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forum A Place to Chat About AUs, Fanfics, Roleplays, Fanart & Canon Stuff for Star Vs.
Started by @RiverTheSeawing

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Many people just create threads talking about the canon stuff about shows (at least, I think); however, tonight I'm changing that. Here, you can still talk about canon stuff, but you can also talk about AUs, Fanfic and Fanart. You can advertise your own AUs, Fanfic and Roleplays for fans to check out. I have more than one reason for making this, honestly. First of all, I want to find more Star Vs. fans. However, secondly, I want to advertise my current Star Vs. RP and pitch an idea for another Star Vs. RP I want to make.
Since I don't know if anyone is going to see this, I'm not going to advertise or pitch right away.