can't be helped." she chuckles, as the slave at Farah's feet starts to convulse violently, as though being torn apart from the inside. With a nasty squelch, the slave explodes, drenching the female hero with blood and covering her with bits of viscera and bone.
The blood on the ground starts to pool together and move, flowing towards her, forming a scythe.
She pulls off her gown, leaving her in just a black and red set of lacy underwear.
"Now, you get to fight me." she says cheerfully, spinning her scythe in one hand.
(Gotcha! :))
Farah's eyes narrowed disapprovingly. "Money, power, and sex? Don't you have any morals?" She stood taller and lifted her chin defiantly. "You won't. I promise you that."
The hero rolled her eyes. "The only one having any sadistic fun here is you," she muttered quietly. But she was quickly distracted from her thoughts by the slave's convulsing. Her eyes widened, and she backed away, but not in time. Farah shrieked as she was covered with blood and other matter from the explosion of the slave's body.
As Alissa spoke again, Farah didn't hear her. She gagged instead and held back her bile. Being covered in the other's blood unsettled her greatly. It was disgusting.
"No, not really. Morals, I find, get in the way of power." Alissa shrugs. "I will. Just wait"
"Oh come off your high horse." she sighs, waving a hand.
Alissa's eyes glow with a sadistic light as she watches Farah hold back her puke.
"What? Can't take the sight of blood?" she teases, walking forward, towards the hero. "You'll be seeing plenty of your own here soon, so get used to it."
Farah forced herself to straighten again and look Alissa in the eye as the villain approached. Her fingers curled into fists at the other woman's words. What the hell was that supposed to mean? Farah's high horse? Did the other woman really think that Farah was enjoying this? Or that Farah would ever enjoy something like this? Absolutely not.
Keeping her mouth shut, Farah's eyes darted around, assessing the scene and the scantily-clad villain approaching her. The hero made sure not to look anywhere other than Alissa's face as she hissed, "You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
(OMG SAME I literally forgot it was April Fools Day until I logged onto nb 😭 I'm doing character pages instead rip)
(I fucking can't…)
(me either lmao- so uh- I'll leave this in my Unread XDDD)
(I don't blame you, but I've been really looking forward to this one. I'm so impatient 😭)
(Bump because the friends are gone ;))
(Or mostly gone… 👀)
(XD yeah i thnk they'll be keeping that-)
Alissa smirks. "Of course love. What would the point of this be, otherwise?"
She brings the scythe up in a hooking motion - like trying to hook a fish - towards Farah's jaw.
She had no real intention of having the blow hit - she just wanted to play around with the hero for a while.
Farah was only momentarily distracted by the remark before her eyes widened at the scythe swinging toward her face. She blenched away and almost slipped. It took her a second to regain herself before her eyes glowed silver-blue and she used her magic to ensure the scythe wouldn't strike her.
Alissa rolls her eyes. "Come on now, don't be like that! Let me have a little fun with you."
A spike of bone comes at Farah from behind, aiming for the outer edge of her right thigh.
To distract Farah, Alissa's scythe changes forms to a longsword and winds its way towards the left side of her chest.
Farah's eyes narrowed further, and she grimaced while using her magic to keep the longsword at bay. She didn't see the bone and didn't even know it was there until a sharp, slashing pain came from her right thigh. The hero gasped and collapsed to her knees. Exhaustion overwhelmed her, but she still tried to pick herself back up.
Alissa smirks as Farah does her best to keep the longsword away, then gets her leg pierced by the bone.
She kicks the girl backwards so she's lying down, and plants her foot on the hero's chest.
"Done so soon?" she says mockingly. "Can't take it anymore?"
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