forum I'm stuck!! I need ideas...
Started by @remarkab.le

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I can't continue my story…I need a break. I just can't find the words. So, i must work on something else. Anyone got any writing prompt ideas or something?


I find that when I'm stuck on something or I don't have ANY ideas, it's helpful to listen to music. One of my favorite things to do is look at fantasy drawings. Both get me super inspired (Especially together)


Whenever I get stuck, I just write about a food item or specific object in the story, or try drawing what I want to write. Often times I find that stepping away from words for a little while can help clear my head.


I find something that really helps me get creative is making lists. For example:
100 things that make you happy
The perfect date
Things that remind me of summer

Or something like what Doug said like listening to music. Some of my best ideas come from listening to songs. If you just find one song for your book/ story and listen to it every time before you start writing, it can really focus your mind and get your creativity flowing


think of your main character and make a playlist of songs that describes them. i don't know about you, but i feel like it helps me know my character better.