@Becfromthedead group
Anyone played any games from the series? I've played 5 and I'm working on p4 right now 👀
Anyone played any games from the series? I've played 5 and I'm working on p4 right now 👀
(gonna ignore how old this is bc p5 is my jam) p5 slaps so hard,, played p5 strikers and working on p5 royals currently! i've also seen p5 the animation and watched some playthroughs of p5 since i don't own a playstation to play the game myself
Oh my god, I totally forgot I posted this lmao
I'm also working through P5 royal. I played the base game some years ago on my SOs playstation, but I started playing royal since they released it on PC. Also watched the animation a while back, but never did strikers. And a few weeks after originally posting this thread, I did a Yusuke cosplay :) I also have a black cat so I slapped a yellow bandana on him and called him morgana
lmao i love that!! my partner did an ann cosplay a while back lol
also apparently p4 golden is coming to switch so i might play that too at some point bc the only console i own is a switch rip
Ooh, nice! That's my only console as well, but I mainly use my pc, and do Nintendo exclusives there. P4 golden is 100% worth it though. I'm not sure it's fair to say I like it better than p5, but that's how good it is.
Except for this one dungeon where I had to fight the boss like 6 times :///
I'm actually thinking about putting together a Makoto outfit but idk
I would love to convince my so to do a joker costume, they'd kill it tbh
oooh that sounds so cool! idk which character i'd cosplay from it bc i don't rly cosplay much but it would be fun i think?? my s/o is trying to get me into cosplaying so we will see
I do it pretty casually, I've never been to a con or anything (though I would love to make a trip soon) and don't have the money to do elaborate stuff.
But I figure I look enough like Makoto to make that one work. I don't really do wigs since I can't afford a nice one. Mostly try to work with what I have
that's fair lol,, i have a lisa cosplay from genshin impact bc my friend and i were gonna go to a con but that ended up not happening and i'm too self conscious to like post it anywhere so idk what to do with it rn lmfao. my s/o does like whole photoshoots and shit with their friends tho so that's pretty cool. maybe they'll end up roping me into it, we shall see.
Ooh that's fun. Lisa's one of my favorite genshin characters though I don't play a lit anymore.
Do you have a favorite p5 character? I'm not sure I have one definitive fave, but Yusuke is for sure my favorite party member, and I love Sojiro and Tae
hmm i do like all of the phantom thieves + co a lot (mishima is an honorary phantom thief in my mind despite his whole power going to his head arc), but i'd have to say ryuji!
I liked Ryuji my first playthrough but I love him even more now lmaooo
I like messing with him and Mishima when the dialogue options allow it
SAME!! also don't get me wrong i love the girls in p5r but i wish there was an option to romance ryuji bc he and joker have so much chemistry! also i hate how you can romance actual adults including the teacher, that's so weird
Yeahhh ngl hate that. Listen, I LOVE Tae and Kawakami, but I doubt they're any more than a decade older than me irl
Also romancing Futaba feels so icky :///
She's literally a middle schooler
I'm definitely pro Yusuke as an option as well. Like. You literally do date stuff with him. Granted I do still have a soft spot for Makoto x Joker.
AGREED romancing futaba feels like romancing the mc's sister as well so like double whammy T-T
that is so valid, atlus is homophobic for not making yusuke or ryuji options >:(
makoto x joker is also valid, i love makoto sm!! while my favorite joker ship will always be him and ryuji, i do also like him and hifumi as well
this is a hifumi stan acc
Yeahhh it really is gross :((( I also personally refer to Sojiro as "dad" so it's even worse lmao
And I do wish there were guy romance options instead of adults :/
Big fan of Hifumi, she was top 3 in my first playthrough and I had to make a choice. Ended up going with Haru, but realized after that 90% of that was bc I absolutely adore her VA and she voices one of my other video game crushes lolll
ooh nice! if anything i'll probs romance hifumi on my current p5r playthrough bc i love her
and yeah why couldn't they add male romance options instead of full adults like wtf,, you're telling me we can romance joker's teacher who literally talks about how she's too old for the maid industry and not ryuji or yusuke?? bro
but yeah i love all of the phantom thieves and their interactions with each other are so nice
Makoto is just like me for real :(((
Reminds me of myself in high school lmao
I love persona 3 with my whole heart and soul but whenever I talk about it people look at me like im insane because they either dont know it or think im a nerd
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