- Normal characters
- Please try to be active for at least once per day. More would be better.
- Please gave decent grammar and spelling
I'll try and get the character temp up as soon as I can
I'll try and get the character temp up as soon as I can
Age: (somewhere between 18 and 25)
Eye color:
Hair color:
Name: Scott Doyle
Nickname(s): Scotty
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Orientation: Male
Nationality: Canadian-American
Appearance: Scott is 6'2" and he is a slightly muscular build, with some minor burn scars on his left arm
Eye color: Grey
Hair color: Dirty blond
Clothing: He wears a plain white t-shirt with a plain grey hoodie over it. He also wears a pair of denim jeans. And he also, wears black combat boots
(What is this about? The title doesn't really make sense to me.)
(Yes pleaseeeee!)
(shbsjdbjdfdhf please can I join i fucking love scps)
(What is this about? The title doesn't really make sense to me.)
(Im saying that youtuber that you sent.)
(This seems interesting??)
(Ooohh okay lol i don't know much about that youtuber)
(This is kind of just about walking into the IKEA separately and then the doors move and we have no idea whats going on. We have to try to survive from the SCP-2008-2 at night. Then eventually we find each other. Do y'all need more of a description or is that good?)
(shbsjdbjdfdhf please can I join i fucking love scps)
Of course!
Name: Malcolm Adams
Nickname: Ibis, Mal
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Malcolm is short, about 5'4", and looks a lot younger than he is. His hair is black and parted in the middle, with the sides shaved. He's skinny, having a distastes for most foods. his eyes are large and innocent, but can create a cold atmosphere in certain situations. He has a burn scar across his collarbone that he got stick is nose into the kitchen ladies business. He walks around in a large beige winter coat, a long-sleeved miffy shirt underneath. he sports simple black ripped jeans and a pair of $2 sneakers from Kmart.
Personality: He has high functioning Autism and is incredibly intelligent, however unbearably blunt about it. He will let you know if you're doing something wrong straight up and will express no mercy about it. He doesn't quite understand certain social cues but can hold an intelligent conversation with people. He's not a bit shy and doesn't show any signs of panic what so ever. He's very level headed and approaches things with a clear, logical mindset. He loves medicine and knows every tiny part of the human body, which also makes him an amazing medic. However, he's quick to trust, is prone to making stupid mistakes, and sensitive to sounds.
(is this still open?)
(Yep! @Ass-1-peas)
Do you mind if I join?
Nope! You can join!
Name: Peregrine Dracule
Nickname(s): None, good luck surviving if you call her 'Perry' or 'Dracula', though.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Appearance: Peregrine's 5'6 and thin, with some muscles and very pale skin. She has narrow, yellow eyes and long, shiny black hair. There's a braid on the right side of her head that's dyed red.
Clothing: She usually wears neutral-colored shirts, with black leggings and tall, brown boots.
Personality: Peregrine's very stoic, and isn't very social. Despite this, she still can talk her way out of situations, if need be. She's very prideful, and would rather die than swallow her pride. She's a quick thinker, and isn't shaken easily.
Other: Peregrine's a skilled swordswoman, and tries to always carry her sword with her.
Thanks! Is William okay?
Name: William Abner
Nickname(s): Will
Age: Twenty
Sex & Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Nationality: British
Appearance: Will stands at about 6’4. He’s thin and pale and gawky, but his figure is filled out just enough that his height doesn’t seem terribly unnatural on him. He has a slender neck leading to a friendly face with a defined, round jawline and the tiniest bits of stubble growing in around it. Following this is a squared, slightly dimpled chin and thin, smooth lips that tilt upwards slightly on either end and rest between some very pronounced dimples. Will has a button nose leading to a pair of friendly dark brown, almond shape eyes. These are usually offset by thin, round glasses, and his curly mess of hair that's naturally the shade of dark chocolate, which tends to cover his round, unobtrusive ears. Said curly mess is at most two-three inches at the top, sides and back of his head, although his bangs are often inconsolably everywhere, and there are typically a few unruly strands that tend to hang a little longer.
Clothing: At the time of entering the store, Will was wearing a black beanie, his glasses, an off-neutral sweater, form-fitting black skinny jeans and a pair of black, high-top Converse.
Personality: Will’s appearance and mannerisms are a bit of a false pretense. He comes off mostly as an innocent teddy bear, and though teddy bear he is, he’s a mischievous, dark humor and innuendo-loving teddy bear. His friends used to be taken aback by his sheer ability to make any situation uncomfortable, but by now they’ve learned to either ignore him or laugh along with him. Asides from this, Will is a kind, respectful soul. He never intentionally takes his jokes too far, and the moment he does he’s already apologizing and searching for a way to make it up. He’s a lot more open around his close friends and family than with strangers, predictably, but it doesn’t take much to break down his initial barriers, although he does tend to fall into many more awkward silences with people he doesn’t know all that well. It's also important to note that William will always, always try to avoid creating conflict, and he's a bit of a pushover when it comes to defending himself.
Other: He’s longsighted, hence the glasses.
(hi im joining ok cool)
(i'll do the thing later)
(lol ok)
Name: Lucas
Nickname: None
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Nationality: American
Appearence: 6'3", short brown hair, wounds on right arm, Wears simple clothes, gray shirt, shorts
Personality: Calm unless messed with, then gets super aggressive.
Other: Spent 3 years in the air force as a pilot and then got shot down and almost killed then discharged
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