@Mojack group
Earth, 2168
It would be incorrect to say that the people of Earth had not struggled. For they had, but at least now, things were somewhat smooth. There were certain things past the tipping point, and all they could do now was try and ease the damage left by their mistakes.
Space travel had entered a revolution in this century, accelerating far faster than it had in centuries past. A colony had been established on Mars, though it was a work in progress. Aside from that, there were permanent bases established on Earth’s Moon — Luna, and several other moons such as the Jupiter and Saturn moons held small stations. Asteroid mining had been figured out, and part of that included overall research into these bodies in space and how they worked — and how we could defend against them.
Overall, humans are improving.
But there’s still one unanswered question. Are we alone?
Humanity has not ventured out from our solar system, at least not directly. The Voyager probes, though long deactivated due to running out of power, are out there, somewhere, an example of our curiosity towards the unknown.
That question may be answered in coming days however, depending on how you go about things next.
You work on a space station. You may have been born on Earth, on a larger station, or even the Mars colony. But whatever your origins are, you’ve ended up on Ceres Station — named after the very same dwarf planet that it is within proximity to. It’s just one of many space stations operating within Sol.
You could have a multitude of jobs to choose from just by working on the station. Maintenance. Security. Communications. Different sects to choose from, whatever your speciality is.
Even then, whatever that speciality is, you may have just found yourself in a place…wrong time?
Maybe right time. Depending how you perceive it.
You’ve gotten a bit of time to go on break, whatever that means to you. A momentary pause in your shift. Time to get a drink or just whatever you need; perhaps a call to someone off station (assuming the communication buoys are working properly).
Except your attention is drawn by something — or rather, someone, acting off. It looks like a member of the security team on the station, except he’s on his own. Usually they travel in pairs at the least — makes things safer and easier. And this guy looks a bit confused as he’s glancing around, discreetly of course — like he doesn’t want people to see his confusion. He’s not noticed you yet, as he gazes out the windows out into the great depths of space.
Something about him sees off, and you can’t shake off the strange feeling you’re getting ever since you noticed him. A feeling of uncertainty. Unsettling.
Brand new sci-fi RP. I’ve written plenty of alien characters with far different cultures and politics/practices to our own, but I haven’t really roleplayed any. Time to change that, maybe?
In this RP, you play the role of a human. The only thing I’ve decided for you is your current place of employment, Ceres Station.
First and foremost, some notes.
- In this new world, stations are more akin to a sci-fi movie nowadays rather than our current space station, ISS. They are large yes, though these modern stations may be bigger for they accommodate the workers within who sometimes stay weeks at a time before being shifted around. Gravity within stations is artificially altered to be able to match ‘Earth gravity.’
- Additionally, Mars is not terraformed. Life on the Martian colonies is still a work in progress, it hasn’t been a full century since they were established back in 2125. However, residents are free to walk around without a suit in certain areas; in ‘bubbles’ so to speak; divided by residential areas and working/research buildings, as well as transport stations.
- Spacesuits in this era are far more efficient to use and move around in. They still require some degree of training usually, and spacewalks must be trained for. They’re also still a bit heavy - hence the need for training.
- Ceres station accommodates a crew of around 225 permanent (shifted around regularly) workers, with daily visitors through the station or just nearby; usually to fuel up or report in for other needs.
- Ceres station, among other similar stations also hosts a variety of checkpoints that include scanners. This is for the safety of the inhabitants; as well as the health of such. Scanners monitor factors such as blood pressure, heart rate, brain activity, etc; and can flag if something seems irregular. They’re also capable of detecting unregistered weapons, though unregistered weapons is usually not a means for immediate hostility and is typically cleared up right then and there. Station workers also carry small scanners sometimes, for personal use (useful for those with health issues — personal scanners are usually specialized and have injection modules for tasks such as an epi-pen. put simply they are a many in one sort of thing)
- Alien intelligence— other sapient species is still a question being looked towards. It is not known whether or not life truly exists outside of Sol, and if so, how advanced is it? Much to the annoyance/anxiety of some, while a first contact protocol has been off and on in terms of talks, there’s been no official one established by the UN.
- My character both hosts an ‘artificial’ human body, and a true alien form. There’s no shapeshifting involved. This can be explained later.
- Translation devices exist…for human languages. There are none for alien ones…at least, not any made by humans.
- Ask before joining — if I do not know your writing style, I will ask for a writing sample with dialogue. Please have one at ready! Do not be offended if I deny you; I am most selective with my limited RPs compared to group RPs or character chats (least selective; open for everyone usually).
- Activity is not a must. I am not active myself as I am now a college student (times fly by, huh?) If it appears I have forgotten to respond, I may have thought I did, when in reality I didn’t. It could also be possible that it has been a long time that I feel awkward about replying in case the other person doesn’t have the motivation to continue. Please note this before joining!
- Cussing and violence are expected. Note that as is everything, there is a time and place for it.
- Good grammar and punctuation appreciated, but I know that everyone makes mistakes, as I certainly do.
- Mature RPers preferred as a preference. Any sexual content will be a fade to black sort of deal.
- All notebook.ai rules apply.
- One paragraph minimum, or at least four sentences. No one liners. At the very least, give me something to work with and I’ll try to do the same for you.
- Any questions? Ask!
Age: (above twenty. alien years are often not the same as human ones; my character will be considered a young-full adult in his species)
Background: (elaborate how you wish; can be brief, can be long, can be point form, etc. keep your secrets or share them; there shall be no meta gaming in this RP)
Other: (anything else — fun facts, notable relations, conditions, likes, dislikes, whatever extras you can think of goes here)