forum The Legend of Zelda
Started by @yoshi

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i don't get twilight princess like why is it so realistic. It's also too dark (in a black-ish way, not story-wise)

Deleted user

I think it’s a design like think, and the setting could also be why. I actually love it’s darker toned style…

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That’s nice to hear, I could never beat The Legend Of Zelda Ocorina of time until my brother told me I have to climb to the top of the great deku tree first.

@Becfromthedead group

I kind of used a walkthrough for a lot of Ocarina. I was borrowing the game, so I tried to get through it at a decent speed.
Gotta say Majora's Mask is my favorite though.

Deleted user

That’s great, I got the original Ocarina of Time for N64, and the original copy of Majora’s Mask, but I don’t have an expansion pack so oof…. reminder, I’m 14….

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An N64 expansion pack is the N64’s was of expanding games, some games can’t run because of how many polygons rest on screen, so they require this expansion pack, an example is Donkey Kong 64 and of course, Legend of Zelda Majora’s Mask.

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I did, ,y uncle had all the classics when he was little, my first true video game was Super Mario Bros. 3. Man that game is amazing… so nostalgic…