forum A Writing Prompt
Started by Mio

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"You sit upon a throne you've made of assumptions and judgments. Let me tell you, that a king who rules on the whim of a thought is a well hated one."


My Take:

My arms are crossed tightly in anger, my nails digging through the fabric of my dress and leaving bruises on my arms. "Father, you sit upon a throne you've made of assumptions and judgements."
I was done with him being this way, done with his stubborn thoughts set in stone. I was done with this argument. He didn't know the prince; he had no idea of what he'd been through. But still, he had the arrogance to assume and say something ill like that about my prince, and straight to my face.
"Let me tell you, father, that a king who rules on the whim of a thought like you do is a well hated one." I turn and storm out of the throne room, furious.
There had been rumors for weeks of people done with my fathers opinions. Rumors of a rebellion forming. I want to be a part of it. In fact, I want to be at the forefront.