@Becfromthedead group
what is this??
what is it about?
It’s a tactical fantasy RPG, if you want the shortest possible explanation
i think i'll pass just cause i'm not really familiar with this stuff but have fun!
So which FE games have you played? I've played everything Awakening and onward. I'm playing through Shadow Dragon right now. Haven't played the older ones because I don't have any sort of access and Nintendo won't port them to their newer systems.
i haven't really played any.
Yeah, I was talking to @(CCC-Cool-Cat-Cult)The-Little-Weeabo-Is-Very-Happy.-That-Doesn’t-Mean-She-Won’t-Sell-Her-Soul-To-Satan-To-Make-Tododeku-Canon.
If you're interested in actually playing though, they do have a free mobile game if you want to test the waters. Isn't nearly as good as the actual games, but I figured I'd put that out there.
okay thanks but i'll pass sorry i got confused, bye!
So which FE games have you played? I've played everything Awakening and onward. I'm playing through Shadow Dragon right now. Haven't played the older ones because I don't have any sort of access and Nintendo won't port them to their newer systems.
I’ve played Shadow Dragon, and the first one on an emulator(really do not recommend it.), I just got Awkening two days ago.
I absolutely love Awakening, memes aside. The gameplay is fun and the characters are great.
I’m in love with all the characters in the game, I cry every time they kill one of them…
Sully is best girl fight me
Oof I don't have a favorite. Best girl is probably Cherche or Maribelle for me though. Maybe Sumia.
Sumia is precious but best girl is Sully, she even curses! Full package!
That's fair. But uh… I never use Sully because usually you pick one from the red/green cavalier duo and stick with them, and I've never not chosen Stahl… he's best husband, hands down. Well… maybe.
Oh yes he is, I always use Stahl, but never Sully because she SUCKS. She’s always the one to get killed first, along with Sumia.
Yeah. I usually end up breaking Sumia, though. She's a lot of work, but you have to drag Chrom around somehow. My favorite thing to do is to give every possible character galeforce and make their kids inherit it. So she's always a dark flier, at least for a while.
I made Sumia a Falcon thing, it’s very helpful, increasing health and defense (which I use the most), and MC is usually with Chrom, mostly because I just really like to keep Chrom with a slow character, I’m weird.
Also can we talk about how broken Fredrick is in the beginning of the game? You could probably beat the first few chapters with just Fredrick.
Yeah. That's Jagen units for you. Usually he becomes useless around chapter 15 for me though. I also try not to use him so he doesn't steal exp.
I'm kind of working on a lunatic run, so I'm trying to build up the characters I'll need later.
I recommend evolving Robin(MC) and Chroms class as fast as possible if you do that, I’m on normal and I’m stuck because I keep switching my teams up.
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