language 0.0 What Came Before

The First Gods


Atua, Élet, Ataxia, and Entropy come into existence. For a long time, it is just them. Eventually, Élet distances herself and creates the first dimension - Respite. Similarly, Atua creates Myrkvi, exising there with the gate and key gods.


Auta: got of gods
Élet (Tessi): god of mortals
Ataxia: gate god
Entropy: key

The First Souls


Élet learns she can create simpler versions of the souls that already exist. She creates the first mortal souls.

The creation of mortal souls spurns the birth of major and true gods, without any assistance or interference from Atua.

Élet and Atua decide that it is best to remain distant from these new gods and mortals, and continue to live in their own dimensions.

The First Mortal Worlds


The first mortal worlds are created by the Absolutist of Life, Sauvé. She then proceeds to create the vessels to house the mortals, shed and shaped from her scales. Wyrm are born to safeguard against too much deidic influence in mortal worlds, so they may grow, flourish, and die appropriately.

The First Ambassadors


Atua creates Hari for use as a messenger to interact with the newly born deities in their stead. Some time later, Élet copies this move and creates Kanyak.

Over time, the first generation of major gods also create their ambassadors.