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For those who either want to discuss and don't care about spoilers or for those who have played and were generally unsatisfied with the ending, I recommend checking out Maximillian_DOOD's Twitch streams, as the ones this week revolve around him replaying the game on Hard Mode and discussing all of the crazy shit that might happen in Part 2 because of how the final segment of the game handles the story.
Check back once your mind has been blown out of your ears, it happened to me too.

@YukiSenoue group
To me, the last chapter is some bad fanfic. I was loving all the additions such as more developed Avalanche, but the last chapter went all mind fuckery for no reason at all.
Maybe I just prefer dead characters to stay dead.
I agree that dead characters should stay dead, as it kind of lessened the impact once I knew most of the Avalanche crew were okay. Then again, I also think that Nomura and Nojima are setting up for some cool shit down the road. Everyone looks to Kingdom Hearts as an example of Nomura's shitty writing, but I think he's since evolved from that and has kept the writing the same for the series because Kingdom Hearts is simply Like That. In an interview, he did mention that he actually prevented Nojima from killing every character save for the two the player chose and Cloud and suggested that only Aerith should die.
In terms of the game's setting, I think all of the major plot points will be the same. You'll have to go to Kalm, swing by Fort Condor, have to go to Junon and Wutai at some point, etc., but they'll be able to expand on what you can do in those areas and the world itself. If we're talking splitting timelines and shit, I think Zack and Aerith will never meet and they won't make it out alive by the end. They HAVE to die, otherwise you get some weird time shit and a whole bunch of angry fans who realize that saving both of them would take away two of the biggest plot points in all of FFVII. Then again, Zack could still take another five steps and be shot in the back like he was in Crisis Core. Who knows.
Also, the big Heartless dickhead was NOT the most Nomurian thing in this game. That's gotta be Rufus. I mean, look at him! Look at those belts! They serve no purpose other than to satisfy Nomura's belt fetish!

@YukiSenoue group
First of all, I freaking LOVE Kingdom Hearts to death and I'll ignore everyone who says it is badly written. Maybe it is, but I don't give a flying frick. I don't wanna get off Mr. Nomura's wild ride!
Maybe all the things you said will happen. I see FFVII REMAKE more a Nojima story than Nomura, who was the director. I'm not angry, I just… I dunno. I need to assimilate some things before going to the Platinum trophy…

@YukiSenoue group
(Rufus is freaking cool in the remake)
(He is though. Like, goddamn! Y'think they'll run wild with the Palmer fight like they did with this one? I want Street Fighter x Tekken levels of slow-mo when he's hit by the truck.)

@YukiSenoue group
And OH GOD I LOVE BARRET IN THE REMAKE. FFVII OG translation really messed up his characterization, the remake fixed it and made his more awesome!
Nier vs Barret, who's the best papa in the videogame media????
I've never played NieR, so I assume Barret. I'm watching Maximilian's playthrough of FFVII on Hard Mode now, and I absolutely love listening to Barret in Mako Reactor 5 talking about poses and shit for when they beat the Airbuster.