I've only led an RP twice. One time, I got caught off guard when the guy was handed down to me suddenly and I botched it, but I got my grip back and did well with help. The other time, I just took charge and kicked it in the ass like a boss and everything ran great! Joining is your choice!
- Adultlike subjects are allowed in moderation.
- Don't ask if you can join, just say so.
- Be cool about it.
- You know the rest!
Location: A cool, but shady joint with a neon title sign outside that reads "the Drunken Seraph" outside, along with an "Open 24/7" and a help wanted ad, not to mention a big motorcycle rack. Inside was a wicked booze rack behind the counter, and a sweet pool table. They played classic rock, classic rap, classic country, and modern punk-jazz. Sitting at the counter, is a bartender with neon streaks in her hair, and a decent sleeve tat. In 'Murica!
Time-period: Modern.
Genre: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Drama, Action, Surreal.
Go nuts! This place accepts nonhumans too, so yeah!